9.1 pvp gearing is going to make people quit

So basicly the next season starter gear will be worse than this seasons gear and requires a massive grind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91_VAs2QgqU

Time to call it quits. :wave:


Just unsubbed now :thinking: if pvp improves i’ll come back but for now it’s the biggest waste of time


This is why you shouldnt make videos if you dont know what you are talking about many mistakes in this video yes it is gated behind renown meaning on around week 4-5 you will be able to full upgrade honor gear for alts and when he was showing the ammount of honor to upgrade these pieces he did not look at the fact that blizzard added a new feature so you can just upgrade straight to the desired rank you want and it has all the honor combined of all the ranks before.

That doesn’t change the fact that the system is still trash. I’m done caring though.


I guess it’s bugged?
You still need to upgrade it rank by rank atm on ptr but the upgrade of a 2h weapon from 1 to 7 is 14,5k honor. He was for some reason adding random numbers, ignoring the already used honor for the previous ranks. He said something like 38k honor? That’s definitely wrong :joy:

That literally does nothing, you still need exactly the same amount of honor for the upgrades

Wdym by same? Because it’s definitely not what the guy calculated in the vid :grin:

Then no idea what he did there but I just assume that you spend the same amount of honor by upgrading it 1 by 1 to max rank if you just upgrade it to max rank instantly, it just saves you a few clicks

I just double checked. The amount of honor to get a 2h honor weapon from 1 to 7 is exactly the same we have now live. (14250)

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Imo it’s a huge error to not have a bigger ilvl jump for the new season. Basically, if you didn’t play this season, you start at a major disadvantage.

This error is also causing issues in PvE too as the new mega dungeon is basically pointless to anyone who played in 9.0.

Devs basically have no idea what they’re doing.


full honor gear upgrade (which is 216, 229 in pvp) needs renown 61, so that 4-5 week is more like 9-10 week lmao and that 10 week is only for 229 so only 3 ilvl higher than duelist gear from season 1

So ? you can afk to get this gear legit afk and just press W every few minutes … its the reason its higher renown so the meta is to not afk or bot in battlegrounds…

That’s already the case?

true true, but lets see this in another perspective, someone didnt play s1, or wanna roll another char for pvp what are the options? one option is to farm the honor gear as soon as you can right? which is 210 ilvl and then of course go into arena to farm your conquest right? but wait, you will face people 226 ilvl from previous season hmm. option 2 is to just wait that 10 weeks and THEN que arena when you have the 229 honor gear, but wait if the prev season gear guys started playing week 1, then after 10 weeks they are already way above you again hmmm and of course theres the secret option 3, you just yolo and go play arena in a 16 ilvl disadvantage and sloooowly getting your pieces with 20% winratio,i might be wrong, if you or anyone here know the solution im listening even tho i have the gear so im personally not affected.


well yes, but many quit. So they were looking at 9.1 in hope it changed, but it won’t, it will even be worse so people will not come back or quit quickly again anyways

That will not work either.
Don’t forget you got conquest cap and after 3 weeks you only got 1-2 items from conquest which are also not high level compared to those who push already up. So the ilvl disadvantage stays from beginning to end.

  1. option:
    yolo your conquest gear over the course of 12 weeks with 0 fun, buy a boost and try upgrade as much as you can within 1 week or buy a second boost for 1 win in the next week.

  2. option:
    farms M+10s in the beginning and hope you get some vers gear. M10 will drop 230 ilvl gear which outgears the current glads. Unfortunately you need to live in a basement to get the gear drop within a reasonable amount of time

Do the battleground wins each day that is the solution as you dont need gear to gain conquest you can do the 550 cap each week without having to spam arena and by week 10 your alt will be caught up if you wanted to just jump straight in with an alt then no it wont work as thats not how this expansion works.

Can we please fire major of these problems ION ? He is doing one terrible decision after another one… And when you think its over he makes another one…U know , u can start fixing problems one by one but solving root problem can save u a lot moneys and time after all…

Yes, yes! Thank you! We know this expa sucks mentos…

What blizz should do is this:
1). No ranks on PvP gear.
2). PvP honor gear is itemlevel 240 in pvp (200 or 210 in pve)
3). PvP conquest gear is itemlevel 250 in pvp (240 in pve)
4). All other gear is scaled down to 240 ilevel if it’s above
5). More PvP rewards

Edit: Also all effects are disabled in PvP, like gems etc, so there should be no grind outside of PvP. Maybe even remove legendary effects or tie them to some PvP item, like weapon