9.2 affliction it seems they really hate affliction

For the dog yes but not for the Imp, a3 Shard HoG has only a chance of 15% that you Summon ONE Imp.
Where a bm hunter can get 45% extra crit on kill command just be doing his normal rotation. We still have rng. That’s the point, I don’t think the bonus is a bad idea. It’s just bad compared to others.

Monk for an example:
WW 2: Increases Fists of Fury damage by 40%.
WW 4: After 10 offensive abilities, your next 3 offensive abilities deal an additional 22% damage.

Just looking at this set bonus already makes me wonder how bad designing is for locks, as mentioned above all other classes have superior set bonuses which applies to their normal rotation, while lock have all rng stuff with useless overall design, where you can’t even use set bonus e.g as affliction, because drain life is way superior to any of set builds.

y also currently more impressed by other class sets , but drainlife isnt the best solution here 2 , they designed these sets that they should work in both contents . Also i dont want a Setbonus on a spell i can get kicked on ( missed the mark in pvp for aff and destro )

Only good change so far . The new pvp Stat bonus isnt Enhancing versa anymore . Locks werent a good versa scaling class at all

Demo scales well with vers

They should change the set bonus a bit, like Destru gets a few cb after one is finished. As 4 bonus. And the 2 is, instant incinerate after a cast is finished.

Affli has a charge to get a free MR, via dot Ticks. And against targets with corruption you have 25% more crit chance.

Demo should have guaranteed summons on HoG, or just make the next HoG a free cast. Dogs can stay at least it is 100%.

They address main only Affliction ST problems in this patch…

The most of Affliction problems seems to be the talents, following discussion here:

i think the balance issues of lock in general are more the covenant abilities and synergys with the class here , take for example mage shifting power , resets all cds “all” . Or venthyr boomy a 3 min cd on top of your 3 min cd think when everyone loses their powers in next expansion lock could be on the same lvl again as other classes, even if there are still issues with synergy in the speccs

The joy of casting blizzard/orb into shifting power then immediately into blizzard/orb again on a massive aoe pack is something every Warlock should try before they die.

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at least we have a specc that is named like what out class is , Demo , means like demonstration because the whole class got stuck in shadowlands beta XDD


the bonuses are amazing for all 3 specs in pve.

for pvp this affliction set is useless, you’re never picking drain soul and you’re literally never casting shadow bolt.


Errr everyone in the comment are ignoring the simple facts that:
#1 Bonus also works with Drain Soul, albeit a lower chance, cause it’s ticks.
#2 An instant cast, increased dmg MR that extends dots is very strong and might bring us back to 9.0 playstyle…

well if your Rain of Fire summons Infernal for 8 sec, why wouldn’t you?
it might not be perfect, but it’s certainly not bad… you casts Chaos Bolts and sometimes you get proc, that your next Rain of Fire is free and summons an Infernal…

the only bad thing is that you don’t casts as much chaos bolts as in PvE… so it’s vastly different in those two contents…

You really didn’t have to prove this much that you are awful in arena and have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about. In SL’s meta, that Infernal means little to no effect.

And its always a matter of what your opponent got in return. Compared to a Fire Mage’s 4-set effect; Destro’s looks laughable at best.

Sure. I have higher rating than you on 3 characters, but me disagreeing with you proves that I’m bad at arena.

You didn’t even made it to 2000 in 3s. I play like 400 rating above you. But I guess if I were a bit better, I’d be stuck like you. But since I’m bad, I was able to push higher rating.

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Your flexing is not an argument. Matter of the fact is in a meta where sustained damage is not that important; 1 Infernal coming down every 5 bolts for 8 seconds is very irrelevant.

As simple as this.

Its not even about “disagreeing” with someone. You are flat out disregarding facts.

Well it’s more substantiated than your idiotic attempt at insult.

You call me awful in arena, despite me having much higher success than you in arena.
That’s just peak idiocy.

Your opinion is very different from “facts”.
You can call your opinion a fact, but it’s still an opinion.

Rofl I am not gonna engage in a conversation with someone that can’t comprehend the uselessness of pad damage in SL’s meta.

Go on with your delusions.

Time to roll Mage, boys.


Don’t argue with this clown. He knows nothing, but knows everything. Waste of time :smiley:

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The thing is when pve sets where out there was always pvp gear. Why not introduce pvp gear again?
I dont like pvp and dont do bg or random open world pvp. But why should u raid to get tier sets to do pvp with. Sry but raiding and m+ is pve stop crying the sets are bad in pvp.