9.1 patch notes

It isn’t “gone” though. They can still keep you permaslowed in the same-ish way. The only difference is that it’ll require keeping the slow curse up at the same time, which ticks infinitely with corruption up (so now you can’t even get rid of the slow when you choose to dispel corruption).

It’s just promoting more of a hit & run-gameplay design vs. affli locks like this, if you have nobody to dispel the slow curse. Because even with dispels on corruption, the duration of the slow curse will keep increasing by just applying/reapplying corruption as much as possible.

If they don’t buff it’s hp this is gonna still be crap :s

Oh hell no, that’s just as annoying.

yeah but where is deep freeze this isnt funny anymore

What’s even worse is that by them playing a setup where the other dpser does the slowing, they can do the same thing with any other curse in the same way with that legendary change. So if you’re not gonna be playing a comp with a curse dispeller, then you’ll be sh!t out of luck and have to LoS as much as you can.

What is that? 8 yard to reduce someones range of spells and abilities?
total trash.

someone posted the tooltips of all the new talents if anyone wants to read them

  • Sacrolash’s Dark Strike (Runecarving Power) has been redesigned – Corruption damage is increased by 25% (was 15%), and each time Corruption deals damage, it extends the duration of all your Curses active on the target by 2 seconds (was Corrupted targets movement speed slowed by 50%).


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This has to be a troll. There’s no way anyone would come up with something THIS bad…

We’re losing Heartstop for this, omg…

This garbage needs to be removed and replaced with a completely different talent. Preferably one that’s actually worth taking…

I mean, it’s an ok talent for peeling for a ranged partner. But DKs are a typical target to kill anyway since their selfhealing is scuffed, so that talent really doesn’t accomplish much outside of RBGs. :rofl:

I am really thinking to abandon dk at this point.

Considering what cool stuff the other classes are getting, I’m close to doing so as well. This is just a joke. Again, we’re losing Heartstop Aura for this incredibly niche garbage support talent. This is unacceptable.

Remove this talent and replace it with something that’s actually string and helps US, not our allies. I don’t know who’s trying to turn DKs into supports, but I hope they get removed from designing this class.

This is legit the first time in years I’ve actually been angered by something like this.

what a let down

mistweavers being allowed to port while stunned or passively pre-feint/pre-bear stuns seems really silly. doubt they can die ever now. also one reactive, one passive, why? can’t even get cc out of stuns now. can db sheep or blind i guess, sounds annoying for hunter teams as well?

hemotoxin looks kind of absurd (40% wound poison for 9s after shiv which is a 25s cooldown), and the third option after system shock and smoke bomb is already kind of open for the spec so it slots in easily.

master assassin seems dead. best case 1 crit global from a restealth, realistically 0. pretty bad. probably play other legendaries.

the shadow rift thing sounds pretty funny. MLx? do it out of a sheep or a rep or a clone or something, hoj/bash behind pillar.

the chaos bolt buffs kinda scary. 10% and 40%? yes they’re removing focused chaos but now you can havoc it plus it opens up a talent slot.

improved mass dispel seems so useless? when would you want that? maybe there’s a good use for it.


Random battlegrounds. Definitely not a thing for rated though, there are much better options to take.

I don’t know, class has already a bottom tier representation in both bracket and they are doing this. I understand that heartstop aura was op, but removing it and giving trash like that when spec is already struggling? Forced to reroll from unholy to frost and then nerf frost too, what a joke. They removed hs and gave us 1/3 of icy touch.

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I agree that Heartstop was indeed strong. But to replace it with this junk feels like a slap in the face. They need to remove this talent and go back to the drawing board.

Passive CD increases is just poor design tbh. But yeah, DKs seems like they’ll be phased out of rated gameplay with the PTR notes so far, it’s absolutely vital for them to be able to selfheal consistently to survive in a meta like that.

Would’ve preferred a change like making heartstop on-use instead of removing it.

It’s nerf in fact because Focused Chaos is removed. The only benefit is that you can Chaos Bolt two guys.

Maybe as shadow when facing RMX or hunter teams so they’re forced to either go on you, have proper constant cross CC on you or save an interrupt for it on each setup. Probably more of a caster cleave thing as well for shadow.