I will never understand why Void elves and Blood elves did not get a variety of tattoo options to choose from. They really should get tattoos, scars and more jewellery. Especially VEs seem to have some bronze straight thorns as jewellery, looks really really odd on them. Also Night elves have like 24 hairstyles, Blood elves 25, and Nightborne 16. While Void elves are still stuck with the same 10 hairstyles since launch. The only popular elf race with just 10 hairdos.
i agree with you on this more options is always welcome
How about no?
You void elves, were annoying us with your Highelven threads, and now with the “void” theme of your race?
You all look like 12-year-old teenagers with an identity crisis, decide, whether you want to be a “High elf” or a “Void elf” smh.
If anything, Blood Elves were hugely let down in the 9.0 customisation patch. Especially male ones. We have less customisation options than male VE’s, which is a race that was copied over just some years ago? What?
With that being said, I wish all races had the same standards of customisation that we see in Human females, Night Elf females, Orcs, etc…
At least I’m not a rude, wannabe Night elf who bashes Void elf threads. Insulting me repeatedly is not the flex you think it is dude. I will bite back.
I agree Velfs need more customizations
Is this in regards to skin colours? I mean…do you wanna be blue or purple so badly? You can already have blue hair so…
Σταμάτα να ζεις στην παραληρηματική ζωή σου Βίσνα, σε ικετεύω.
Nobody has insulted you nor tried to, remember back in 6+ months ago, you said I am fulfilled, I got my natural hairstyles, I do not need anything else? What happened? Sudden love towards Void?
Not so much that I want specifically what they have, it’s more that they are a far newer race, an allied race at that, and they have more options currently
I do support way more stuff for everyone, including VE’s - I merely wanted to point out where the outliers currently lie, and what I feel might be worth to focus on firstly
Could you speak Shalassian?
Ishnal Toreth
Φίλε είσαι στριμμμένο άντερο νταξει ξερω οτι ειμαστε πιθικια αλλα οχι κι ετσι φιλαράκι
Why do you care this game is my escape I want to see things for Void Elves they’re favourite race what is so wrong with that? You are not entitled to tell me what I can request for and what I cannot you are not mu father, you are not my mother, you are not a politician or the CEO of Blizz. You have absolutely 0 power over me xxxx
Shal’asan torah
Είμαι χαρούμενος για σένα αλλα give us a break, please.
Zandalari, DID, Vulpera, and Mechagnomes need some love too, Void elves are not obligated to get customization each patch.
αντέ μπαί φιλάκια
That’s why my OP is for both Void and Blood elves. I know male VEs for example have major issue with the hairstyles floating about and the receding hairlines. I’ve heard complaints about them by a lot of people. BEs have more hairstyles and eye colours but males don’t have any jewellery
Arrivederci φιλιά!
PS: Mechagnomes should be deleted from teh game, and replaced by Vrykul / Arrakoa / Sethrak / Ethereals / insert race name
More love for elves is always welcome, Yes please!
Just found out there’s a mod adding 110 hairstyles to each gender in Conan Exiles. We’re not talking 10-15, we’re talking 110 here…
Conan Exiles costs £8 to buy for the base game, and there’s no sub.
Meantime Blizzard ignores multi year long requests for scars, tattoos etc, and can’t even add 5 hairstyles without making it a really fricking huge deal, for its subscription based game.
It ain’t gonna be no more money from me till I see some more cosmetics added I’m afraid .
Always been weird to me - It’s actually the same with Runescape, it’s first now that they are soon-ish ™ releasing fully reworked player avatar system.
One of the highest priorities of an MMO should always be character customisation. Every single class & gender (mostly mentioning this since females tends to have more options) should at minimum have the same amount of options as a female Human. In WoW-context that’s a lot, but if we look at other games it’s not much at all. And WoW is supposed to be above the others.
I hope that at some point we can see 9.0 customisations as something that should happen 2-4 times per expansion, instead of once every 20 years.
I totally agree with all of this! If they don’t have enough resources, then Bobby and I dunno who else is responsible for HR should hire more people and put them on the customization team only. To keep that customization coming. Sheesh, I swear I was beyond ecstatic when we got the light hair colours and I’ll always be grateful to them for it. But my love for Void elves makes me want to see more options added to be closer in customization number wise to their Blood elf brethren. Ofc that also means giving more stuff to BEs too which is only fair. In my eyes everybody wins.
And no ofc we should not be the first to receive more stuff. But we are really popular races and people expecting customization on Thalassians number a lot more than those who expect let’s say, Pandaren beards, or Mechagnome and Kul’tiran stuff…
Quality op.