Hi there,
Been playing WoW since Vanilla, have raided extensively over the years including Cutting Edge achievement during Antorus. Now getting older and have no desire to raid competitively so looking for a Guild that plans to clear Heroic and tackle a bit of Mythic during Shadowlands.
Mythic plus groups would also be good and a friendly, helpful and social environment is a must.
I returned to WoW a couple of months ago after a break which started just before patch 8.2 so I have not raided at all recently other than to clear the latest Tier on HC for AotC.
Maybe a Guild with a few older players would be good - I’m the wrong side of 50 now so a proper old timer !
Any server is fine, Alliance only though. Add me FCar#2556.
I’ll pm you through battle net today. Yarddog10#2114
Hey Agns
I think you could be a great fit for our guild if you’re interested?
School of the Wolf [Magtheridon-EU] can offer you a social guild environment of helpful and active people who are always willing to hop into discord and have a laugh and a bit of fun playing the game. We are a young a spritely bunch but don’t let that put you off, we welcome all ages of players and we would love to have you.
We are currently looking for members to bolster our core raid team, raiding 2 days a week (Wed/Sun 8-11pm Realm Time) Currently raiding Heroic with the possibility of jumping into mythic when SL comes around.
We also often run m+ keys, arenas and just try to have fun in the game.
Thank you for your time and I wish you all the best on your hunt 
If you’re interested you can contact me on discord - Porkin#1369
Hi Agns
Clandestine at Ravencrest migh be just what you are looking for
We have a very nice and social guild with a lot of coziness! We consist a lot of new and returning players, so while our wishes is to reach the Mythic raiding scene, it will be a relaxed progress there 
Here’s the link to our ad if you would like to take a closer look Delete this topic please
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