[9th Dec] Clandestine Gathering – Void Elves & Blood Elves

Indeed, any event that doesn’t want to deal with the most obvious incident/consequence of the actions or nature of said event (even though this possiblity was addressed in the original post, as quoted by Horkim) is bubble-RP. Explicitly not wanting logical outside interference is as bubble RP as bubble RP can get.


the whole thing seemed very poorly coordinated ooc and lead to a whole bunch of confusion horde side. i recall us sitting there for quite a while wondering if there was going to be anything cross faction outside of thalassian. maybe better communication ooc would result in a better time for all involved?



In this case, many RP-PVP events are bubble-rp, since there is commonly a limit to one of the two factions’ populations to keep it balanced.

This was such a nice thread until the usual suspects threw crap all over it. What an absolute shame.


Yes, they are.

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Your example regarding the bubble-rp was bad. That was my point.

go ahead and re-read


Then you are yourself guilty of bubble-rp, no?

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Yes. I am indeed.

Not really, People’s RP is still accepted outside of the skirmishes, not ignored or pushed away as one would expect in bubble RP, The PvP side doesn’t much affect your ability to do camp RP before and after.

I know what you came here to see
If you’re a freak, then ya coming home with me
And I know what you came here to do
Now bust it open let me see you get low
It’s going down for real

I think it made perfect sense, which is why I asked if you guys see that as bubble rp aswell.
Since it does, technically exclude the rest of the RP Community.


Thank you.

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:saxophone: Wee ooh wee ooh wee ohh weee wee wee ooh :saxophone:

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So if you come to the event with an intention to kill every single person there - you don’t need to ask for permission? As i can see, that permission wasn’t given, but people still came to do exaclty the same. Godemotting a lot?


It seems to be established that there was intention to grief the event, merely involve a third party, which seemed to be agreed upon, just maybe not in the way that it turned out.

However, If you wish to play stupid games, you will end up winning stupid prizes.
And personally, I feel cross-faction elven RP is a very stupid game.


Well that’s your opinion, isn’t it? Some people enjoy cross-faction elven RP. Doesn’t mean there’s a reason to grief the RP event that people enjoy, which is what the guilds involved did do.

The host specifically said he was okay with spies and infiltrators - which, to my understanding - did happen. The thing that was not okay was the fact that there was no communication between the host and the ‘army’ that was brought, meaning it was, essentially, griefing an RP event - something that said guilds would lose sleep over if it happened to them.

Communication is key.


Intention doesn’t equal outcome. IC/OOC. Heavens forbid someone who catches wind of this tries to execute the people there. Just because they rocked up doesn’t mean they’re going to win.

As for the “communication is key” posts afaik there was communication between both parties OOC before they turned up + it was lacking from the organizer’s side of things but then again I’m biased towards one side here.


People trying to be peaceful in what is basically a Mini World war.

This ain’t it chief.

Crossfaction event
Miscommunications, help!
How can we fix this?

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