[A-Event] Jurina'tore - The Great Hunt 🦌 (June 22nd - 23rd)

Date: 22nd and 23rd of June, 2024
Time: 19:30
Location: Archer Statue, Ashenvale
Faction: Alliance
Dresscode: Gold/yellow and beast masks!
Music: Jurina'tore Playlist

Jurina’tore is both a preparation for, and a celebration of the Great Hunt. Its patron, and the deity we celebrate during the festivities is the White Stag; Malorne. The celebration will begin with an offering ritual to Malorne in order to gain his favour and blessing for the festivities and the coming hunt.

Before we embark on the Great Hunt, we will be testing other hunt-related skills; such as archery. This year’s Jurina’tore will play host to two archery competitions: one for experienced archers and one for novices. So dust off your bows and try your mettle against other aspiring hunters. May your arrows fly true and the best archer win!

Art by Telariel

If archery is not your forte; never fear! At the same time as the archery competition is on-going we will also host a storytelling competition! We encourage you to bring your most outrageous (but not vulgar) stories about hunting, Malorne, or both. Your story will be judged based on the adherence to the theme, as well as your performance. Good luck, and let your creativity flow freely!

Art by Telariel

Day one of Jurina’tore will conclude with a food court! People from near and far are invited to come and share the bounty from their own hunts, and food and drinks from their specific cultures and homelands. Will you be bold enough to try them all?

This is the day of the big event; the Great Hunt! Teams will be formed and then we embark on a merry chase around the forest as we seek to find the White Stag and answer its riddles. The team who finds all the stag’s hiding places and is the first to return with the correct token will be the winner! Mounts, flying, and magic of ANY kind is prohibited during the race, and any displays of such will result in immediate disqualification.

Art by Tinwëtar

Those who do not wish to participate in the Hunt itself are instead invited to embark on a foraging journey through the forest. We follow in Malorne’s hoofsteps as we learn about the forest and gather from the forest’s bounty in order to contribute to the Great Feast.

Once the Hunt is concluded and the winners have been crowned it is time for the Great Feast! A lavish banquet where the season’s bounty takes centre stage. Traditional kaldorei cuisine with a focus on the delicacies that the season can provide, will be served. All accompanied by drinks such as moonberry juice, moonglow liqueur, and various teas. It is our hope that everyone will find something to their liking from what is on offer.

We close the end of this year’s festival with a traditional ritual in which we once again pay homage to, and give our thanks to Malorne. Once the ritual is complete we will gather at the shore of Astranaar lake to witness a spectacular Fireworks Extravaganza! Watch how the brightly coloured sparks bloom all across the sky and reflect in the water. It will truly be a sight to behold!

OOC Information

Schedule Saturday:
19:30 Welcome speech and opening ritual
20:00 Archery and Storytelling competitions
21:45 Crowning of the winners
22:00 Food Court

Schedule Sunday:
19:30 Signups for the Great Hunt!
20:00 The Great Hunt/The Waywatcher's Path
21:45 Crowning of the winners
22:00 The Great Feast
22:30 Closing Ritual and Fireworks Extravaganza

If you have any questions in regards to the event, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Tínwëtar.

The Great Hunt - Rules

The hunt will take the form of a riddle race. The attendees will divide themselves into teams of 3-4 (no exceptions to this rule) and be given the first riddle and a token. The answer to the riddle will lead them to the next checkpoint where they will hand their token in in exchange for another, and so on and so forth. The first team to find all the checkpoints in the correct order in time, will be the winners.

Upon arriving back you will present the last token you were given to prove that you have found all the stags in the correct order.

If the teams have not found all the checkpoints by the end of the allotted time, the team with the most checkpoints collected wins.

Mounts (flying or ground based) will be BANNED from the race. Anyone spotted using a flying mount will be disqualified, and their team along with them. This includes druid travel and flying forms as well.

Speed potions or magical abilities that give your character a speed boost are also prohibited (such as some druid/hunter/rogue abilities). If your class has a permanent speed boost built in that you can’t toggle off, that’s fine. But any abilities that you can -use- that increases your speed is forbidden. Please respect this.

The teams participating in the Hunt should make sure to have their team name/number in their TRP during the hunt itself, to help us and the stags to keep track. It is important that ALL members of a team has the team name/number in their TRP. Thank you!

Archery Contest - Rules

As archery is a Kaldorei martial tradition honed over thousands of years, the competition can be fierce. This year, the Jurina’tore archery contest is split into two, one section specifically for inexperienced or beginner archers, and one for skilled contestants to push themselves to their limits!

Fledgeling Archery
Inexperienced or less confident archers are welcome to participate in the Fledgeling Contest! Each archer will have five arrows to shoot at a target downrange. You’ll be scored based on your best three shots, so if some go awry, it’s always possible to recover. Stay focused and take your best shot for a chance to claim a prize!

