9.05 valor system is a giant waste of time

thx for proving my point about toxic people excluding others using toxic addon and devs doing nothing about this.

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It’s my key, why wouldn’t i make sure i maximize my chances of completing it by not adding people that i don’t deem good enough to bring to my key?

When will this mess system gets fixed?
There was a test realm before right?

There is nothing toxic about using raider io or ensuring the best possible chance of success for your key.

there is everything toxic about using addons to exclude others from your runs.

this is where toxicity start and this is where people start leaving game in droves when they are constantly excluded from content in games.

You don’t have a right to invite yourself to someone else’s pug run of any kind. They are free to set whatever requirements they wish. I can not fathom this attitude that you have the right to ruin someone else’s mythic plus, raid, rbg, arena etc. Addons and websites allow players to see the experience of the players applying. That is not toxic, it’s common sense. The objective is to succeed. Everyone is going to give themselves the best possible chance of doing that.

Auto queue content is there for all to access with no effort required apart from meeting a very minimal ilvl usually.

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So what you’re saying is that i am basically not allowed to pick the people i think i am going to succeed the most while doing my key. I should blindly invite sub 200ilvl, sub 1k rio people to my +15 to give them a chance at content they clearly arent capable of doing just because i am a “toxic” player using a “toxic” addon
You know i could just use the armory instead right if raider io didn’t exist

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Well, I’m already done with grinding dungeons. I’m not doing it again.

I’ve KSM I want a vendor and uncapped points like honor each week to upgrade my gear. PvP is still the fastest way to get geared…

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short story yes

longer story - the irony when you are accusing others of looking for carry when you are looking for others to carry you yourself.

the much longer story - game is very overtuned in every single possible aspect and its breeding pure toxicity - because even people who are supposedly doing “hardmodes” are looking not at chalenge only how to make m+15 into having difficulty of lfr by invinting only super hiper experienced people - very often much more experienced then they themself because they cannot do it at proper itlv and with others also with proper itlv while pretending how big cojones they have .

Well got a short story for you then as well: i aint inviting low ilvl/low rio pugs to my keys just because i get called toxic on a forum

Thus proving them right.
By all means, your group your rules.

It is not toxic not wanting to throw your own key.

I meant about not inviting people out of retaliation of discussions in the forum.
The way the keys are designed, it makes sense to not want to throw them. That is why I am against keystones determining the M+ level. I believe they should just unlock the ability to do the dungeon in M+ and let people select the level.

The very M+ core design is breeding negative sentiments in PuGs, this is why I try to do with with the guild only.

and thats completly separate huge problem and fault of blizzard which im honestly shocked playerbase didnt fight them about in serious way from moment m+ were created.

for designing system in way where you can “lose” your key .

system in m+ should work like thorgast works atm - you pick any difficulty in any dungeon you want - once you do it in time you can do dificulty +1 - if you dont - tought luck try again . cant complete difficulty X ? you have dififculties X-1 … X-n to choose from . thats how well designed system would work in perfect world.

this would also hugely reduce amount of toxicity - and seeing how we dont have any AP/TF this expansion people have 0 reason to spam 1 dungeon like maw of souls from legion

i do blame blizzard for designing system that is inherently toxic just to drag DAU and MAU metrics instead valuing players experience in game.


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