[A/H RP] Peace meetings between Alliance and Horde

With the help of kind individuals, small notices are placed across noticeboards in the major cities of both factions.
“Citizens and soldiers of the Alliance and Horde! We are at the precipice of peace, and now we must ensure that it is carried through! We must act now and do what we must to ensure the longevity and prosperity of this peace!
If you wish to see the neverending cycle of war come to an end and for peace to be struck between the Alliance and Horde, then I implore you to join the upcoming meetings between the factions and contact Marissa Blackgate-Feng to know where the location of the next meeting is taking place!
For Azeroth!”

Hello everyone! On the 5th October, a meeting between friends from the two factions transformed into a gathering of various individuals from both sides. We came together and discussed what needs to be done to maintain peace between the factions, and I thought it was a fantastic idea to continue with this for those with characters that yearn for an end to this cycle of war.
My idea was for groups from both factions to come together once a month and discuss what measures need to be taken to ensure peace continues as the story of Azeroth develops and takes us into new chapters beyond the fourth war, as well as mention threats to our planet. I’ll list the next meeting location and the date for it below and keep it updated if there’s enough interest for these meetings to persist!

Any suggestions for topics to be discussed in the meetings, events related to said meetings or other suggestions are also appreciated!


DATE: Saturday 16th November
TIME: 7PM server time


Armor’s roleplay is many good things, and he is a Very Gud™

I’ll be attending, if work permits, so everyone else should, too, ofc. 10/10 can always recommend Adventurous Journey things.

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Sounds awesome! I assume it’ll be around 7PM realm time as events tend to be?

Whoops, guess who forgot to include that? I diiiid! Yeah, it’ll be a 7PM server time.

In the spirit of being the devil’s advocate to this thread and not with intent to be actually malicious towards it I must inquire the following;

What is the real aim for these peace meetings when at present we’ve been informed that things are currently in a ‘ceasefire’ state, rather than full blown peace. And secondly, what impact do these meetings hope to have on the larger scale?

Other than this? It sounds like another good initiative to add onto the growing pile of cross-factional events in the wake of 8.2.5s updates! Rock on!


I didn’t know such place exists in WoW.

Generating roleplay I’d imagine.


Grove in middle of Desolace, as some call it!

Good luck with the event. :wink:

I’m just going to say this now.

This one hundred percent devolves into a :poop: flinging match IC and the only roleplay it’ll generate is people trying to kill one another and then proceeding to blanket ignore guilds.


Like we’d ever want to eradicate all of the filthy tree-elves! Don’t be silly!

Hides the mana bombs behind a very indecent shrub


Ah not only are you an unsubacribed non RPer, you’re also clairvoyant!


Ew, almost like they’ll RP


I can imagine it similar to the meeting in Arathi that happened between the Forsaken and Humans. Some members of the Horde or Alliance may have friends on the other side. Keeping in contact through peaceful means seems reasonable.

Only if people who want to do just that show up. Which they really shouldn’t because why would anyone who hates the other faction care to go to a peace meeting for people of those two factions. I’m sure they have other things on their mind/to do

Anyway I like the idea a lot, will have to consider a character for it probably.

Maybe they want to sabotage the peace because they think it isn’t the right thing to do. Like for example…

  • Plenty of Forsaken
  • Night elves
  • Zandalari

… and many more!


To mess up people they perceive as enemies and traitors, probably?
Could be interesting, to a limited degree.

Possibly, would be nice to discuss it with the people hosting it I suppose (on an out of character level). It also would make them betray their faction’s leader in doing so.

I think it is the responsibility of the host to point out that people with differing IC opinions aren’t permitted to attend.

Perhaps if they outright attacked the other faction, but thus far I didn’t see Tyrande being put in shackles because she doesn’t like the peace treaty and voices that opinion (and doesn’t sign it).

We don’t want big acts of violence etc as far as I’m aware, and I do believe we’ll be taking preventive measures as well.

Just maybe avoid a peace meeting if you prefer conflict RP.

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I recommend putting this into the OP, as it is unsurprising that after such a conflict-ridden expansion, there’d be characters with radical opinions / different motivations. Was also not only talking about acts of violence. I think one can “sabotage” the success of such friendships/meetings simply with words IC.

I think you’ll find that in recent interviews, it’s been said that the factions basically reverted to their pre-BfA cold war, where regular skirmishes happened and were not treated as crimes by their factions :slight_smile:

sure that’s fine as long as it’s clearly stated

this is a less intelligent thing to say though