A couple of things that are better than Plunderstorm

just look no further than PS.
so much negativity, mostly from collectors, but everything is looked under a microscope to make a case why they hate it.

Getting my left nut removed
Any visit to dentist
Getting mauled by a bear
Stepping on some broken glass barefoot
Fracturing my wrist


Being fun or not is entirely subjective. I personally got bored after about 5 games because its too repetitive for me.

The issue is that we have to play a different game to collect rewards for another game. And the only reason the rewards are their is so that we HAVE to play it or we miss out on the timed event.

It will be interesting to see the queue times after the majority have collected everything because I dont think too many will come back otherwise.

People being done with a thing after they’re done with it?

I mean, yeah? Is raid attendance right now as high as it was at the beginning of the season?

The point I am making is this seperate game mode relies heavily on rewards to a completely different game.

Remove the rewards and see how many stay.


You can make the same argument for most things in the game. Like raiding or M+.
Stop giving people achievements and gear from them, and see how many stay.

But thats tied to the same game. There is a reason why Blizz has its own sub forum. Its different, but the rewards are tied to elsewhere.


This is also tied to WoW, it uses it’s assets to make the game and you need a sub to play it.
And why does it even matter that it’s not using your existing character?

It has nothing to do with wow. And you will see that when the majority of people finish the grind or just give up.

Using features from wow doesnt make it wow. That phone game uses stuff from wow but it isn’t a wow game.

They used wow rewards to test this game as a future stand alone I think that’s fairly obvious, but I personally think its a mistake in doing so, and the amount of people here complaining about it is evident of that.


Yeah, people tend to not play a thing once they’re done with it?

Is raid attendance as high now as it was at the start of season?

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Because if I would want to play a mobile game/Fb game I wouldn’t pay a subscription to wow.
I remember in those kind of games I was supposed to download and play another to get diamonds or things in the one I was playing.
If this is a patch for retail World of Warcraft,I expect things to do in retail Wow with my chars,not in some other mini game with no meaning to me.

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Ok, don’t play it. Do all the other fun stuff already in WoW.

I am not.But I am allowed to complain that this little mini game is not what I want.Or what the game,real game actually needs.

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Allright, and I am allowed to disagree and think that Blizz should do more out-there stuff with their game, and not the same old pattern of afk-content events like at the start of every expansion.

I really hope they won’t.If so I guess I d rather go play Fb and mobile games again.
Why would I pay a sub for the same thing?!
They need to put content in Wow,not stretch the playerbase more than it already is.Imho.


There is content in WoW. You can go frolic in emerald dream or clear the new raid.

Hmm?I ve been sowing enough seeds tyvm.What new raid?The raid is live since ages ago.Is there a new raid I dunno about?

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Yeah, Amirdrassil.

Omfg.Thats old.Why would you say its new?Gaslighting?

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I guess there’s no point in adding raids if nobody wants to play them?