[A-Guild] Shield of Jonathan

Shield of Jonathan – EU is now actively recruiting

Finally, we’re here.

After much consideration, SOJ has decided to branch out to Argent Dawn – EU. Founded on 17/Aug/2012, we are the largest roleplaying guild from Golden Plains, the only RP server in CN realm. Throughout its time, our guild has actively participated in RP as the collective of Stormwind’s Armed Forces, bringing many aspects of military roleplay into a combined structure. Though, the story of our EU branch will start with only one of our branches, at least for now.


What you can expect from us:

A cohesive and organised leadership – After almost eight years of operating, SOJ has established a strong leadership structure for its members. Officers in different areas of expertise are there to ensure all things concerning the guild are taken care of.

A friendly community – We take pride in our community and its members, as trolls and toxic characters are not tolerated in SOJ. This means those who let in, are genuinely nice people to hang around with. Since 2012, the community of SOJ has evolved to something beyond the game itself. As a result, we have many stories to share, mostly inspiring, and some extraordinary.

Good Military RP experience – We understand that people are not looking for a full-time job. Therefore, we are there to focus on the fun parts, while hoping to dilute the boring aspects of the military.

Recognition - The guild believes in telling your stories, this is why you’ll get the chance to write your great deeds in the pages of SOJ. Throughout the years, many of our members have progressed into the command structure. Their hard work are recognised by the guild, and with recognition comes reward.

Guild bank looked after, repair allowances, proper Discord and all that – Look, we know how it’s done.


What we expect from you:

Common sense and common decency – WoWRP is a community game; have respect to those around you. And be willing to let a helping hand to those in need. Our guild is one built on friendliness, and we don’t want troublemakers here.

Active Participation – We know people have their lives to attend to, and that obviously comes first before logging into WoW, no stress. But don’t be a stranger; if you can’t be in game, be in chats and know that we’re here for you. Going dark without saying anything will raise concern among your peers, and that’s not cool.

That sums up to this recruitment post, if you would like to know more about us, or just to say hi, please join our discord:



Good luck and stay strong, hopefully you’ll move Arthedun out of his comfort zone to the point where he has to be civil even when people disagree with him for the sake of his guild staying relevant


Looks really cool. Enjoyed the screenshots of your stuff from Golden Plains, interested to see it play out in our neck of the woods

Good luck gamers


Welcome, I’m looking forward to role playing with you.


Now this is the kind of the mass-guild move that we want to see come to AD.
Welcome, welcome. And good luck out there!


Alright you have my blessing


Feel free to check out our machinima, a few years back but you get the vibe

Welcome to argent dawn! Looking forward too the events and things you will bring too our realm. :star:

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I’ve seen them about in Stormwind, it looks good so far. Some new blood’s always nice!


Looking solid folk, good luck.

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Welcome aboard, the screenshots and concept sound brilliant. Looking forward to seeing you out and about!


I swear I’ve seen that machinima somewhere before! Cool stuff! Welcome!

New blood to the Alliance? Sweet.

I remember seeing that machinima of yours a while back! Welcome!

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Much appreciated to all of you who has sent your support ^^


Welcome to the community.

We hope to interact with you in a near future.

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More human dogs to feel the retribution of God-King Rastakhan! :imp:

Welcome to the server, my friends. I am eager for any future potential RP content we may hold together.


He is dead. Get over it.

Good luck with the guild

Welcome to Argent Dawn! From the background you described and from the values your guild seems to represent you will fit right in.

I am looking forward to seeing you on the first shared campaign! Keep an eye out, there’s a whole bunch coming up, they are perfect to establish connections to the present AD guilds and communities.

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That’s what you think, chump.

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