**A Guide to Revitalize World of Warcraft and Restore Its Success**

I both agree and disagree depending on the suggestion but it would take too much time for me to reply in the way that I’d want to.

Gearing needs an overhaul because gear having way too many upgrades each season is getting stupid alongside the need to spam the same 8 dungeons plus 1 raid on multiple difficulties over and over to get anywhere. I just cba with end game stuff when you have to do this in content where its pretty common for someone to just leave a group over the smallest of things.

Simplifying things in classes that leads to less homogenization would be nice, I’d love for a more unique talent tree system where people can truly be creative with their builds and it not lead to being significantly inferior to something that has been theory crafted and then simmed to death by someone making guides for the likes of WoWhead. I’ve been going through the Dragon Age Series again recently and I’m able to create more unique builds on those games with less talent choices than I can with WoW and the amount of choice we apparently have.

Unfortunately the grind is the content and Blizzard has designed it purposely to be that way so that they can have their metrics for time played look better when doing their own reporting.

Well you shouldn’t use google.

go on data for azeroth

look at the amount of accounts that have the level 80 achievement

1.1 million accounts in the WORLD have achievement level 80. this means the player counter for War within is less than 1.1m million… Sub Counts are a different story as people may play classic, or remain subbed. Actual players playing level 80 is 1.1m

You do know a lot and i mean a lot of people set there settings so sites like dataforazeroth and rio can not track them so it is not a true reflection on numbers at all.

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You’re assuming every person subbed has reached level 80. That isn’t a good assumption that tells you how you think about this is already flawed.

But lets do a quick sense check.

Data for azeroth is tracking 1.149 mill accounts and 3.3m characters. Yet rio has over 5 million unique PALADINs that have run a mythic plus this season. Thats not even including every other class.

Conclusion: You’re out by orders of magnitude. Lol.

Yep and I am one of them. Yet here I am playing.

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No it doesn’t

263.700 ret paladins
87,878 holy paladins
87,860 Protection Paladins

439,438 recorded to have Raid IO in S1 of The War Within

if you think there are 5 million just paladins in the war within, then you are insane

Even if true still blows your theory out of the water that there is only 500k players

Who the hell said there was 500k players? I said there was 1.1million account that reach level 80… Each account could have 5 characters… use your brain … i guess maths isn’t your best suit

Those are unique players and flagged for insult.

No they aren’t they are unique characters. you trying to tell me that people who play the same class, only one of them appears on the ladder?