[A/H RP] Kalimdor Rumour Mill

Hello. With the introduction of the new forum lay-out threads such as Saleysea’s Kalimdor Rumour Mill have been exterminated. (https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17616461871?page=1)

I figured with 8.1 coming in fast and the inevitable rise in RP particularly in the northern zones, it’d be helpful (( especially for me heh )) to start it up again.

Within the verdant depths of Feralas - just south of Dire Maul - great swathes of nature have been reduced to ash and soot during the night. Some suggest a renewed assault from the Horde, attacking what the elves deem precious, but in those dreary, early hours wary scouts cite a much darker source. The foul stench of brimstone hangs thick in the air.


I bet it was Flamecog himself who burned that forest!


After a well-guarded Horde convoy goes missing in the middle of Ashenvale, rumours begin to spread amongst Horde encampments of an elven warband that roams the woods. They speak of feral beasts, savage elves, and even trees coming to life.


Any Tauren who are from Feralas or nomadic tribes or similar interested in the burning of trees in Feralas?

Akule here is from / lives in Feralas and he’d be up for joining in with others (also other druids, he’s a cenarion member), in looking into this.

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How about some nomadic orcs? >:]


Let the trees burn I say!

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A recent rumor is that a Draenei artificer has set up shop at Windshear Hold, in Stonetalon, sent by the Exodar to undertake a job that happens to require the aid of the natives. Whatever this job is, it required information, distinctive supplies, and potentially field work. The artificer is easily spotted due to rarely ever leaving Windshear Hold for the time being. The aid she asked from Kaldorei natives was usually of the non-risky variety.

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Woah wait hang on there sport don’t you be setting fire to my backyard D:

There are rumours amongst the Darnassian refugees that a group of Sentinels and Priestesses have been seen in secluded training quarters in the Cathedral district, along with a number of Silver Hand paladins.

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A recent rumor is that a Draenei artificer has set up shop at Windshear Hold, in Stonetalon, sent by the Exodar to undertake a job that happens to require the aid of the natives. Whatever this job is, it required information, distinctive supplies, and potentially field work. The artificer is easily spotted due to rarely ever leaving Windshear Hold for the time being. The aid she asked from Kaldorei natives was usually from the non-risky variety.

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You know, this new forum confuses me, that’s my alt above and I tried to edit rather than delete, I really don’t get the new layout of the forums. Anyway, Frak, be cool to have company, not many Horde in this area and be cool to have more nomads down here to look into stuff.

Flamecog, if you’re about be great to OOC, if you’re able, let me know if something could be done cross faction, also anyone else blue side… have some competition set up for small event in the area.


The following is a torn page found lost in Feralas, penned in a sickly yellow gauze, onto a material bearing an eerie semblance to hide.

Chapter 4: Life’s lack of meaning

Life is a struggle. One against the endless horrors that threaten to devour our souls. Life is ultimately meaningless. It is struggle we are destined to lose. Our only hope comes from a quick death at the hand of time. Yet even that is not often enough, as warlocks and necromancies threaten us from beyond the mortal coil.

What is the point, you ask? Life is fleeting, and death more fleeting still. Everything we accomplish on the material plane ultimately has no bearing once we take that terminal breath. Coin is no use to the incorporeal. Beauty is pointless before those without form.

I do not write this as a threat. I write it as a truth. All that awaits us beyond the flesh is timeless inertia. There is no rest, simply waiting. Endless waiting.

But life is no better than death. Disunity, war, plague and strife. The many threaten the one. And so, to find solace and peace the many must become the one.

Look to the stars. The empty void. The countless millions of realms, like our own, united into the one. We need never fear endless aphasia, nor an end. We will be given purpose by the divine.


The decapitated head of a mighty stag is mounted, stabbed on a crude wooden spike off the road from Feathermoon Stronhold to Dreamer’s Rest. “LYCANTHOTH” was written on a torn plank in an equally crude and grotesque bloody script just below.


Rumors localized mostly to Darkshore speak of a lone, savage shapeshifter who’s embarking on bounty hunts; her targets of opportunity are Horde units of varying distinctions, and sometimes dangerous lieutenants of great power. She’s known as Solavel, and she’s not one to turn down aid.

