A fix for griefing and world buff meta

No matter how many times this is said, people will rather cry on forums than make use of multiple legitimate solutions to their problem already provided by the game. Sad.

For me its pretty clear: dispelling only for dispelling reasons is griefing and should be banned. If you pvp in a normal matter and get dispelled its 100% fine. But all these idiots who only rezz to dispell and die again should get banned right away

ban them for what? For dispeling world buffs that aren’t even needed for raids?

You can live without world buffs

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Its not about needing, you dont need anything in wow, you dont even need to play the game in the first place.

Its ajout griefing the players who WANT to get buffs and then there are griefers who ruin these peoples experience by making the time they spent collecting the buffs wasted. Griefing is forbidden by tos so it should get banned, its that simple

just shut up. the average IQ of comments in this topic is low enough. we don’t need someone driving it into the ground at terminal velocity.

read the tos again, and again, and again, and again, and again. this is not griefing.

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Except it is

On PVP servers, anything goes. It’s griefing yes, but it’s allowed. Even says so when you first roll on a pvp realm, there’s a warning window telling you that PVP actions will not be moderated.
It’s even in the theme of the game, two warring factions. In war, you do anything to undermine the opposing faction.

read it again.

should be pointed out that this only applies to the definition, not tos interpretation.


Did I say they go arround attacking and harrasing people? No they just kick sand castles. You don’t need a sand castle to enjoy the beach. Just don’t build one. People didn’t really build them much in the past, and the sunbathing experience clearly isn’t even meant to involve sand castles.

Yes it is part of the game. If you derive joy from causing grief to others, you are a ticking bomb that will sooner or later do the same in another situation as well. Be it cutting a guy off on the road, or vandalizing something, or something much more sinister. Every dead dispeller at an inn or portal trainer is a shool shooting waiting to happen. Or a dead prostitute, or a child with a black eye. You know it to be true, you just hate the idea.

Remember, we are not talking about fighting the opposing faction, even corpse-camping with a weak excuse of red is dead. We are talking about deliberately spending hours of game time on gray screen, hoping to cause mental anguish to another human. It is so strikingly psychopathic only a fool or a perpetrator would defend it.

That’s still “harrassing” though. And it is toxic behavior because it happens in real life. What transpires in a game, happens and stays in the game. We play CHARACTERS in a role playing game. You not being able to understand and accept that since you are angry about it is the core flaw in your arguement. You’re not approaching this rationally, you’re talking out of pure emotion and disturbance, which I think is a bigger problem than people dispelling here, something like this causing you to react like this is troublesome. You’re even going into the extreme by comparing them to school shooters, which shows how desperate you are to try and take a moral high ground. One last time, what we do in game has no relevance to how we are in real life. That’s the exact reason we play the game, to escape reality. Cope.

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A lot of you seem to like telling other people what is fun in this game, some of us like the world buff meta some of us dont. Saying “durr you dont need world buffs” is the most pointless argument i can think of.

And i need to stress i love the crazy PvP shenanigans and i dont mind people being trolly and debuffing it is part and parcel of a PvP server. Its specifically the ghost camping of spawn points i feel is toxic and the game would be a lot more fun for everyone if the griefers had to be a little more creative.

This is ridiculous. You know perfectly well there is a live person behind the opposing chatacter. Do you truly not see how deriving pleasure or fun from other live player’s pain is pathological?

Feeling pain because they are dispelling you is pathological.

Feeling the pain at having your sand castle kicked over is patgological.

Not when you have opted into building your sand castle in the sandcastle-kicker beach.

You guys defending the dispelling meta here and saying its pathological to freak out about buffs… i agree with you. But do you not see a problem with the ghost camping stuff going on? like i said that specifically and only that is my problem here.

I have been debuffed in the world many times and always have a sense of humour about it, i have even befriended a few of the culprits (the perfect defence!). But it is kinda bullcrap when HSing, even to a quiet spot outside main cities, is not safe from a crazy sperg sitting as a ghost all day every day. It cant be healthy for the fing trolls either tbh, its a dysfunctional meta that is toxic to its core.

You do have a point sir, your example is very specific and wont come up much but i accept the argument.

You are taking a typically selfish attitude to world buffs however, you dont care that is fine but many many players do care. More than would care about a tiny dispell nerf. In hindsight tho letting the world buffs just be a useable item would solve all the problems anyway and the real griefing would happen out in the world around the songflowers as god intended.

Guys, you realize classic will be over in month or 2 and your servers will end up with 100 ppl online and you are still deluded and persistant in this #change topics…
Most PvP changes could make diference if they patched them like a year ago…
Now is far beyond too late…

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It’s not ridicilous because that’s what the game is designed for, specifically the PVP realms. You knew fully well what it meant when you signed up for that. The whole point of the game is to attack, kill and undermine other player’s characters. If being on the receiving end impacts you so much to a point where you compare the culprits to school shooters, I’m sorry but it seems to me you’re not cut out for PVP realms. You’d enjoy PVE realms way more.


Look at this arrow ————————-> pve that way