Date: 8th and 9th of July, 2023
Time: 19:30
Location: The Moonwell of Cleansing, Ashenvale
Faction: Alliance
Dresscode: Gold/yellow and beast masks!
Music: Jurina'tore Playlist

As this is a celebration of Life, we kindly ask that corruptive and destructive magics, such as void and fel, NOT be wielded at any time during the event.
OOC Information
Schedule Saturday:19:30 Welcome speech and opening ritual
20:30 The Great Hunt
21:45 Crowning of the winners
22:00 The Grand Feast
Schedule Sunday:
19:30 Time to mingle and to sign up for the archery contest!
20:00 Archery Contest
21:00 Crowning of the winners
21:20 Storytelling
22:30 Closing Ritual and Fireworks Extravaganza
If you have any questions in regards to the event, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Tínwëtar.

The Great Hunt - Rules
The hunt will take the form of a riddle race. The attendees will divide themselves into teams of 4 - 5 and be given the first riddle and a token. The answer to the riddle will lead them to the next checkpoint where they will hand their token in in exchange for another, and so on and so forth. The first team to find all the checkpoints in the correct order in time, will be the winners.
Upon arriving back you will present the last token you were given to prove that you have found all the stags in the correct order.
If the teams have not found all the checkpoints by the end of the allotted time, the team with the most checkpoints collected wins.
Mounts (flying or ground based) will be BANNED from the race. Anyone spotted using a flying mount will be disqualified, and their team along with them. This includes druid travel and flying forms as well.
Speed potions or magical abilities that give your character a speed boost are also prohibited (such as some druid/hunter/rogue abilities). If your class has a permanent speed boost built in that you can’t toggle off, that’s fine. But any abilities that you can -use- that increases your speed is forbidden. Please respect this.
The teams participating in the Hunt should make sure to have their team name/number in their TRP during the hunt itself, to help us and the stags to keep track. It is important that ALL members of a team has the team name/number in their TRP. Thank you!
Archery Contest Rules
The Jurina’tore Archery Contest takes place over two rounds, testing the skill, cunning and fortune of its contestants as they compete for the [prize name]!
Each shot is represented by a /roll. In this contest, the lower you roll when shooting at a target, the closer your arrow lands to the bullseye. Lower rolls are always better!
Skill Bonuses:
To factor in your character’s skill (or lack thereof) at archery, you may choose to give yourself a small bonus or penalty, according to the following options. Please only pick from these four!
Veteran Markswoman: /roll 75
Trained Archer: /roll 90
Average Bow Enjoyer: /roll 100
I Have No Idea What I’m Doing, But This Archery Thing Looked Kind Of Fun: /roll 150
This will give skilled characters a slight edge, but the winds of fortune might just favour anyone in this contest!
Round 1:
In the first round, contestants will compete in a challenge of accuracy. Each contestant will be given three arrows to shoot at a target at 40 paces. Scoring will be based on how close to the centre of the target each arrow lands. Aim well to prove yourself worthy to advance to the finals!
((Each arrow is shot by rolling as described above. A lower score represents the arrow landing closer to the bullseye. After three shots, your score will be tallied, and the four lowest scorers will advance to the second round!))
Round 2:
The second round is a contest of skill and guile. Four normal targets will be arranged at a distance of 60 paces, along with a smaller fifth golden target. The finalists will each be given five arrows, and shoot one at a time in sequence based on their scores in the first round.
Striking a target with an arrow claims it for yourself. Each normal target claimed is worth three points at the end of the round, while the golden target is worth five points.
However, just claiming the target won’t guarantee you the points. If another archer can land an arrow closer to the centre of the target they steal it, and the points will belong to them - that is, unless someone can beat their shot in turn…
Once all finalists have let their arrows fly, each target’s points will be awarded to the archer whose arrow landed closest to its centre. Choose your shots wisely and aim true to claim victory!
((Each arrow is shot by rolling as described above. A lower score represents the arrow landing closer to the bullseye. Hitting one of the four blue targets requires a roll of below 80, while hitting the golden target requires below 50.
The lowest scoring arrow on a target is considered to have claimed it, and for another archer to subsequently claim the target from them they must roll lower than the leading arrow’s score. Ties are won by the newest arrow (It is considered to have split the current leader’s arrow!)
Once each contestant has shot all four arrows, the lowest scoring arrow on each target determines who is awarded the points. The normal targets are worth 3 points, while the special golden target is worth 5. The contestant with the most points will be declared winner of the Archery Contest!
If there is a tie, the winner will be determined by the lowest roll by the tied players in the second round. If there is still a tie, the winner will be determined by the tied players’ scores in the first round.))
This event is supposed to be a friendly and fun competition and celebration, please do not ruin it for others by going against the rules of the event.
We also kindly ask you to keep in mind that this is supposed to be a festive occasion and refrain from disrupting it in ways that might interrupt the activities planned for the event. Unexpected invasions and the likes can be great fun, but we feel that they do not belong during this joyous celebration of life.
Note: If you would like to host a market stall during the festival you will be more than welcome to! We would be very happy to see merchants of all kinds show up and help add to the festive atmosphere by peddling their wares. If you’re interested in bringing a market stall to Jurina’tore, please get in touch with Tinwëtar!
If you'd like to help out with the festival by playing one of the stags during the hunt, please reach out to Tinwëtar! We currently need 3 more stags!Tinwëtar’s discord: tinwetar