A guide on how to get removed from your guild

Share a negative opinion about raiding being boring.
Not all that challenging and statistically speaking just a series of pre-scripted events being alerted to you in advance via the game it self and addons, literally telling you what to do and when to do them.

A thing NASA has been teaching chimps for decades.

Min-max your gear, rinse repeat mechanics until you get the hang of it.

Now naturally my most recent guild that kept struggling on the early easy mythic bosses got triggered flamed me, insulted me and eventually kicked me.

So there you have it.

Point out Pve has no skill behind it and get your self kicked for having a realistic but different point and view on the game than your guild mates have.

PS: yes I know my character hasn’t done any mythic raiding.
I stopped raiding since HFC in Warlords of Draenor.

I no longer find them interesting or fun content to do.

Telling me I am not entitled to an opinion just because I no longer raid or do the same content you do is just entirely idiotic.

For the description of raiding in the text above has been the same for many years in a row.

With that said, here’s my guide on how to get kicked out of your guild.

This isn’t a topic to stir drama or grief.

I find it hilarious that people take offense in facts to a degree they feel the need to abuse their role as an officer and just remove people based on having a different point of view.

It’s a joke thread, nothing more.

I won’t share the guild name or the names of the involved players.
The story it self should suffice our entertainment needs.


This works for lots of things!

How to get kicked out of the Tennis Club: keep boring people with your opinion that Tennis is boring, and only played by people who can’t measure up to REAL sports.

How to get kicked out of your job: keep boring people with your opinion that the company is crap, your boss is a dweeb, and only losers would stay in such a place.

My God! I think you have discovered a new Cosmic Principle! Quick, patent it so you can make out like a bandit from all the people who want to use it and didn’t think of it themselves!

Laurence J Peter’s estate may have a claim, though … now where was my copy of The Peter Prescription …


Well I was entertained and to some degree I do agree.

Some people take this sh*t waaaaay too serious for my liking.

To each its own i guess, I personally find those pre-scripted events more intelligent than your average PVPer.


Hey did no one tell you that you can just type /gquit ?

A guild is a group of people having something in common. If you’re not interested in pve, what’s the point of joining a raiding guild? Unless they’re real friends, but that’s hardly the case if they kicked you.


Reminds me of a random Alliance guild from Silvermoon who couldn’t clear Antorus HC, I already had curve at that time so I thought it was funny but eventually bailed when it was more sad than funny.

Trolling people by telling them something they enjoy sucks.

Wow, you truly are a master of social engineering. Any more deep insights you’d like to make a witty wall of text about?


must admit, dude has a lot of valid points. Raiding is what destroyed a very social guild I used to be in. GM got it into their head to bring in hardcore raiders and exclude 95% of the guild from all possible raiding chances for those who wanted to do it. OF course being “hardcore” as in not very hardcore at all just thinking they were meaning dragging raid rage into the social guild annoyed a lot of the people who just wanted to hang with friends so they upsticks and left. Ever since then raiding and in some extent mythic dungeons which also carries the same level of self importance (“I’M IMPORTANT I CLEARED SO AND SO ON A +15 KEY!”) has left a very sour taste in my mouth and I have no wish to taste it again.


How to get kicked out of your job: keep boring people with your opinion that the company is crap, your boss is a dweeb, and only losers would stay in such a place.

And then add so many arms and legs to the story even a squid would yell “Dude!!! Really!?!” and promptly slap it on reddit for some lazy YouTuber to simply copy it and repeat it in a robotic voice on their channel.


Imagine getting kicked by random apes because you hurt their feelings 2k19


If it happened to me I’d totally make an edgy post on how I got em so good with my trolling.


How did you end up on silvermoon if you don’t like pve?

The problem with some guilds is that they all want to be like Method and/or Limit, the top of the top, but truthfully they are not even close fractionally to those guilds and definitely not in mythic level.

Plus some guilds are taking anyone simply to have numbers, but are not letting these people actually do things with them like mythic raiding or mythic dungeons or rated pvp. For example on my horde alt, I was in a guild that I joined that was advertised as welcoming and they are for the most part but they will not let you do any mythics with them unless you have met their progress.

How can you make progress if you were not in the guild when it started? This guild did not last very long because people got tired of this.

Guilds would last longer if they have teams for all 3 levels of dungeons and/or raids and actually give people chances and stop trying to be at the cream of the top when they are no where near that.

Jaina had so much RNG involved that it’s anything but pre-scripted, but each to their own opinion I guess.

Either way, pre-scripted doesn’t necessarily mean easy. There’s bullet hell games which are pre-scripted and not everyone will clear them. Every OSU stage is pre-scripted and the same applies there, etc.

You can diss it all you want in a theoretical level, but in the end of the day, you’re still below any type of content you haven’t completed.

P.S.: High end Arena PvP is just as scripted as high end PvE. It’s all about tracking trinket cooldowns and burst windows cooldowns. Prove me wrong.

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What’s really amazing is that some of these raiding people still stand in the fire, after 15 years!


If guild members are not on board with the guild’s objectives, they are bad for guild, kick. Trust me, I am a gm, and recently doubled my guild membership to two. So I know what I’m talking about!

Join the Alliance Defence Force WPvP guild and community for group WPvP!

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Hmm you could also see gaming as a series of 1 and 0 being put together to display an image and each input you give displays another image.

You could also look at computers as moving images with no essence and just a fake.

I’m with you on the train that raiding is no longer interesting and quite easy.

But you’ve got to understand that there are multiple people with different personalities, skillsets, knowledge and they enjoy different things.

I like RPG games and hate online shooters in general, CoD, battle field and CS:GO suck to me, yet they are popular.

I dislike watching football, I’d rather play it than to watch a bunch of “pros play it” yet I enjoy watching youtube videos of hearthstone.

Also I’m preeeeeeeeeeeeetty sure there is more to than " I just gave an opinion about raiding being boring " because of the fact that you had to post about it on GD.

I joined one of their social slots.
As social activities is basically I do in the game at this very moment.
I never attended any of their progression raids.

I’m not a fan of raiding where it’s all a bit serious, that’s just off putting when the aim is to have a bit of fun and if you down a boss, yay it’s progress. If it’s a serious raid guild then of course they’ll get narked by voicing such an opinion, even if it’s one I largely agree with. Way back when I did some raiding it was all for a bit of a giggle. If we wiped so be it, if we progressed even a little then brilliant. It was all a learning experience.