OOC Rules:
Each player will shoot five arrows, scored on how close to the center of the target they land. Each shot is a /roll 100. Lower numbers are always better! A roll of 1 represents a bullseye strike! A roll over 80 misses the target entirely, and is counted as 100. After five shots, the lowest 3 rolls the player made are added together to form their final score. Aim for the lowest possible total to win!


Master Archery
The Jurina’tore Master Archery Tournament uses the same ruleset as previous years, and takes place over two rounds!

Skill Bonuses:
Only in the Master Tournament, you may choose to give yourself a small bonus or penalty to factor in your character’s skill (or lack thereof) at archery. You may pick one of the following four options.

Veteran Markswoman: /roll 75
Trained Archer: /roll 90
Average Bow Enjoyer: /roll 100
I Should Probably Have Joined The Fledgeling Tournament Instead: /roll 200

Qualifying Stage:
In the first stage, contestants will compete in a challenge of accuracy. Each contestant will be given three arrows to shoot at a target at 40 paces. Scoring will be based on how close to the centre of the target each arrow lands. Aim well to prove yourself worthy to advance to the finals!

((Each arrow is shot by rolling as described above. A lower score represents the arrow landing closer to the bullseye. After three shots, your score will be tallied, and the four lowest scorers will advance to the second round!))

Final Stage:
The second stage tests the remaining archers’ skill and guile. Four normal targets will be placed on the range, along with a smaller fifth golden target. The finalists will each be given five arrows, and shoot one at a time in sequence based on their scores in the first round.

Striking a target with an arrow claims it for yourself. Each normal target claimed at the end of the round is worth three points, while the golden target is worth five points.

However, just claiming the target won’t guarantee you the points right away. If another archer can land an arrow closer to the centre of the target, they steal it for themselves - that is, unless someone can beat their shot...

Once all finalists have let their arrows fly and the round ends, each target’s points will be awarded to the archer whose arrow landed closest to its centre. Choose your shots wisely and aim true to claim victory!

((Each arrow is shot by rolling as described above, the players taking it in turns to shoot one arrow at a time over five rounds. Players may choose which target to aim for each turn. Hitting one of the four standard targets requires a roll of below 80, while hitting the golden target requires below 50.

When a target is first struck, it is claimed by the player who hit it. Subsequently, other players can attempt to steal the target by landing a lower scoring arrow on it on their turn. Players may aim at targets they currently have the leading score on, if they choose.

After five rounds, the game ends and the lowest scoring arrow on each target determines who is awarded the points. The normal targets are worth 3 points, while the special golden target is worth 5. The contestant with the most points will be declared winner of the Master Archery Contest!

If there is a tie, the winner will be determined by the lowest roll made by the tied players during the second stage. If there is still a tie, the winner will be determined by the tied players’ scores in the first stage.))

Please note...
  • This event is supposed to be a friendly and fun competition and celebration, please do not ruin it for others by going against the rules of the event.

  • We also kindly ask you to keep in mind that this is supposed to be a festive occasion and refrain from disrupting it in ways that might interrupt the activities planned for the event. Unexpected invasions and the likes can be great fun, but we feel that they do not belong during this joyous celebration of life.

  • As this is a celebration of Life, we kindly ask that corruptive and destructive magics, such as void and fel, NOT be wielded at any time during the event.


If you would like to host a food stall at Jurina'tore please get in touch with Tinwëtar! Once we know who will be hosting a stall and what type of foods will be available, we can create the activity card that will hopefully make sure that the attendees visit your stall!

Tinwëtar’s discord: tinwetar

Jurina’tore is approaching fast with the lighter nights, and this year, we have a little bit of a special request…

:green_salad: :clinking_glasses: CALLING ALL FOOD AND DRINK VENDORS! :sandwich: :wine_glass:

This year, the market part of Jurina’tore will be a bit special, as we will focus on having a food court! Does your character bake the best bread in Azeroth, offer the most intricate sweets or sell teas that are just to die for? Then this is the night for you! The Jurina’tore food court will offer spots to food and drink vendors from far and wide, and the perfect opportunity to sell your wares in good company and a festive atmosphere. For those visiting the food court, there will be a little card listing each stall present, where any visitor can tick off which stalls they have visited during the night. A checklist for culinary curiosities, if you will. If you want to join the food court as as stall holder, let us know!

Jurina’tore is a favourite event of ours, and we are really looking forwards to hosting it once more at the best time of the year. We hope to see many join us for Kaldorei solstice celebrations, archery, food and drinks and the fabled hunt!

Well met! Not long left!


Hello there!

I visited the Jurina’tore last year and had a lot of fun. 🩵 This year, I’d love to participate in the evening’s food court!

