[A] Elven supremacy guild?

Do we have any guild that regroups all those nasty elves (NE/VE) in the Alliance ? I tried to look for one but nothing came up or I’ve missed something big time !

This one, maybe? It’s quel’dorei-centred, though.

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Night Elves and Void Elves are so far apart, its almost impossible to group them up in one coherent guild…


The Long-ear brigade.

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Well one group got almost totally wiped from the face of Azeroth while the other group are a bunch of exiled blood elves who use void magic.

Yea I don’t see the Kaldorei being THAT friendly with them. But with the recent events of Elune, Light/Shadow and the ritual and power of a Night Warrior I don’t think it’d be that much of a stretch to see them team up for common goals and self preservation.

Just thought the idea of a band of exiles and survivors would be cool.

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You could find an excuse to group any races together, but in the end it would just whitewash them. Void elves and night elves are too different culturally to work in framework of one guild centered around their racial identity without stripping away what makes them unique.


Elf guild of supremacists? It’s kinda all of 'em, isn’t it? Sort of. Thematically with a stated goal, though? Hmmm…

Depends how stuffy you are, Hedris is chill, he has some voidie friends!

With the coming of the new options in SL giving us 3 elven factions on Alliance (4 if you count Highborne as their own thing, 5 if you consider Illidari another due to being half demon), could be interesting to gather peeps together like this. but maybe not as a guild… might work better as a wider community

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Here’s a nelf guild based on revenge for Teldrassil, ticks 2/3 boxes?

eLvEn EmPiRe

Aye, alas the Dawn doesn’t recruit NE’s… But we do recruit High elves, Void elves and half-elves (Quel/human). :smiley:

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