9.1.5 Character Customizations: New and Improved You

It took me several restarts to enable posting again and what is worse… the absolute terror that hit me, sweat on my brow, pure panic…they had made me a Member :cry:

I’m guessing but maybe they did some update on the forums. Several friends seem to have that no game time message.

Yes I had that, then I had a message congratulating me on my Trust Level promotion to Member er, okay and I didn’t have a temper tantrum, honest I didn’t :innocent:

Edit: It did rectify itself though, so no complaints :smiley:

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So when are worgen and goblin actually getting customisation instead of just a HD reskin make over with 1-2 new additions.

Having 30-40 eye colours isn’t really customisation.

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You understand that for decent chunk of players that do not play those particular races this article falls flat and borderline misinformation.

It’s not like every race got updated.

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And most races did get an update last time.

Nothing for undeads and mechagnomes. Bad developers are still bad.


they are ofc focused on most used races. elves.
undead, mechanothings, dwarves and other are not so often played so they could wait for these.

Mechagnomes is the least played race, what makes you think they’ll actually do ANYTHING for them? Literally unplayable

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Why you cry little 0.1% race

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Welcome back

Depends what races were talking about, for a fact the only reason worgen have as much customisation as they do is because of eye colours, not actual unique customisation.

I’m happy people think most races got something with SL but worgen were short changed ontop or being 2 expansions late with a model update as it was. If you cut out 10 eye colours they have less worgen form customisation than the men kul tiran do.

Idk having a 2 to 4 recolours and just 1 new ear and facial hair (iirc) isn’t really customisation, we didn’t even get dk colours but pandaren did.

It sounds entitled but damn no shame given not even having a allied race to alternate too

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They need options before players play them maybe?

LOL. gnomes had options. still unpopular. nobody plays junk ugly race without good racials.

mechagnome racials were nerfed to the ground not upset horde players, the special crybaby faction

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Some updates were really disappointing though.
Some races definitely got much better stuff than others.

Mechagnomes had very few options and the body options are just so badly implemented.
They should at least have the option to change their limbs to ‘normal’ limbs. Because the way it is now, basically all transmog except for their heritage armor looks horrible on them.

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I agree with your post, but also you need to understand WHY no one at blizz cares about gnomes, least popular race. even if all gnome mains quit they will not even care

I get it. Hell, they could remove every race and just keep Blood Elves, Humans and Night elves and most people would still be fine. It speaks volumes of the playerbase and them wanting ‘pretty’ characters.

I’m not saying every race was looked at, they weren’t. Not all races that did get updates got the same amount either.

It’s just such a shame that every time something positive comes out people have to rain down negativity all over it.

I hope they carry on with updates at regular intervals now they’ve finally realised how much the playerbase likes them.


I don’t know if you ever saw the templates for customisations that Sigfrieda did? There was one template they did for an Ice Troll, it was so unusual and looked amazing, when I saw it I immediately wanted to make one. But… yeah I do love my Belf/Nelf too.

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