A balanced server to roll on ?

Hi everyone,

Is there currently any highly populated server pvp or pve that is relatively balanced ? A friend a I want to roll Horde but not on a server where it completly dominates the other faction.

We plan to mostly do PvP ( BGs in mind ) or pug raids.

Not giving up on my 52 Paladin but atm leveling in Stonespine is nearly impossible and I’ve never played Horde in my life.


Apparently Zandalar Tribe needs help Hordeside, if you’re feeling brave.

I wouldn’t bother looking for balanced servers right now, most of them will inevitably tilt in one favour due to other people looking for a balanced experience.

If you don’t mind a low population server (albeit with a tight-knit community) feel free to check out Dragonfang! It’s relatively balanced with a slight favour towards the alliance right now, however more people are transferring to escape the situation on the bigger servers. Feel free to pop in the discord and talk to everyone


you can try Bloodfang.


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