[A Evil-RP] Abyssal Conclave - The Hour of Twilight approaches!

I might be interested! Would love to join a good evil guild agaaain!

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Feel free to give us a /w or send a mail, if officers don’t happen to be online at the time ^^

Going to send smt now

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Salutations. I will be hosting a smaller scale Campaign starting 4th of May, and I thought that perhaps your guild would be interested in the RP that is created from it’s wake, as the prime theme of the Campaign is tied closely to the Void and in some capacity, to its followers.

If you’re interested, feel free to check out the thread and be in contact with me directly, I will provide my Discord and BNET below!

Discord - RT#3010
BNET - EpicRP#2300

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Sounds good! We’ll check out the thread once it appears. Unless it is there alraedy and I can’t see it.

I wasn’t able to post a link earlier, haven’t really spent much time in the new forums to figure that out.

But here it is!

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This looks delightfully :octopus:

We can always do with more Old God and Void related concepts. I hope to see your tentacles get into everything soon.

I take it the Gift of N’Zoth is mandatory for members too?

We don’t require the gift as mandatory. It can be weird for immersion and transmogs, but some of us do use it and if so do you, feel free to acknowledge. :slight_smile:

The Conclave is participating in a voyage to recover a fractured void artifact, all under guise of upstanding archeologists. Time of :octopus: is near!


I knew there was something fishy aboard and it wasn’t the fish.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

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There’s only enough room for one cult roun’ 'ere partner. draws pistol


I’ll be watching you squints

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Aw nice! I hope you’ll prosper and be able to stick around a while, these kind of guilds sadly never seem to last long.

My void-loving heart weeps when they go away.

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Are you guys still recruiting, as I might be interested.

Still recruiting! Feel free to send me in-game mail and I’ll contact you!

Love the concept and fits a character of mine, sent an Ingame mail for potential recruitment :slight_smile:

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I like the idea and wish to join.

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An astunding success! Lord Hydorath roams the waters once more!

After days of research and number of lenghty rituals, the Conclave has at last managed to crack the opal orb open and free the elemental warlord from it’s prison.

“Look to the sea. As your queen rises, the king follows suit. We will meet on the fields of Awakening as all is set in motion.”

With it’s departure, the watery noble left cracked remains of it’s prison in the cult’s posession. Emptied of it’s resident, the orb was now filled with corrupted water, a reward to the faithful. What use could the Conclave make of it? Time will tell.

Getting hyped for 8.3 while we plan our next moves. Shur’nab!