[A-Event] Lakeshire Dance Night

To celebrate the coming of summer, and to wish for good crop and a bountiful fishing season, a dance night is hosted on the sunny piers of Lakeshire. Come enjoy the rhythms in merry company, try out local cuisine, and cool your feet in the magnificent Lake Everstill as the evenings grow warmer.

Date: Friday 19th May
Time: 20:00 Realm Time
Faction: Alliance
Location: Lakeshire
Contact: OOC Acrona, In-character Madele (Gramenth)
Argent Archives event page

Since the Kaldorei Spring Dances event went so well, doing another dance event for a broader audience!

The event features 3 choreographed dances that include movement and emotes. Theyā€™re instructed step by step, and meant to be easy to follow along without practice. Itā€™s no competition, and all about creating the immersion of characters dancing in circle and line formations!

The emotes used in the choreographies will be written in CAPS, for example: ā€œOne step forward! CLAP!ā€ The dances are designed to be done with a dance partner, and people will be given time to find a dancing companion at the event. The dance partner roles wonā€™t be gendered. Depending on numbers the dancers might be split into two groups taking turns.

Watch2Gether website will be used for synchronous background music that will be played by NPCs In-Character. Itā€™ll make things more atmospheric and immersive when you can hear the tempo and spirit of the songs used for the dances!

Music room url: https://w2g.tv/?r=7qqmilycbnc6ac1srd

The event is held in Lakeshire, organized by some of its residents. Itā€™s closer to a folk dance party than a formal upper class ball. As such, people from many walks of life are welcome, from farmers to adventurers to nobles. We only ask people apply common sense in regards to what kinds of characters would make the average town resident uncomfortable at such an event; warlocks in skull tierset, death knights in eerie armor, demonic elves etc. might not be the best choice for the immersion weā€™re after with this event.

20:00 - Mingling, outdoor feast and drinks

20:45 - Final call for people to find a dance partner, after which the instructed dancing begins outside the town hall.

After the guided dances, the NPC bards will play some more songs for people who might wish to continue dancing on their own.

As something extra, my character will be selling the following items for an hour after the guided dancing. IC thereā€™s duplicates of each design and color available for purchase, and thereā€™s no need to pay actual in-game gold for them, itā€™s just to give people some nice items for roleplay purposes. Buyers are welcome to use the art for reference in their roleplay profiles etc. and Iā€™ll send a link to the item on its own after purchase. Iā€™ve made the art myself for market events years ago.

The Listener AddOn is recommended to help keep track of other peopleā€™s interactions with you, during the dances the chat might be busy due to all the /emotes and instructions.



I love that idea!
Someone should teach us Hordies a few dances too!

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Oh, this sounds fun, count me in. :smiley:

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Wonder if anyone remembers these events anymore? :shushing_face:

Eversong Autumn Ball

Fairbreeze Village Hours / Dance Nights (2015?)

Thalassian Summer Ball

Since I originally came up with the idea of guided dances on the red side, for the above events, wouldnā€™t mind bringing the concept back there at some point!


That looks pretty cool!
I think I havenā€™t been on AD back then but played on a different server. Though I remember that at our first Dalaran Ball Night someone asked if weā€™d have such dances like you are showing! Iā€™ve never seen that before. I wouldnā€™t even know how to organize them!

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I havenā€™t seen other people organizing this type of events either to be honest, not surprised you havenā€™t stumbled into them before. One of my RL hobbies is dancing, so I draw a few ideas from the various classes in instructing the choreographies, but most of the inspiration really comes from historical dances such as medieval, balfolk and group polka that I donā€™t do myself. Itā€™s all about planning an illusion of the characters dancing in formation in a manner thatā€™s easy to follow along.

A couple weeks to go until the event!


This sounds so great! Wish I could be there (Iā€™ll be afk, sadly), so hopefully thereā€™ll be more!

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Weā€™ll see how things go, and thank you for the kind words!

The event happens next week!

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I donā€™t RP in WoW anymore but having attended multiple of these events at the Oak Villa in FFXIV I can guarantee this will be brilliant.

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Oh, I recall attending this! Long agoā€¦

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Iā€˜ll try to make it to the Dance Night. And if I am brave, I might even take part and not just hide in the bushes.

Welcome on your Alliance alt!

The event is tomorrow! Hope to see people coming over to feel the rhythms, and to challenge themselves in remembering which way is left and right.

Hereā€™s a link to the event music room. The audio will be played synchronously for everyone tuning in, and Iā€™ve made a playlist for each guided dance and for the freestyle dancing afterward.

I also recommend people to macro the /clap emote since thatā€™ll be used quite a lot!

Also FYI Iā€™ll be online on Gramenth, IC Madele Adams.

See you there!


Dear Miss Madele Adams ((Acrona))

I would like to thank you for a pleasant evening in the company of many others, though I may have had to disappear in the name of business for a short moment, but it was quite entertaining.

I am not quite fond coordinated dance participation but it seems a young Miss Newbrook managed to convince me to step out into the field to partake. I am certain I made no property damage.

It was a delight to see familiar faces among the crowd, which makes more reason to support such gatherings and future social entertainment venues.

Thank you for hosting this gathering, and I would look forward to attending future gatherings as well - perhaps attend with some of my own trades too.


Director Jeremy S. Lochton

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Loved to see the tail end of it, next time Iā€™ll attend on my Wildhammer :smiley:

Edit: What the hell is my character model

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Thanks for coming to the event! Hope you all had a good time, whether that meant putting your character out of their comfort zone or just enjoying the ambience. Seeing players have fun is the most rewarding thing about organizing events.

Overall I think the event went pretty well! I tried to plan the dances to scale up or down depending on the number of participants and the available space, in a few spots had to improvise on the fly to make sure people wouldnā€™t fall off the pier etc. Since we split people into two dance groups, the third dance took perhaps a bit too long to brief, so Iā€™ll look into replacing that with a simpler one in the future! It always helps improve things for the next time when you see the choreographies done with real players.

I only wish we had more /emotes to work with!

Some screenshots of the event:

Plus a few more here: https://imgur.com/a/zLUH0lp

Kudos to Ryldor for testing the dances with me in advance, and for helping host the event on their alt Valdon!

Madele has received the above letter and would certainly welcome one Director Jeremy S. Lochton at future events!

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Also, thanks to Hardhy of the Lionā€™s Roar for visiting, and featuring the event on their newspaper today!


They also took this cool video footage of the first dance, Clap Donā€™t Nap!


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