GLHF is a 6/9 heroic weekend raiding guild on Lightbringer, Alliance and we raid every Saturday and Sunday from 20:00 until 23:00 server time.
Aside from raiding we also have a weekly mythic+ event to do some keys together and have a good time!
We hope to find like-minded people to join us on our progression through BfA and beyond! We only take people over 18 for raiding.
Currently we are in need of more ranged DPS to complement our raid roster. We are however open for all classes and appreciate every application from friendly and like-minded players to join our ranks!
We like reliable people who view raiding as a team-effort and have a positive, helpful attitude and also strive to improve themselves.
We don't like obsession with loot and dps, laziness and disrespectful behavior.
If this sounds like a guild you would like to call home then please apply at glhflightbringer.enjin .com/joinus and we will get in touch with you!
You can also add:
Xantcha#2265 or Tsumiki#21486 on B-net
Xan#8319 or Mythalia#6125 on Discord!
Thank you!
Tsumiki and Xan
Still in need of ranged DPS, mainly:
Shadow Priest
Look in the original post for contact info.
After another swift clear of Uldir
Achievement runs are next on the agenda ^^ Need to change my transmog to match my sick new dog worm thing!!
Need some more DPS to come and Share all the M+ and achievement points.
Updated the post with more contact info. LF ranged DPS, but open to all applications from friendly and like-minded players!
Sunday we finally finished the last Uldir achievement! Come join our raids for a relaxed and friendly atmosphere! LF mainly ranged DPS, but of course everyone like-minded and friendly is welcome to apply! Contact any of the people in the original post or apply on our website
Currently full on Healers and Tanks.
Still looking to build up the roster to kick off strong into 8.1
Hit us up for good progress within a friendly atmosphere.
Still lf for more DPS. Every application considered, but we’re full on healers and tanks.
Still looking for more DPS, any class/spec will be considered though we are full on healers & tanks.
Still looking for more DPS, any class/spec, to join us again when the new raid hits! Contact us through the info in the original post or see our website www.glhflightbringer.enjin. com
Still looking for more DPS, any spec/class is fine and will be considered except tanks! We need 1 healer, pref resto druid, with a dps offspec. Original post contains all info you need. For more questions please contact us. Best reachable on Discord.
We need 1 off spec healer, pref shaman, with a dps mainspec. But any other healer spec/class will be considered too. We’re also looking for DPS still. Original post contains contact info
With just one day of raiding we managed to reach 6/9 Normal BoD and afterwards we progress further with Heroic
We’re looking for an off spec healer, preferably Shaman and we’re also still looking for more DPS - more ranged players prefered, but any application will always taken in consideration.
Now 9/9 normal and 1/9 Heroic with Jadefire Masters to 24% Still looking for DPS and also need someone with a reliable tank off spec, who will be primarily be playing DPS. Contact us for more info.
With Jadefire Masters dead, we move on to 2/9 heroic, still looking for more dps!
Still looking for more DPS and we would very much like an off spec tank. Any DPS application considered. But full on healers and tanks!
6/9 Heroic now after a successful night of raiding. More melees would be greatly welcomed but any class will be considered.
We had some good pulls on High Tinker Mekkatorque with the lowest being 8%, good job guys! We’re still looking for more DPS…
We had some nice progress tonight leading us to 8/9 Heroic, having had only 3 pulls on Stormwall Blockade. Still looking for more DPS, preferably melee. Every class except healers & tanks always considered, though!