I know I probably should have looked for a guild before the expansion but I’ve dreaded on it long enough and decided to bite the bullet.
I’ve mainly done much of the content solo pugging Mythic+'s and normal & heroic raiding, and I want to finally try doing myself a favour and look for a guild.
My goals for a guild would be a like-minded, semi-casual heroic raiding guild and high M+ runs, with whatever in-between, where clearing the tier would known to be done and knowing we can do high keys while enjoying the game and having fun.
Maybe when we feel like heroic feels redundant maybe try to dwell into mythic.
My freetime and raidtimes as of now is quite flexible and I’m mostly available whenever I’m not doing anything else, which can always be talked about.
Hunter has always been my main since I ever started playing the game, I’ve normally played whatever spec I’d enjoyed.
I’m currently on Doomhammer, but I am willing to realm transfer preferably after I feel comfortable with the choice and people.
You can contact me for any other questions or would just like to just get in touch with me via my battlenet to begin with, [Kraaz#21678], Which can branch out further from there if it seems suitable.
Would prefeer if I was contacted, and I’ll get in touch when I can.