A home for a Priest?

Hello! Appologies to ask. I’ve been away from WoW for quite some time and I find myself quite lost looking for a place to RP. - I’m looking for a home for my Priest of the light whom is rather devout. - More importantly not overly willing to work alongside warlocks, DH’s, DK’s, ect.

I may be happy to bend that final part I truly wish to RP the devout side of a Priest and focus on the healing scenarios granted with it. Terribly sorry if it’s the wrong place to ask, but worth a shot. :slight_smile:

Thankyou for reading.


Light infused wave The Dawn is returning from our hiatus that we took seeing a decline in activity from months ago ( blame content drought).
You can find our concept on Argent Archives however and see if it is something you see yourself participating in!

I do have to add the disclaimer that right now, we’re not very active and with a lot of members, as we are reworking bits here and there, including a new forum post ( happy cheer ) and detailed documents for our members to guide some of them in the possibilities of Light RP and encourage them to not see it as a bland one liner concept to RP.
With that said I leave you this sneaky message, in the hopes you may still consider us and with some wishful thinking from my side, we might see you there whilst we build up again as you are more then welcome to be a part of that .
If you remain with questions, or so, do not hesitate to contact me


Hi! I will get in contact asap and ask some questions! When will you be about IG?

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I am currently in game actually! On a not so lovely Saturday, and I will remain online for the remainder of the day pretty much so there is no rush :innocent:

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Odd! I can’t seem to find you! Please whisper me when you get the chance. :slight_smile:

I’ll be lingering on this character IG.

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Ohuh, I seem to be unable to do so either… Perhaps the Light is to strong in this one it blinds the game functions.
I have Discord, can poke me on that Spacegoat Healz#2643

The /who function has been bugged for a little while and doesn’t show everyone if that’s what you’re wondering!

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Since your character appears to be a Worgen, I’d absolutely reccommend The Nightfall Brigade, quality Gilnean rpers who I know do a lot of rppvp events which may require a priest’s aid as a healer?

If I am correct they have a fair few warlocks, stuff like that. Which’d really not suit with my character. Sorry, My character isn’t too willing to work with ‘heretics’ :smiley:

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Casually going to ping this (on an alt), as still looking! However I’d seek to expand now to any real militant guilds, ect. However, preferebly not based mostly in Stormwind? Just not my scene. - Any recommendations?

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