PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)


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Did you see the new cheetah model for druids?

I hope they update all the old cats to that model such as wild cheetahs, mountain lions, lynxes etc!

I saw them, not particularly fan of it but I also don’t really care about the cheetah form (as a nelf druid), if it makes ppl using them happy then great.

Updated models are always nice, but they just kinda look a bit soft to me. A bit cutesy. UwU etc.

I do not like some of the implications this has. Not at all


what is this and why is this

and how can we stop this.


Chromie, reset the timeline, reset it all the way, take us back take us back-!


Well, they did say we’d fight or encounter the prototypes of the current Eternal Ones.


If the Winter Queen is artificial, what about her sister?..


i am choosing not to hear nor see

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I just… -sigh-

Someone. Get me a fat tank of Copium. I think that’s me beaten ._.

At least it’s not Sylvanas

what’s the huge spoiler?

i thought it’s the standard bastion guiding souls thing not becoming an arbiter, right?

damn bro who knew nerathion was actually worshipping an android all this time

can’t wait for the upgraded version with the goblin trademark

did you know all your dwarf lore is also android creation

quite literally.

She has another job coming.

hey man im ok with this dwarves make robots for a living anyway

Don’t speak such heresy, that’s just for Bolvar to wear again! :triumph:

Thrall grew up among humans and after liberating the orcs he kind of forced human morals on them, as well as on the trolls to a degree. Settling in an area with not nearly enough resources to sustain one’s own race as a way to atone for past mistakes is, in my opinion, still one of the dumbest decisions Thrall made.

Garrosh could have been the Horde leader that both does right by the Horde as well as show the true power of the faction by letting go of morals and ideals that Thrall carried over from his human upbringing.

Stonetalon Mountains Garrosh wasn’t just a Thrall copy. He did give the order to capture Stonetalon for the Horde and exploit its resources. However, there is nothing to be gained from killing innocent younglings (worse, you waste valuable time and supply on a pointless conquest) nor will there be anything to exploit if the land gets decimated. His logic was sound and him killing the NPC was a realistic portrayal of a merciless but also pragmatic leader. Really wish they would have stuck with it.

What could have been…


So it’s robots all the way down. I think I discovered a First One.

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