A guide on how to get removed from your guild

If it happened to me I’d totally make an edgy post on how I got em so good with my trolling.


How did you end up on silvermoon if you don’t like pve?

The problem with some guilds is that they all want to be like Method and/or Limit, the top of the top, but truthfully they are not even close fractionally to those guilds and definitely not in mythic level.

Plus some guilds are taking anyone simply to have numbers, but are not letting these people actually do things with them like mythic raiding or mythic dungeons or rated pvp. For example on my horde alt, I was in a guild that I joined that was advertised as welcoming and they are for the most part but they will not let you do any mythics with them unless you have met their progress.

How can you make progress if you were not in the guild when it started? This guild did not last very long because people got tired of this.

Guilds would last longer if they have teams for all 3 levels of dungeons and/or raids and actually give people chances and stop trying to be at the cream of the top when they are no where near that.

Jaina had so much RNG involved that it’s anything but pre-scripted, but each to their own opinion I guess.

Either way, pre-scripted doesn’t necessarily mean easy. There’s bullet hell games which are pre-scripted and not everyone will clear them. Every OSU stage is pre-scripted and the same applies there, etc.

You can diss it all you want in a theoretical level, but in the end of the day, you’re still below any type of content you haven’t completed.

P.S.: High end Arena PvP is just as scripted as high end PvE. It’s all about tracking trinket cooldowns and burst windows cooldowns. Prove me wrong.

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What’s really amazing is that some of these raiding people still stand in the fire, after 15 years!


If guild members are not on board with the guild’s objectives, they are bad for guild, kick. Trust me, I am a gm, and recently doubled my guild membership to two. So I know what I’m talking about!

Join the Alliance Defence Force WPvP guild and community for group WPvP!

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Hmm you could also see gaming as a series of 1 and 0 being put together to display an image and each input you give displays another image.

You could also look at computers as moving images with no essence and just a fake.

I’m with you on the train that raiding is no longer interesting and quite easy.

But you’ve got to understand that there are multiple people with different personalities, skillsets, knowledge and they enjoy different things.

I like RPG games and hate online shooters in general, CoD, battle field and CS:GO suck to me, yet they are popular.

I dislike watching football, I’d rather play it than to watch a bunch of “pros play it” yet I enjoy watching youtube videos of hearthstone.

Also I’m preeeeeeeeeeeeetty sure there is more to than " I just gave an opinion about raiding being boring " because of the fact that you had to post about it on GD.

I joined one of their social slots.
As social activities is basically I do in the game at this very moment.
I never attended any of their progression raids.

I’m not a fan of raiding where it’s all a bit serious, that’s just off putting when the aim is to have a bit of fun and if you down a boss, yay it’s progress. If it’s a serious raid guild then of course they’ll get narked by voicing such an opinion, even if it’s one I largely agree with. Way back when I did some raiding it was all for a bit of a giggle. If we wiped so be it, if we progressed even a little then brilliant. It was all a learning experience.


Back when i was still named gréénarrow and was a goblin hunter i was in a great guild

One day i found out gm kicked everyone in the guild expect the raiders
I whispered a friend who was in the same guild and he told me gm kicked everyone expect raiders to make the guild a raiders only guild

Funny thing about this story is few month laters that guild was almost empty only gm was stil in there and i think some of his irl friends

In my whole years i’m playing this was the only time i got kicked out a guild

Now the guild doesnt exist anymore

i know theres was guild with same name and had only like 5 members not sure if that was the same one

I would have kicked you too.

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No one likes a party pooper!

You just suck at raiding and you gave up. Some people didn’t, hats off to them at least they’re not quitters.

Do elaborate I’m curious to your source that justifies your inaccurate claim.

Comparing mythic raiding to chimps learning a new trick means you’re completely irrational and just hating. Claiming that mythic raiding is easy is completely invalid considering your argument; learning to press a key at a certain time and react to events can be very hard (ask a pianist or an orchestra, the composition stays the same every time they play the piece, go teach a chimp how to play in an orchestra).

The most rational conclusion is that your hate and opinion is a result of a psychological condition, a “revenge” toward your failure and a protection against your self-esteem.


I wouldn’t equate WoW PvE to playing in an orchestra.

… maybe with mopping a floor.

It has the same motions: left, right, left, right.

Other than the fact that you got baited into genuinely replying to this thread even after the OP makes it clear it’s just a joke thread, idk, what else do you think the OP suffers from, apart from the psychological condition you stated?

OP was not joking. It’s easy to claim you’re joking just to mask your insults which often you actually mean.

Hey, under different circumstances, your argumentation could be spot on, but with the following being said in the opening post

I just don’t see how you don’t see it. Like… what would it take for you to be convinced it’s a joke thread, if saying it’s a joke thread is not enough?

Let’s say an anti Trump comedian went out and joked about how he would wish that Trump would die, I would still believe that he actually wants him to die, even if he is joking. Writing P.S. joke doesn’t always negate fact that you more or less mean what you have said.

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And you’re completely right to think that way. I happen to agree with you on the given example.

But looking further beyond the disclaimers, we can observe the thread is not titled in a derogatory manner towards raiding. It’s not a “raiding sux” complaint thread, or “PvE so easy” or something like that. No, it’s supposeldy ‘a guide’. So coupling that with the contents of the OP I for one feel that the tone is just right for comedic effect.

Like any good joke… it pokes, and it pokes at the state of guilds nowadays.

With the above quote I don’t see it as “PvE so ez lmaO”, but rather “maybe you should be taken down a peg or two”.

But… anyway man, explaining the joke always detracts from it.

In my opinion, this isn’t the insecure defensive aggro thread some might think it is. I’ve seen some of those, and I think you did too… and they’re always worded a bit differently no?