9.05 valor system is a giant waste of time

It’s actually quite fun, but after a run or 2 I have to downgrade the key on my alts. In the long run this will create artificial player scarcity in the mid range keys I think.

tbh i spam +10s - +13s on several chars… i havent actually felt any scarcity so far. i think because it saves Players valor use to get a Mid Ranged ilevel drop then a low one 220s Spamming specific dungeons is currently keeping it very much alive.

the long term effect however is unknown.

but i feel ALOT of seasons get this way in mid range even BFA…

in low levels u got LOTs of applicants and 15+ got loads of applciants… but 9-14s Didnt get alot of attention atleast comparitively.

Well, it’s impossible for me to do +10 on 185 SV in tyrannical week(unless I’m heavily carried), so I downgrade them. As far as valor capping, it’s a short term effect for sure. Weekly 750 is less than the valor you’d get for your weekly 10 +15, so after the initial 5k is capped it’ll probably stop.

Im already above 220 dude.

This system still sucks even if you are getting boosted for free

boosted? not really. seems like the average insult of today. Im of perfect ilevel to do the content and my DPS is Fine comparitively to majority of theirs outside some 220 odd boomkin which is outputting 8k DPS…

But i do invite People of my own ilevel aswell… i generally just decide what classes i want for my run and invite the first ones who apply with those classes. aslong as they meet a minimum ilevel ofcourse i qaint gonna inviote a 180 Druid because i want a druid.

its not being “Boosted” to not top a DPS Meter. its considered “boosted” when ur wildly under the ilevel to perform in the enviroment. if it was so reliably “boosted” i’d be doing +15s…

not Depleting keys And jumping around 10-13s.

sounds like your bitter abouit the system and just looking for ways to take a dump on others parade for thinking the change has some positive to it.

what exactly “sucks” About the system lol.

I think the “middle” (keys) has collapsed. Most keys i see now are high. Few low ones. Even less middle keys. Looks likepeople are not pushing keys accross the board.

I am not doing M+. I lost interest as i suspect most have now that the rewards are nill. Not even the desire to push keys for the sake of getting a better number and rio is enough this time to make me want to do them.

If you provide unrewarding content then dont be surprised if people do not do the content.

Valor did nothing for even the mid level players. Just flooded the 10 to 14 range of mythics with higher rio’s, still looking for same rio people to run lower keys. So they can speed run them and farm what little val they need for the odd 1 or 2 bits of gear.

If anything, the usual 50 declines for every accept I got previously, got worse. Melee dps with low 800 rio. I regret not simply doing Mists 0,2,4,6,8,10+ As it seems was the fast way. I grinded through each dungeon till I hit 9/10 on them all. That places an anchor on my ability to get in a pug, as I am behind on rio. Gears 215, dps normally in top 2 but low rio now (anything under 1k gets sniffed at at 10+). So… I’m trapped.

Oddly, my newish war alt, hit it lucky, boosted through a +2 nw so fast I don’t think I even got to finish a rotation by the time we were sprinting to next 3 or four pack pulls… 1400 rio tank, heal and 2 dps with 1k rio… inv for my +2… They were not interested in doing the +4 after. Seeing pugs in my realm in the 3 to 8 range, you need to look at bottom of the listings. All waiting for a tank and heal.

I did not pay to spend my time watching M+ lists, applying and waiting half the time I have for an inv. Val for now, has made things worse for me, not better.

Valor system would of worked if this was on launch day but I guess Blizzard are clueless? do they have actual game developers or just preachers that like to talk bull?

Lower keys are getting flooded with very high IL players. For my 4 key i was getting 220’s left and right. This is going to go on till they have their BIS item and then upgrade them never to be seen again in the lower ranks.

VP was not very well thought out and has achieves attached to it that will only alienate even more players away from the game.

People said BFA was beta for azaeroth but SL is far far worse. 4 months in and we are only now starting to see some kind of start of balancing.

I get it was covid ect. But to release SL the way it was and then spend the next 4 months tuning it reeks of early release for the sake of DOLLARS and fear of losing players.

Instead they relased it and now most are gone anyway.

They clearly implemented it to make alts catchup this patch and to make gearing a bit easier next patch
of course if you are 220+ it’s not going to benefit you

You wont benefit if you did not do all 5’s, 10’s or all 15’s either as you need those achieves. So no matter how much VP you farm you still need those achieves.

Sad system really.

Here. We give you a currency that is tied to an achieve (15’s) that less than %15 got in last expansion.

Pathetic. The more i play this the more i cant wait for my time to run out

i mean i can understand the +15 issue but 10s are pretty easy to pug even on fresh characters
I don’t think that it’s a major roadblock by any means and it incentivizes you to push harder content but hey that’s my opinion right

IT is made to target bis Pieces. IT is a very good change.

If this change was targetted to keep its audience. Then it wasn’t because it failed miserably.

The systems a positive you are right but it’s not gonna stop people quitting

Currency isnt tied to achievements, itemlvls upgrades are. You are getting same amounth of valor for +2 as you do for +15. Ofc you will need some sort of way to measure player achievement of beating challenhing content so you actualy deserver 220 items. Like did you seriously expect that you will just farm some low +2 keys and buy 220 from vendor?

as always people want the best (in this case almost best) possible gear without putting in any amount of effort

You cant upgrade items from M+ unless you have the achieves. So how is this not tied to achieves?

Sure. You earn it but if you cant spend it then they are tied to achieves.

i spend last night olike half of hour trying to get into +10 HoA or Plaguefall on this 217 toon. so that my alts could at least have a tiny benefit from valor. no chance. so i gave up - not playing game to get ddeclined for hours.

tell me how it is "pretty easy to pug on fresh character - i dare you .

i remind you - +10 drops 203 itlv loot.

garbage system in what is atm garbage game. purely due to blizzards design and toxic raider io


It’s easy if you are the keyholder, due to the volume of well geared characters farming AP and doing what they deem easy keys.

It is very amusing being rejected for lower keys atm even with a reasonable score and gear, they are just inundated with applications.

Once the initial valor craze has died down it should get easier again for people to just do keys. Maybe you can go with friends or guildies in the mean time?

Extremely easy if you push your key and weed out people using the rio addon