[A-RP] Night Elf Roleplay – Tips & Information

*waves a hand hesitantly in the air*

Hello! Hello...? We are still alive..!

Jokes aside, Mandala'dor is indeed still around but we have been going through a very low activity period, irl struck us all like a train so we took a chill pill from rp by the end of Legion.
With the coming of BFA and the immense impact rp will have in what concerns Night Elf Roleplay, this will very likely change.
We are present in the Drums of War campaign, looking forward to interact with all the kickass nelf rp'ers around!
05/07/2018 13:52Posted by Gläedr
*waves a hand hesitantly in the air*

Hello! Hello...? We are still alive..!

Jokes aside, Mandala'dor is indeed still around but we have been going through a very low activity period, irl struck us all like a train so we took a chill pill from rp by the end of Legion.
With the coming of BFA and the immense impact rp will have in what concerns Night Elf Roleplay, this will very likely change.
We are present in the Drums of War campaign, looking forward to interact with all the kickass nelf rp'ers around!

Cool! Thank you for the update, I'll add you guys back! :)
The Myrmidon is back to recruiting! Join their cruising from adventure to adventure now! Best wishes, dear Myrmies!


The Kalimdor Resistance initiative is still in the works; Saleysea is going to lay out the groundwork for it in the near future!
I knew I forgot something -

Upcoming events:
Escape from Teldrassil! [A-RP Server Event] - August 2nd

[A-RP] Teldrassil Pilgrimage - Jul/Aug

Some of the active night elf guilds will be participating Drums of War Part 2 (Bladecrest Sentinels, Man'dalador, Hand of Cenarius to name some) :

An event for your consideration:

Remembering the Dead


If anyone would like to volunteer as a hippogryph rider or a rice cake dispenser, do let myself or Ansaria know! You can throw either of us a whisper in-game.

Stay frosty!
Stay frosty!

26/10/2018 17:01Posted by Saleysea

An event for your consideration:

Remembering the Dead


If anyone would like to volunteer as a hippogryph rider or a rice cake dispenser, do let myself or Ansaria know! You can throw either of us a whisper in-game.

Stay frosty!

Very nice! Love the prologue written for the event and I hope many will attend!
I haven't been very active on the night elf field since spring, but below are some forum threads I've seen that might be of interest to people:

(New guild) Kaldorei Vigilantes

(New guild) Moon and Fury

(Interest check) Moonguard themed guild

(Event) Blessings of War - Week before 8.1 (to be determined)

(Event) [Demon Hunters] Call of the Illidari III - 27th October, 20:00

And on 20th October there was a druidic moot:
Thanks for creating the thread btw! Been wondering if there was a list of kaldorei RP resources and guilds, that is not outdated. :)

Guild Name: Kaldorei Vigilantes
Forum Thread: https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17624523001
Argent Archives/Webpage: https://www.argentarchives.org/node/214105
Armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/guild/argent-dawn/Kaldorei_Vigilantes/

The guild also welcomes allies of Night elves and is fitting for those less traditional Night Elf characters, but we certainly welcome night elves of all backgrounds (traditional or adventurous).
I've added your guild to the list. Best of luck!
26/10/2018 17:01Posted by Saleysea
Remembering the Dead


This is tonight!

Warmode - OFF!

P.S - Sincere apologizes for the clashing between this event and Blizzcon2018. Poor planning coupled with lack of information from my part. Regardless, I hope to see a nice turnup and I'm looking forward to it!
Super useful resources! Thank you :)
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02/11/2018 07:29Posted by Saleysea
26/10/2018 17:01Posted by Saleysea
Remembering the Dead


This is tonight!

Warmode - OFF!

P.S - Sincere apologizes for the clashing between this event and Blizzcon2018. Poor planning coupled with lack of information from my part. Regardless, I hope to see a nice turnup and I'm looking forward to it!

That was a fun event, and good attendance, too!

Here are some screenshots I made: https://imgur.com/a/bAeNQrt

Special props to Solavel for her poem, which I think deserves being reposted here.

All lands were once one and whole. Thrived were creatures large and small. Plunging the heavens were spires so tall, in the lands of eternal, divine starlight.

In the spires they heard the demon's call; one by one, the spires quake and fall. We triumphed, even when no longer whole; by her lunar grace and his earthly might.

Treacherous kin of hooves and horns; defiling the land and searing all acorns. Elf saved by wolves, but wolves became the thorns, in the lands of eternal, divine starlight.

To balance we held, firm and sworn; that wolf would pay, he earned our scorn. The teacher made his move, a storm's rage reborn; by her lunar grace and his earthly might.

The Old Ones sought a dreadful rebirth; black blood drowned the glades of mirth. Saved we were by the Gates from Hand of Earth; he rose from the lands of eternal starlight.

The Old Ones sought another rebirth; Shifted the Sands and damned hope's hearth. Saved we were again by the Hand of Earth; by her lunar grace and his earthly might.

The demon returned, time and again, Nature was worn, our powers would wane. The demon left a gift; a green-skinned bane, to plunder the lands of eternal starlight.

A decade of war, struggle and pain. Flames were bent, they wanted nothing to remain; but we survive, we regrow, to RETAKE our domain; by her lunar grace and his earthly might.
03/11/2018 10:00Posted by Lintian
Here are some screenshots I made: https://imgur.com/a/bAeNQrt

Ah, lovely!
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This may not be 100% Night elf RP, but the Hand of Cenarius has an offer for anyone that may be interested in RPing a dryad (and getting regular RP while doing so):

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It’s fine, it’s still related to night elf RP!

I’ll see to updating the links in the opening post (currently linking to old forum posts) once the new forum lets me edit it.

I just noticed this, thank you for the kind words. (:


I just wanted to let everyone know that i recently formed my guild Nightwing Sentinels
I thought it best to introduce myself on this threat and hope that we can all RP at some point also if anyone is looking for a guild feel free to whisper me.

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Upcoming event:

Kalimdor Rumour Mill thread brought to the new forums:


Hi! We have a new and updated forum thread that we’d like added to our little blurb, if that’s possible. :slight_smile: ⸰☽ The Nightblade Sentinels ☾⸰ - Anu Kalimdor! 🌙

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