9.1 pvp gearing is going to make people quit

I think:

  • Honor gear still should be at least 15-20ilvl below the conquest gear
  • unrated pvp like random battlegrounds or skirmish should scale to the very same ilvl so you can practice your new class or just enjoy BG while you farm honor.
  • removing borrowed power should only exist in a new arena mode. You can do only pvp + torghast and be very decent In pvp gear wise of course. They added a new currency to obtiain sockets which is nice.

13 ilvl lower would probably be the sweetspot.

at ilvl 213 you feel fine against 226 players while still being at a big disadvantage but at least you COULD outplay your opponents for a win

Yes I agree 13 ilvl difference is playable. I won a lot with even with more gear difference and actually lost some where I felt that if I wouldn’t play with 30 ilvl diff (just half of it) I could win the game with skill.

A good example when you outkite a well geared ret you force out 2 bubble you almost win the game and the ret oneshots you at the very end with a triple critted divine toll

How about no? You are not better than the other guy who wanted pay2win. There should be as little difference between honor and conquest as possible. Boosted players don’t deserve to keep the rank just because they got better gear.

But of couse what would I expect from a BM hunter who only got his broken gear because he plays the strongest 2v2 class. Of course this kind of person would try to justify his overwhelming gear advantage.

Mate your best all time record is 1750 and your seasonal best not even hits 1.7 of course its only because you play dk hahahaha. Well whatever of course Im class boosted ^.^

I hate it when people use the old “you haven’t hit higher than this rating” which means your opinion on anything PVP is invalid. Toxic and nerdy attitude.

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Dont misunderstand me I dont really care whats his rating but he started to personally attack me for something he thinks that is a real problem. He didnt event read the whole forum he just attacked me. Then of course I have to somehow tell him that the most issue is in his game and viewpoint but of course it doesnt mean casuals or non pvp fans shouldnt hit at least 1.8 for elite tmog.

I always said that 1.8k should be reachable to literally anyone. 2.1k should be reached for ppl who put some effort into pvp but they still have things to learn. 2.4k and glad mount should be for ppl who love pvp over pve and they put effort in the game, they know other classes and they can manage cd but they still do a few mistakes along the games. And rank1 for everyone else who play together for years, they do almost 0 mistakes and they know the perfect script against every comp and play the meta.

Maybe you should be the one to read the whole forum because the topic is pretty clearly about the gear disadvantage. That you are supporting.
What’s the point for me to even play the game if every game I que is against 226 geared people? I ain’t even gonna try, there are better games for this.

Rating bash might be not nice but it makes sense. When some R1 player is talking about X and some 1,1k guy with negative win ratio tries to argue against that, then it obviously make sense to bring up CR and experience. It’s absolutely valid.
Now, when some 2,7k and 2,4k argue (recent season, not something like BFA S4), that’s a different story, here you would be right.

Let’s be honest here, this is not the case. Is your DK the only char you played arena this season or are you hiding the rest?

It is. Unlike mr. tournament player I am not going to wait an hour to find a teammate to lose games with against better geared people. 90% of all arena games I played was at gear disadvantage. I sadly cannot show you 10000 years of r1 experience to win every game at a disadvantage so I rather play something else which is more fun than wasting my time here.

I understand that but there are also other ways to find a mate, right?
I hope we do agree that not playing the game but claiming X and Y while evidently lacking experience is plain wrong, do we?

Me neither. But I promise you, you will get all the experience needed by just playing the game. You have 137 games played in 2s, at 1,6k cr, >50% win ratio, probably better than most hardstucks. So what exactly is the issue? Statistically you are winning more than you are losing. Do you just want arena to be easier so you can have a faster climb?
I assume you are playing without voice and as you said you are also playing with random people, instead of getting a mate. So why does this (gear) disadvantage, which you have absolutely zero control over, matter that much but the disadvantage, you put yourself willingly into, seems to be irrelevant? As someone who played over 4k games this season, I can tell you that playing with a proper mate and voice, will help you so much and it will make you understand that gear does not matter as much as you think right now it does.

Yes? Why are you making it sound like it’s a bad thing?

Please tell me you are trolling.

Because you expect a system to be adjusted around your needs? Do I really have to elaborate why it’s a bad thing that something has to be build around your entitlement?

Of course it’s just an assumption but someone who played only 137 games it seems like you didn’t really try to find anyone. I know LFG people have absurd requirements and idk what kind of the LFG people you are but besides LFG there are other options as well, I guess we do agree?

Buy boost or quit the game?

Na just don’t be salty and/or toxic. Will help you to find people to play with. Some people just can’t take losses. Don’t be one of them and that’s about it :slight_smile:
There is just this weird rumor that some people don’t care about rating and actually play for fun. But if you want the easiest way possible and only care about rating, sure, get a boost or quit the game, I guess.

now that you 2 talked about lfg im actually curious about something, so pvp gear scales up in pvp right? so when someone sign up for lfg arena/ratedbg it will show the scaled up ilvl or the outside ilvl? or maybe you need to sign up with warmode on to show the scaled up ilvl? any1 tested this on ptr?

or spend more time in the game and get better? 137 games is a ridicilous low amount of games.

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You guys are talking like there is a teammate waiting to play with you behind every tree. It takes more time to find a healer than to play a game, and that’s after lowering your standarts by a lot.
And gear difference is just a cherry on top.

Haven’t tested it on PTR, but in WoD it only showed the ilvl before being scaled up iirc.
Although of course, that was before war mode was a thing.

On wowhead it says the conquest gear is alot higher than what you’re saying.
unranked conquest gear is 220 ilvl, and the rival ‘1800’ one like you say is 240 outside of pvp situations and goes up to 253 in pvp content.
And duelist is 246 and increases to 259 in pvp content.

The honor gear at lvl 7 is 216 and increases to 229 inside pvp content.