9.1.5 Content Update Preview

A friend really wants timewalking M plus, I can’t see the appeal myself unless it’s just another way of doing the TW weekly quest.


exactly, takes a lot more than this to bring players back, good start at least


Dude. This stuff got more more excited than whole SL. I hope they let it stay. No score needed, just let us push it when we want to!

Im dumb :stuck_out_tongue:


Torghast is fine tbh, lair unlocking is account wide now and with soul cinder you can get a high level leggo super fast while stocking up on soul ash for other leggos. Make a group and you have your torghast done in like 45 min a week. I also really like trying to go for perfects on my main too.

WoW has always be edgy.

The Maw is pretty much optionnal content.

If they are going for a 3 patches expansion this will be the half way point, and people have very short memories. We could have a Legion situation were people despised it in it’s first part but the following patches were great and determined the perception people have of the whole xpac. Though Legion also stood on it’s great merits so we will see if patches 9.2 and 9.3 will deliver on that front, but this patch open the door to this being a possibility.

Didn’t ya said that you wanted to make a choice and live with the consequences of said choice ?


I like damage control mode… can we have it all the time?


gg guys, now it’s time for playable murlocs, possibly for both factions: bluegill for the alliance, and redfins for the horde.
make them escaped slaves from the tyrannic grasp of queen azshara.


If I may, is it feasable to have a look at things like these that could really do something to help rp as shadowlands in terms of lore and settings causes many players to really struggle at the moment?
Thank you in advance!


Yes, you just need to skip .0 and .1 patches.


So no mage tower for Legion Timewalking?


I agree with the complains that this should’ve been done at the start or a long time ago, but, i will give credit were it’s due and make a positive take on this.

Thanks for listening to our feedback, much appreciated.

The only thing missing to make this perfect is to enable a way to send anima to alts :3


Maybe that Anima deposit thingy on Korthia is so advanced technology, that you can choose the “storage” where it should end up (also alts). … One can dream. :wink:


I LOVE YOU BLIZZARD. I was never mad :sparkling_heart:


So covenant swaps at renown 80? ~2 months from now

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Sadly that is probably never going to happen, seems they cant do it. I think Dottie explained it in the past. Haha making Murlocs a playable race will prolly get 10 mil players back :stuck_out_tongue:


Very nice changes. The only thing I can ask for is increase of honor/conquest gain from all sources and then I’m happy!

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Please don’t forget a tentacle toggle and a black and white hair colour for Void elves! Everyone wanted these two! And again thank you so much for the Void elf hair colours!!


Love you guys, thanks for the long-desired addition and changes!

Can I dare ask that covenant progress (for a specific covenant) applies to all alts belonging to the same covenant once a certain goal is reached?

E.g. if I completed all upgrades for the Night Fae on my main, could I have the covenant already fully upgraded on a Night Fae alt?

We’d still have to farm anima 4x to complete all covenants and of course the anima required to purchase all mogs and other goods… so it’s not like we would be done anytime soon… xD

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That’s is a good first step. And it’s nice to see some problems acknowledged. Thanks.

First step is a first step though, and the damage that was poisoning the community on gameplay and story sides was stacking for years. Stay realistic and do not expect that it can be backtracked quickly.

Be ready for a long and hard road, that will require many changes to how the game and community interactions, including stopping treating narrative team as somebody above criticism, and “their story to tell” mess, are handled.

Once again, thanks for taking time to address some problems.

gl hf