Today I will remind you

I’m mostly referring to new people that might have plans to try RP but could be turned off by the amount of expectations from other players.

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Trust me, we are very friendly to new comers unless they rub us the wrong way right off the bat.

I don’t think it’s very much asked to just not be a bullying baffoon. It’s human decency.
Just as a man doesn’t go into a woman’s toilet, its perhaps not written down but it’s logic sense

Aren’t you kind of doing the same by telling anyone who doesn’t RP that they aren’t welcome and should gtfo even if they mind their own business? Doesn’t really sound like decency to me imo

If you’re not here for RP why are you playing on a RP realm? :thinking:.
This server would run a lot better with less people.

Just want to show you how people are treated when they show coming to the server with an intent to RP

And what it’s like when it’s just some sad OOCers trying to claim relevance.


This :heart: But yeah we’re bad guys.

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I had plans for it at first but got turned off by the community. Sh!t happens :man_shrugging:


And here it is, because I’m not very familiar with the forums that must mean I got bad intentions right? Sad OOC’er trying to be relevant because of that? You’re showing exactly the kind of elitism that I was talking about :man_shrugging:

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Not I didn’t call you a sad OOCer, but the individuals in the thread who fervently defend the idea of OOCers contributing to a RP realm.

You seem very intent on making yourself a victim here mate. Not a good look.


Sorry, but you deciding not to do something is interily on you, the community may put you off from it, but the decision was yours in the end.

Give me a break, since you said that as a reply to me it’s easy to think you’re referring to me that way. Don’t be like that please.

I didn’t say it was the fault of the community, I said that was my reason as to why I got turned off from RP.

Then why blame the community and call us toxic? You are making zero sense.

The treatment of anyone who doesn’t feel like RP’ing, but doesn’t want to spend a ton of money on character transfers for example, is kinda toxic I’d say. I’m sure you have reasons to hate them, but putting the people who mind their own business in the same boat isn’t very nice.

So telling someone to choose Another server if they are not playing the server por pouse is toxic? I say choosibg to stubbornly remain in a server you have no intention of respecting is the true toxic behavior.

Level boost is up and will be untill SL.

Who says I have no intention of being respectful? Again, some people mind their own business, I don’t even go to SW all that often. Please stop putting every single person that doesn’t want to participate in the way you play the game in the same boat as people who actively try to mess with it.


And I should not be forced into spending money I don’t want to spend just because you don’t want me on your server.


There are countless other servers that are Just for the type of play you are into, why must you stubbornly be in one that isnt?