[A / 8.3 themed Riot RP] Hysteria 👁 - 6th of Feb

Try and stop us.


Remember kids, [Insert group of people based on a specific and biased criteria] are all bad people and should ride in the back of the bus.

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I’m sure whatever you’ve heard is false, told by people who just don’t like Perroy because he doesn’t put up with their antics.


Velnia long-forgotten and left in the PCU’s dust, this event will likely now be even more HEROICIS (epic) due to the natural course of quality control

Hope to see you all there


You may or may not like the PCU for whatever reason but you can’t deny that they’ve provided good RP content in the past such as the large scale campaigns, regardless of your opinion on them. People that always take these dumb OOC matters ICly and then try to boycott everything are the worst by telling people to avoid Stormwind.

Telling people to avoid it as a whole and calling anyone who even in the slightest agrees with the PCU a shill just makes you look dumb and hypocritical.

This event is meant to provide Stormwind with actual interesting RP so the city would actually feel alive, and actually create interest for once rather than the typical RPers that are often just alt-tabbed out, child RPers, animal RPers and RPers that just want to get into your pants and so forth.

Even I had some disagreements with some of them in the past but what’s in the past is in the past, and talking trash about people that want to provide SW with RP content for only a day, just makes you look stupid.

Considering the turbulent state Azeroth is in now, many people disagreeing with the peace, and the whole N’Zoth fiasco, I’d say riots have a high chance of happening anyway.


This looks like it will be a really fun evening of RP! I am looking forward to attending and seeing what might play out.

If someone finds it is not their cup of tea, no one is going to force you to come. You’re really only griefing yourselves by letting these kind of things rile you up.


Stormwind has been in desperate need of a serious shake up for a while now, but unfortunately your typical erp alt/second life lore bender see this as a personal attack (like they do with everything IC) and lash out.

It’s kinda sad, but people are tribal I suppose.


Use your non-rotgarde alts or you’re going to feed the fires that tell them you’re biased, smh. Gotta do it woke politics style.

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Everyone in the PCU is my alt. Including big P.


Did you get ruskie support, huh?!

Stormwind has been in desperate need of a serious shake up for a while now

Can I ask why this is something I see fairly often? I’ve often thought that Stormwind worked well as a casual hub and a hub for beginner players, with other hubs being better suited to more specific roleplay.

Actually posting on characters that are your mains and telling you are PCU instead of hiding it is cool.
We don’t got anything to hide like all the altposters.
And it is true i am just an alt of Skabb.


Nah brah, you gotta hide behind 3 VPNs and 2 alt accounts in 'straya.


You walk around Stormwind for even 5 minutes and it’s littered with erp bait alts, statue rpers, the latest ‘recruit for the sake of it’ guild standing by the Cathedral, all manners of lore-bent characters and oddities stuck in their own chatroom-rp temporal warp.

If that’s your thing then you’ll ask “well, what’s the problem with that? People can do whatever they like.”

My response to that is that it drags down the quality of rp on the server,because new players jump into Stormwind and see all this and accept it as the norm and it perpetuates this bubble that exists outside the world. On top of that a lot of these types tend to be self inserts in some shape or form, which leads to them bringing their OOC opinions/issues into their rp, taking IC issues OOC and getting upset/causing drama over roleplay, which is also an issue on the server and occurs a lot in Stormwind.

Don’t get me wrong, it happens in Orgrimmar too, but on a smaller scale.


There are a lot of second life RPers (and ERPers) occupying Stormwind. These characters feel very out of place, since lore and setting often doesn’t seem to have been taken into account when shaping said characters. So, there is a lot to sift through before you might manage to find a cool interaction there.


You all trying to tell me peak RP isn’t being 12 years old and out and about stabbing people at 3:32 am in the park district?

Big true. And it is also annoying to start approaching a small group of 2-4 people and then they suddenly all start using their garrison HS in the middle of stormwind. We all know what they are off to do…


It’s going to be quite an epic scene… a day of rp to go down in the history books of insanely crazy fun immersion



A potential riot.

Enforcement of the King’s law.

What’s not to love?

Presumeably a lot; which everyone will have an equal chance* to explain unto me.

*- Read; a simple guardsman is most receptive to booze; of which Lady Wwfhnlybl - sorry, Lady Evenbrook is offering plenty.

Long live the King! … You support the king, right?


Interesting, i wish best of luck with the event, i wonder how well it’ll go, with SW being SW and all.

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