[A³] [X-Faction] Forsaken & Void RP - The Grim Gest [Redux]

(Click ▷ for RP information.)

(FOUNDING LORE) [Somewhere in Tranquillien a weatherworn parchment is stowed amidst dusty ledgers and a weave of thick cobwebs.]

Proclamation of the Superiors of Lordaeron, eminently those of Tirisfal and Quel’Thalas.

Regarding the necessity of a mutual undertaking.

The Superiors of the Isle of Quel’Danas, the Superiors of the Eversong Woods, the Superiors of the Ghostlands, the Superiors of of the Plaguelands, the Superiors of the Tirisfal Glades, the Superiors of the Silverpine Forest, the Superiors of the Hillsbrad Foothills, the Superiors of the Hinterlands and the Superiors of the Arathi Highlands,

in consideration and spirit of communion between the Forsaken and blood elves and in grim determination to withstand deeds of adversary,

declared it necessary to form a novel unit in order to extend their reach of influence to both unlawful events and acts of war. Insiders to the aforementioned shall achieve this goal under the supervision of named superiors.

In these regards the end justifies the means, yet disturbance of the everyday world shall be avoided.

The covenant “Grim Gest” is hereby brought into being.

Issued in Tranquillien.

The parchment bears various sigils of the Forsaken and blood elves at the end.

[Legacy of the Loyalist.]

[PCU] [X-FACTION] North & Void RP -- The Grim Gest ☠

Recently, the Grim Gest’s name has been slandered, spoken with spite and dragged through the mud as a band of villains and cultists, traitors to the Horde and enemies of the Forsaken people. That reputation, ill-deserved only in part, belies their legacy of legendary battle honours and victories in service of The Winged Helmet, the Baron Blightreek. The Grim Gest has yet to break its pact: It harries and hunts the traitor, scours the intruders from Lordaeron’s lands, seeks salvation and ruin at once.

Once founded upon the cooperation of the Forsaken and Blood Elves in securing their peoples’ security over Tranquillien and the Ghostlands at large, the Grim Gest has since become a thorn in the eyes of politicians and commanders the world over. With their covenant under threat from both the greater Horde and the Alliance, the Grim Gest have become a band of disposessed, bitter souls serving a greater purpose in a hostile world. Roleplay revolves around martial and esoteric themes; H.P. Lovecraft’s writings are a longtime inspiration for the members of the good old Gest.

IC recruitment generally follows one of three different paths:

  • Dungeon draft: For those cast away into prison dungeons to rot for crimes committed, slimy officials may offer Forsaken and Blood Elves a chance at penal servitude and salvation in the Grim Gest’s ranks.
  • Individual contract: A walk-up right to strike a deal with the devil.
  • Enlightenment: Guided by the hand of doom, supplicants to the Shadow and Void may find themselves drawn inevitably to the Gest and their occult practices.

To be considered for OOC membership, you have to share the guild’s approach to roleplay and your first character has to be at the current level cap or very close to it already.

Code of Conduct

The Grim Gest prides itself on being part of A³ - Across All Azeroth, a WoW RP community that allows us to organise RP and community content with the likeminded. As part of that community, Grim Gest members are required to follow three simple rules for their conduct in WoW RP:

  1. No ERP
  2. No OOC chatter in spatial channels, /s, /e or /y
  3. IC remains IC, OOC remains OOC. We all like our characters, but we are not our characters.

Been part of the Grim Gest since 2019, and I am hoping for many more years! Long live the Twin Serpents, long live Xa’sugoth :dizzy:


In life and death!


In Life and Death!


Lots of opportunity to develop your character however you want, and grow to become the villain you are destined to be!


One-of-a-kind: the best RP guild on AD!


Still endorsed by Blood Howl.


Totally not a voidcult


Last I heard, this not a void cult was doing some shady stuff in Khaz Algar. You should join them if you like to be part of what is totally not a void cult.

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After a long journey in the deep and dark, uncovering and taking hold of the threads of prophecy, the Grim Gest return to Lordaeron to mull their future. With the promise of doom hanging overhead, they repair and rearm, renew their faith and oaths and stand fast at watch at the island fortress of Caer Darrow. Azeroth’s shadows are lengthening, and in the dark days to come to their world, only the strongest survive.


Whilst questing as a mere level 8 Forsaken freshly raised, I bumped into one Folien Trelius who approached me in character. I’ve been away from the game for such a long time and was pleased to see open-world RP is still going strong!

I’ll keep an eye out for any events coming up, I’m eager to get back into the roleplay scene on WoW.


Weolcome to the roleplaying community! If you want to jump into forsaken roleplaying, pay attention to upcoming Morbid Moot, next meeting coming next month (I hope!) or near future. Great opportunity to meet new friends and forsaken souls.

More info in here [Forsaken/Undead RP] The Morbid Moot


Sorry for the confusion. That message above was meant to another thread, don’t know how it ended up in this one :blush: Maybe I had too much of that green goo elixir last night

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The Grim Gest take reprieve at the island fortress of Caer Darrow, with the burden of a lost comrade weighing heavy on their minds even as they set their sights on fair Lordaeron once more.


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