[A / 8.3 themed Riot RP] Hysteria šŸ‘ - 6th of Feb

Of course Iā€™m going to be in the wage cage on the 6th. RRRAAAAAAAGH


Itā€™s a cool concept tbh and I look forward to it, but Iā€™m really not ready for the Silverpain 3.0 collage of the thinly veiled OOC yells from the usual second life crowd


Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be memorable, one way or another! Hyped :smiley:

Give it about 10 minutes and they will probably find better things to do on their Duskwood erp alts or void elf archmage characters to do spin the dolmio jar / growth pot rp in an inn

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This looks really cool + significant + a good follow-up to ye olā€™ Lionā€™s Rest Massacre (another epic! conflict that turned second life rpers pink), I canā€™t wait!

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This is the kind of Stormwind RP I can get behind. :triumph: Hopefully itā€™s all kept IC, if you wanna NPC for it, you can profit; if you wanna crack down on the proles like itā€™s Tsarist Russia go wild.

Yes very cool. I gotta make sure Iā€™m in attendance even if itā€™s as an irritating observer.


One of the highlights honestly :slight_smile:

Well, well, well. Looks like town crier has some shouting to do.


No, they call you bad because you came in here with nothing but negativity, which wasnā€™t towards the event itself, just that it was done by the PCU.

Thatā€™s sad.

And before you say Iā€™m a ā€˜ā€˜PCU Shillā€™ā€™, Iā€™m not. Iā€™m not part of the PCU. I just hate negativity for the sake of negativity. Donā€™t like someone? Thatā€™s all fine and dandy, but do you have to flaunt it everywhere they exist?


Sadly the true bullies of AD are very persistent and obsessive :pensive:


Maybe theyā€™re just tsunderes.

I think they are also the type of person who spits on anyone who tries to do any role-play that involves the community. Iā€™d imagine that they were also against the town crier role-play.

Canā€™t say for certain. There were SO many people complaining that their silent statue role-play was interrupted by people engaging in activities.


Ofc they were.

The Town Crier was a PCU Agent!

That didnā€™t stop them from enjoying the role-play until that started spreadingā€¦

ā€œOh! This is really good! Iā€™m enjoying this! Waitā€¦ They are PCU? I HATE IT! I HATE IT! SHUT IT DOWN! REEE!ā€

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Itā€™s like with people enjoying the food, then finding out whatā€™s in it and spits it outā€¦

Like, you just bloody said it was good! WHO CARES WHATā€™S IN IT THEN!?

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Good initiative.
Wonā€™t attend cause raiding but hoping you guys will have fun and not too many ā€œgoody two shoes, ruin the funā€ guys


Will the town crier come back? At least for the riot event, still enjoyed that news IC. It became very much like a traditional thing.

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Someone is going to have to throw a chair to really get this party kicking.
Canā€™t wait to see how it goes! Sounds like a cool opportunity for some low power tier civilian RP and based lawkeeper smackdowns.


Iā€™ll do my best to attend! Would definitely be interesting to see how my character would handle the situation as he is of the Alliance army and not the Guards.
But attending as an NPC could prove fun as well to provide others with the ā€œsatisfactionā€ of winning a fight. (As is rare nowadays on this server, but thatā€™s for another topic)

Offtopic a bit, but when was there a difference between these two? Thought they are 100% interchangable.