Small bounty hunt events. Pm or send me a letter if you’re in.

Sometimes they end up as Void targets of opportunity instead of Horde because of all that is happening lately around The Master’s Glaive.

Upon hearing of Mu’sha’s eye closing, Akule Foresthorn, of the Spiritwood Tribe and member of the Cenarion Circle has travelled to Darkshore and settled in an extensive cave system within the mountains.

A call has been made to his fellow Cenrions for assistance here in helping those innocents caught up within the war as well as tending to the wildlife as best they can.

All who wish to cease hostilities and work to restore balance in the region are welcomed here and healing and safety will be offered.

Should anyone be interested, just send an ooc mail, whisp me and we can set times / dates etc. The cave system can be found at coords 57/31, but IC should you wish to meet up out in Darkshore let me know. The caves are behind Alash’anir. Stick to the path and you won’t pull the mob.

Cross faction rp is welcomed.

EDIT: Again, this forum confuses me, whisp / mail Akulé IC (really sorry I still am trying to get use to this thing).


The white-gold knights which had been lodged in Feathermoon Stronghold’s tavern for the past week have disappeared overnight, taking their steeds and most of their possessions with them.

They have, however, left behind their makeshift shrine to the Holy Light on one of the boxes which had been positioned amidst their belongings and bedrolls.

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Reports from Darkshore speak of several poisoning cases among the Orcish warband (Kor’gar) still occupying Blackwood Hold, home of the Blackwood tribe of Furbolgs. Whispers among the Horde tell that the lethal poisoning was of Warden techniques, and that the camp’s captive Furbolgs were only minorly affected by the poisoned water as the Furbolgs were warded by a druid.

Further reports speak of cloaked Kaldorei naturalists sighted at Nazj’vel, harnessing an artifact which called down an immense and furious cyclone from the sea-side, it rushed inland and crashed onto one of the Orc-and-Forsaken holdouts on southern Darkshore, decimating the holdout and uprooting structures.

Further reports -this time from northern Darkshore- speak of a three-way-battle between a group of Night Elves from one side, Forsaken from the other side, and Twilight’s Hammer assailants who ambushed them both. The bloodshed was of terrible proportions and the transported blight exploded in the area. It was said that a Lightforged Warframe assisted the surviving Kaldorei combatants with evacuating back to Bashal’Aran. The three-way-skirmish was near the Ruins of Mathystra, as one could tell from the spot of blighted ground.

Those cloaked Kaldorei are clearly pushing hard and without remorse or care for one’s self to retake their ancestral homeland.

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In Ashenvale, children of the forest tell of the disappearance of one of their own. The Keeper of the Grove known as Zalebras has not been heard from in days, and was last seen near Satyrnaar. Zalebras’ current location and condition are a topic of speculation, for now.

You won’t be locked on my watch, Rumour Mill!


Felwood was ripe with activity during the Lunar Festival season; Horde pilgrims and attendants being waylaid along the cursed forests’ path while on their way to Hyjal and Moonglade. While this large caravan of Horde pilgrims claimed independence from Sylvanas’ war campaign, the black-eyed nocturnal savages who arrived from Darkshore continued to relentlessly ambush them, accusing the pilgrims of attempting to flank Darkshore in a feint, and otherwise stating that they no longer tolerate Horde presence in Moongalde and Mount Hyjal.

The Pilgrims outnumbered the ambushers in the end, as it was several Horde guilds and orders against only one order of Black Moon warriors. Later in Moonglade, deadly traps were attempted to be laid by one of the Black Moon’s disguised druids but the stalker was intercepted too early and chased away by the Cenarion Wardens.

Vengefully, certain scrolls of doomsaying have begun to spread across Kalimdor.

… and a certain Rumor Mill continued to spin again.

At Ashenvale and Darkshore: Many among the Alliance banners which have been planted at the various Sentinel holdouts were either missing or torn down to the soil, leaving the Darnassian banners alone. Instead, green runes are floating in the air where the banners once stood, the runes originate from nature’s energy and are in Darnassian language, reading as: “For Kalimdor, for Teldrassil, for nature’s balance, and NOTHING ELSE.”


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