[A / 8.3 themed Riot RP] Hysteria 👁 - 6th of Feb

If I had to push for something, it would be a rework of the lawbook we use ngl.

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You’d be better off removing the lawbook tbh! They’re not nice.

are u implying total anarchy…

Sounds like a whole bunch of excuses you are making to avoid what we all know trade district is:
OOC hell.

You don’t wanna RP there. No one does. End of discussion. You have no hill to stand on there, you have a ditch and you are squatting in it.

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can u change it so that i don’t have to stand around 15 mins waiting to get questioned and still not get questioned by the time i have to log off

Just run off, can’t read the lawbook and keep an eye on you at the same time, think about it. :^)

I’ve RPed in the Trade District before, and continue to do so as a Guard RPer. Personally I’ve never experienced the issues people have talked about today whilst there, but y’know… I dunno, I can’t really change peoples’ experiences.

believe me man i’ve been fckin tryin


  • City Guards have set-patrol paths that can not be deviated from, and to add additional members to these patrols (i.e; player characters) is strictly a breach of canon.

  • There are no priests or similar types stationed outside of the cathedral of light. Any such happenings are strictly non-canon.

  • My tauren character can freely enter stormwind, if I corpsewalk enough.

  • We don’t need language elixirs. To drink these is breach of canon. Everyone speaks the same language anyway.

I could go on, but you get the jist. You can argue -anything- canonically. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should, and sure as heck doesn’t mean you get off free from being silly about it, which is jerk behaviour.

Presuming you don’t change your mind. That’s always an option, y’know.

Telling another player that they can’t roleplay a completely down-to-earth concept without having to go to a place no one roleplays at because it is the only “established” place for it is-… Well. Unimaginative, but I’m sure you can see that, and again; don’t consider it an insult.

Unless you stick with it. In which case it absolutely is.


Nah, I’ve been watching you carefully and you never RP there. Source: I said so.


I’d actually ask for a citation for half of these.

While that in itself sounds nice… you could just always stick to the common sense laws that don’t require a big googledoc to keep them in place instead of pushing weird stuff like “magic misuse act” or 372884 licenses/sanctions for everything that’s nothing but headcanon through and expecting people to play along with them. Not saying the Home Guard does specifically that (haven’t RPd with them much) but this is sort of what I remember from reading a guard lawbook last time.

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think y’all should encourage ppl to learn to type faster and discourage super slow typers from doing the questioning.

it’s not fun for anyone. i have distinct memories of waiting 40 minutes for 3 questions (which also took 15 minutes)

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I’m strangely okay with this.

so-so. depends on how misuse is defined, i can see it being done really stupidly.

Would you like me to record while I follow the guard NPC’s around? Perhaps I should screenshot the cathedral of light from the outside, or send you links the cinematics where Baine visits the capital? Heck. Would you like to see Varian Wrynn chat with Thrall?

What sources are you lacking?

Typeracer screenshots in guild application? I like that.

as long as a law doesn’t have 3 billion extra rules or exceptions u have to check through each time adding a couple of basic rules around magic or certain weaponry could be pretty okay

yes honestly. i don’t expect everyone else to be an epic 114 WPM gamer like me but i’d expect at least above 20 WM

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Typing furiously intensifies

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klak-sounds intensify

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