[A-Event] Samha - Night of Lingering Spirits 🪦

Samha is the Night of Lingering Spirits. The opposite to Byltan, it is a holiday reserved for reflection and remembrance. It is a time to welcome in the darkness and pay respects to the dark aspect of the Goddess; the Night Warrior.

This year, Amirdrassil will play host to Samha. Amirdrassil is a symbol of remembrance, as well as rebirth and as such it is a perfect place to celebrate this somber holiday.

Date: 9th of November, 2024
Time: 20:00 server time
Location: Moonwell at Terrace of the Moon in Bel'ameth, Amirdrassil
Faction: Alliance
Music: Playlist

We open our Samha celebration with a ritual where we invoke and honour the Goddess’ darkest aspect, the Night Warrior.

Those who have passed live on within us always, but to honour their passing we gather to share tales of their life and deeds. This is a more formal gathering than a regular storytelling. Please make sure that you have prepared your tale ahead of time, and to keep it relatively short so that everyone who wishes to will have a chance to share.

A tradition of Samha is to write the names of the loved ones who have passed onto special, coloured ribbons and then tie them to the branches of a tree or to the nori gates surrounding a moonwell. It is also tradition to write one’s own intentions for the coming year on another ribbon and place it alongside, thus seeking the ancestors’ blessing upon your wishes and dreams for the time ahead.

Samha is the night when the veil between worlds is especially thin. The spirits of those who have passed on can be more keenly felt, and as such it is tradition to create an Altar of Remembrance in their honour. This altar can contain everything from beautiful decorations, to food, flowers, and personal mementos. These altars also hold offerings to the Ancients and the Wild Gods who have passed on.

During this celebration one of the Priestesses will offer a guided meditation for those who wish to connect with the Night Warrior and the spirits of the departed on a more personal level.

We end our Samha celebrations by a short ritual where we ask the Goddess to protect and care for those who have passed on and returned to her embrace.

To conclude the ritual, we will be saying a prayer to the Night Warrior. If you wish to participate in it you can find it below.

Prayer to the Night Warrior

[PRIESTESS]: O Spirit Owl, may your light guide our steps at night.

[EVERYONE]: And may She smile upon us.

[PRIESTESS]: O Night Warrior, give us the strength and the courage to carry on.

[EVERYONE]: And may She strike down our fears.

[PRIESTESS]: O Herald of Death, look over those who are no longer with us.

[EVERYONE]: For where we are now they were before, and where they are now we will be one day.

[PRIESTESS]: Anar’alla Elune.

[EVERYONE]: Anar’alla Elune.

OOC Details:

20:00 Opening Ceremony
20:30 Honouring memory / Tying of the Ribbons / Altar of Remembrance / Guided Meditation
22:30 Closing Ritual

Is there a dress code? All participants are encouraged to come dressed in GREY, DARK BLUE, or BLACK clothing.

Do I need to bring anything?
Yes! It is encouraged for you to bring:

  • A pre-written story about an ancestor or ancient. Keep it short; a maximum of 3 emotes in length.
  • Offerings of your choice for the Altar of Remembrance

We kindly ask you to keep in mind that this is supposed to be a festive occasion (despite the somber tone) and refrain from disrupting it in ways that might interrupt the activities planned for the event. Unexpected invasions and the likes can be great fun, but we feel that they do not belong during this type of celebratory event.


Kudos for the representasion. That is awesome! Time to dust off my druid and find a suitable, uhm, suit for the event

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Added to our guild calendar :blush:

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Happy to see that there is some interest in this, despite the short notice!

We have added another activity to the lineup, as well as added some more information about the closing ritual and the general schedule. So feel free to check those out.

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Would have loved to attend but sadly already have guild events planned! I hope it will be a success. We will have our own small Samha celebration in the Blasted Lands. (Of all places…)

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Tonight is the night! Samha will begin in 40 minutes! The thread has been updated with a playlist for the event, so don’t forget to check that one out!

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

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Event will start at the Moonwell at Terrace of the Moon in Bel’ameth!

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Samha is over for this year and I want to thank everyone who attended. It was wonderful to see so many of you in Bel’ameth. We have not hosted a Samha celebration in the past few years, but it was a lot of fun to do so again.

As always, this could not have been done without my fellow Priestesses in arms: Telariel, Ilyande, and Kathene. From the bottom of my heart; thank you so much for helping out with this and for making this year’s Samha such a success.

I also wish to extend a special thanks to those who participated in the guided meditation. It was an experiment on my part, created just for this event. I had a lot of fun seeing everyone’s reactions to what your characters went through. Again, thank you all for being such good sports and for really getting into it. It was amazing to see.

Until next time! :heart:


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