I have a baker character, Viiumi (OOC name is Vishavish) who might be a good fit. She vendors sweet and savoury baked goods, most of which is inspired by Draenei culture. But she also sells her own take on Kaldorei pine nut bread and a sponge cake inspired by Gilneas roses. :smiling_face:

Here is her menu, thank you! -borealisbakery.carrd.co/


That is absolutely delightful to hear, and you are so very welcome to host your stall! I will add you to our stallholder’s list for the food court for the first night of the festival. Looking forwards to all the fabulous baked goods :heart:


Thank you for having me! I can’t wait. :deer: :yellow_heart:


Preparations for Jurinatore 2024 (which I now realise rhymes in a very nice way) is in full swing! Thank you so much to those who have gotten in touch with us so far, be it for stags or for food stalls, we are so happy to have you!

We still have room for a few more food stalls. If you wish to host a food stall with Azeroth’s best cuisine, drinks or why not sweets, either write us here or get in touch via Tinwëtar’s discord in the first post <3

Less than a week left now! Soon, the solstice is upon us! :sunny:


The first night of Jurina’tore will happen tomorrow! The prize for the Great Hunt has been added to the thread, so check that out!

The rules for the archery competition, as well as prizes for the remaining contests, along with a festival map, will be up tomorrow.

Can’t wait to celebrate with you all!

Don’t forget to sign up for hosting a food stall during the food court! There’s still room for a few more stalls!


Jurina’tore Day 1 is happening tonight!

Tonight marks the first night of Summer Solstice festivities, and the opening of Jurina’tore. This is a festival dedicated to knowledge, summer, and Malorne.

Final check-list for Day 1:

:alarm_clock: The event will begin at 19:30, just off the side of the road to Astranaar (see event map for exact location).

:pray: Please bring along a small offering to Malorne in order to receive his blessing during the opening ritual. Preferred offerings include: oak leaves, pine cones, acorns, herb bundles, flower crowns, a nice (small) branch, parchment, a page from a book, etc.

:bow_and_arrow: There will be three different competitions running simultaneously. Two archery competitions, and a storytelling competition.

:stew: After the competitions are finished, there will be a food Court. Vendors from near and far have come to share their best cuisine with the attendees of Jurina’tore.

:notes: Music for the event will be played using Watch2Gether. The official Jurina’tore Playlist can be found here.

  • The event is Alliance only! The celebration is meant to expand kaldorei culture, and thus it’s primarily aimed at kaldorei roleplayers. However, all members of the Alliance are welcome to attend and partake in the festivities and the competitions!

Thank you all for hosting the first day of the Great Hunt! - I speak for all of mine who had to attend the first day; it was a blast! - Certain Sunday’s activities will be as big of a success!


So happy to hear you had a lovely time at Jurina’tore, Urrus!

Jurina’tore Day 2 is happening tonight!

Tonight we’ll be celebrating the second day of Juirna’tore, and with it the Great Hunt!

Final check-list for Day 2:

:alarm_clock: The event will begin at 19:30 with the signups for the hunt. Please keep in mind that the Hunt is a team activity, and teams should consist of 3-4 people.

:four_leaf_clover: For those who do not wish to participate in the hunt, there will be an alternative activity prepared. A foraging event in preparation for the Great Feast.

:notes: Music for the event will be played using Watch2Gether. The official Jurina’tore Playlist can be found here.


Another Jurina’tore has come and gone, and what a celebration it’s been!

Thank you so much to everyone who attended and participated in the various contests and activities on offer. It’s been a joy hosting this year’s Jurina’tore for all of you. Without you, there’d be no solstice celebration.

But, I also cannot host these festivals alone. I couldn’t do this without a whole host of people helping out, and I am so grateful to each and every one of you.

Ialluen - For helping out with planning, with the rituals, for hosting the storytelling competition, for hosting the forest foraging, and for assisting with a million other small things.

Telariel - For helping out with planning, with the rituals, for all the AMAZING artwork for the prizes, for bringing vendors to the food court, and assisting with lots of other small things that need doing.

Kathene - For helping out with planning, writing riddles, participating in the opening ritual, refereeing during the hunt, planning and hosting the archery contest, and shooting fireworks!

Ilyande - For helping out with the rituals, for setting up food tables during the feast, and shooting fireworks!

Stillglade - For being a lovely stag during the Great Hunt, as well as playing Malorne during the closing ritual.

Meladriss - For being a lovely stag during the Great Hunt, and for assisting with shooting fireworks!

Elanyra, Tessaemay, and Lunargroove - For playing such wonderful stags during the Great Hunt!

Viumii, Lian Ling, Hawkins, Sadarn - For hosting amazing food stalls during the food court!

Silverleaf and Aariam - For assisting with the Firework Extravaganza!

A thousand times thank you for your time, dedication, and effort. This would not be possible without you! :heart:


What an absolute blast these past few days have been. It was great to see so many people with unique and creative outfits, and the activities were so much fun to participate in!

A very big thank you to the whole crew involved in making this happen, it’s been such a treat! :heart:


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