95% reduction in XP-gain for everyone in party with someone that uses EXP-Lock

Well duh. I’m being restricted left and right just for doing more with my characters.

Not really lmao that’s the ironic part.

Who said that it would disappear though…? I didn’t.

Wrong. My argument is that they should stop making these incredibly pointless changes that essentially change nothing in the long run.

Nothing’s going to change.

If nothing is going to change WHY THE heck are you being such a big baby about it then?

If nothing is going to change then your whole topic here is pointless useless worthless.
What this change does is fix a rampant issue if nothing changes For you then why are you even making a TOPIC ABOUT THIS???

This change will fix that issue it will not fix other issues but it fixes this one.
And if it does not change how you do something why are you even crying about them actually fixing an issue in the game that is in the game right now?

Oh and BTW the xp reduction only works if you are invited or invite in to a group with a locked xp person the random lfg tool is not affected by this change what so ever.

Okay, it’s a misunderstanding, so twinking is usually happening at the higher end of a level bracket, meaning 19, 29 etc and there’s NOTHING you can really do at 111 but farm normal dungeons/island expeditions.
If the change goes live 110/111 dhs will not be needed anymore so all the gear you farmed/crafted, all the hours you put in your twink will be for nothing.
Another point of view:
If Blizz removed your favourite alt one day and gave no reason why, would you be happy?
Even worse, if you came to the forums you’d see people throwing sh1t at you for playing it.
Many different players you’ve never even heard about before saying how good it is to see your fun go (and you’d know that they did not play the spec you did so they have basically 0 idea about how fun it is if played the right way).
Probably you’d be mad.
That’s the natural reaction you see on the forums from twinks.
Obviously you can tell us again how we’re wrong, other methods will come to boost people and we can still farm the dungeons if we want, no need to cry etcetc we’ve seen it already 10 times since the announcement of the change.
It will not be the same.
Also dear players on this forums browsing our tears you can check Umren’s video about the topic, I usually don’t like his style but in that video he says everything about the situation very well, explains why this change is sh1t.

No i would not be happy but i would take it and move the F on if i had earned MILLIONS OF GOLD by doing so.

I’m not the one calling people names, so if anyone is acting like a child here then it’s you.

Nope. They’re making pointless changes that do have an effect on the game. Changes that shouldn’t even exist. IF you make enough of those changes for no reason and no clear result then you’ll end up stuck in a web of restrictions.

Though I won’t expect you to understand why that’s a bad thing.

I made a topic about it before the information of it not affecting people using the LFG tool was released. The griefing that would have ensued if it did affect people in LFG would be quite annoying. Hence the thread.

Do I really need to spell everything out for you?

WHAT issue. This changes nothing.

…Which is why this change does nothing. Congratulations, you’re halfway there.

I am calling you names because you do not actually understand what the heck you are complaining about.
Or that is what i am getting from you as you do not want TO TALK about why i should change my mind in thinking this is a good thing no you just want me to change my mind for no other reason that because you think so.

This change Should exist as low-level char that require little to no effort (1 antorus run is not effort) for a reward of millions of gold if you want them, is a potential exploit or at best broken game mechanics but blizzard could change it simply by changing the tier armour to not work (they have done this before) and make it so legendaries do not work in dungeons but then legit levellers would complain also.

And yet you keep talking about this as if you do not know about it.

To quote Razien: “I’m not one to kiss and tell. Tricks of the Trade and all.”

Like I said: Childish.

…And slow, because i definitely know what I was complaining about and I was in the right to do so.

Because arguing with people that can’t have a normal conversation and are hell-bent on calling other people names are impossible to convince.

It’s a waste of time.

So then it’s a design flaw. It’s definitely not an exploit when you use game mechanics as they’re intended to. The fact that they overlap isn’t the fault of the player, nor is taking advantage of it.

no I didn’t? It was already cleared up after the blue post. You joined in later. That’s on you, not me.

Okay, so WHAT issue does this change fix? Definitely not people selling boosts, because we can still do that.

Comparing perfectly fine mechanics (like crafting and selling BoEs) to broken scaling combined with the XP lock.

This wouldn’t be an issue if there was no such thing as XP lock, but ask yourself what is the worse option - remove the XP lock that serves all sorts of purposes or fix the 111 level twink boosting.

Anyway, this topic has ran its course, Blizz cleared things up, the reasons why were presented over and over, now you’re just arguing for sake of arguing and doomsaying :smile:

I never compared it to broken scaling. I compared it to geared characters at low-level aka Twinks. You do know people boost people OUTSIDE of lv110s running freehold…?

I do it at lv60 sometimes to help people out. I often get nothing for it. There’s definitely no broken scaling at 60.

Yeah true. The part that worried me (ppl trolling LFG) ended up not happening, so yay.

Razien do you have any experience of timewalking twinking?

Yeah did it on my main for a while but quit in legion.

Could we perhaps chat? I need some advice on a project I want to do… I can give you my battle net

Sure, uhh… whisper me in-game? I’m on this character atm. Quel’thalas realm.

Ok I will make a toon - ty :slight_smile:

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See you soon :wave:

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Thanks for that was really helpful… sound person :slight_smile:

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Anytime! thanks for the review haha <3

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I like pancakes :slight_smile:

Me too, bro. In fact gonna get some later.

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If this would be the case for LFD/LFR/Islands/etc. Then what would happen at the lowest lvl dungeons? If you’d be spamming stockades to lvl and you get into a group with a trial. Would that also cause this? Or is a trial account not seen the same way as an XP-off character?