9.2 Tier Sets

I remember when a new tier set was something to look forward to… when you guys @blizz actually put some effort into making them look cool.
Now they just look like some crap that took you guys 0 effort… Here we are adding tier sets back into the game but they look like crap so continue using transmogs from 6 years ago… come on blizz your going further down the hill…


So just because you don’t find them nice, you decided it took them 0 effort, and just because you think they look like some crap, the game is going further down the hill?

You’re a joke.


I think most of the tier sets look great, better than most tier sets of the past, bar a few exceptions.

You’re entitled to your opinion, but treat it as such: an opinion.


Its my opinion You can not tell me that the sets from the past dont look way better than these… Mr joker.


I think the Death Knight set doesn’t fit the class thematically. It feels…off. It doesn’t feel intimidating or imposing at all. And it really doesn’t help that it mainly fits humans and elves.

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Something I have learnt from years of playing WOW is pretty much everything, especially tier sets, look so much better in the game, than on WoWhead data mines.

The 3D and the animation tend to bring them alive.

Aesthetically, i agree these set are pretty bland. But that’s been pretty much the whole of shadowlands.

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If it’s your opinion, you can present it in a much respectful and non-spiteful way. If you personally think that tier sets nowadays don’t look good, that’s 100% fine.

But coming here, pouring your thoughts out with such a biased post, how everything is going downhill and how noone puts any effort in the game, is a very rude way to present an opinion, and it has nothing to do with the reality.

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Honestly, neither did T9, T16 or T17 non mythic versions. So it isn’t really a requirement.

However I do like the look of the head and I can hopefully make some nice mogs using it.

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Yay for the transmog system.

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Bless our grummles

They CAN, if that’s what they think.
That’s how subjective stuff works.

I only care about hunter sets, when it comes to tier sets, and I have to say: The vast, vast majority of those sets look horrible to me. Past and present.

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Bruh, what.

When I see this:

I’m thinking “I want that”, not “that’s ugly”.


And that’s awesome for you.
But taste and design and aesthetics are subjective.

I was going to look it up and see which tier set it was, but then I realised doing that was actually going to prove the point I wanted to make: it doesn’t look like anything. It doesn’t scream any class. If anything I’m going to assume its Paladin because of the light bits.

but honestly, I haven’t got a clue which class set this belongs to.

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I’m so over the whole theme and “futuristic” aesthetics Shadowlands continues to follow.


Some Peeps - ‘Just give us back Tier sets, Blizz…only then can we live happily ever after!’
Also Some Peeps - ‘Wtf Blizz, these new Tier sets are the wrong shape/colour!’


Blizz has a tendency these days to base transmog on the expansion/patch’s theme (coral and seaweed on Nazjatar sets, or N’Zoth’s eyes and tentacles on Ny’alotha gear for instance).

I don’t much mind this as I wouldn’t be “pressed” to collect the looks on all possible classes.
Also, tier sets are mainly about their bonuses, and alterations to the gameplay (such as buffing an ability so much that other spells become unworthy of their GCD or playing around burst windows by a passive proc effect you now get).

This is a good point. If it were 1 for each armor type I would need to have them all! But since its one for each class, I would just collect the one which I think fits the class best… which in this case happens to be none of them :rofl:

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