A Kids Feedback?!?! đŸ€š

Don’t know why it just popped up, it never felt in place. First time I read it I was like “okay, this is a first and only time I heard this

Regardless, this change affects nothing but consistent language being used.

Again, this was never mentioned. Not a single mention anywhere in the change that this was because of it being a bad word for the kid.

Misogyny, it’s still deeply ingrained in loads of players.

People are coming up with their own reason. Nowhere was it said that they removed it because it was a bad word for the kid. They removed it for consistent language usage reasons.



First we need to look at the category of a product.
WoW is a PEGI 12 game with Violence and bad language.

According to PEGI classification:

And, in this particular case;

The important question here, for me at least, is what’s a mild swearing and what’s a sexual expletives?

Mild swearing could be for example the expression “Damn it!” that’s widely use in World of Warcraft. Meanwhile the expression “Bastard” or “Bi
” could be classified as a sexual expletive.

Personally, Blizzard gets a big Bruh from me but comes down to interpretation.


does it matter the game originally had a age rating of 12+ then got upgraded to teen

:woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:

Learn to read people!

Nowhere was it said that the word was removed because it was a curse word, bad word or a bad word for kids.

It’s literally stated why it was removed: “it stuck out from other language in the game.”, not because of the reasons everyone is throwing in here.


yeah pretty much, sorry i tried to make a thread about feedback, something as small as that word is just trivial though.

And you honestly believe that’s the only reason taking into account the society most people live in?


That would have meant getting the voice actor in again to do one word, and we know how much Blizzard hate spending money on old content.

Also why is a young kid playing a 12+ game? Surely his guardian is breaking the law when doing this?


Or Banshee.

Or just anything and not the left incomplete which is really jarring


youd be removed before youd be fixed

WoW is Rated T for Teen, A curse word fits ans fine. aNd it fit garrosh hsi character.

And the game much woorse then a curse sword genocide, slavery, racism,killing massacaring innocents for the lols(dk starting zone) and thats just a few examples


I’m more about the WAY they did the feedback and did something, so basicly a few thousend players would call for a change collectivly (no feedback from Devs from twitter), but one guy and his kid gets to change a thing in the game


You know, I’d actually rather they removed it because of some half arsed attempt as wokeness rather then one of the developers not wanting his kid to hear a bad word, all while letting him play a game that is clearly marked as being unfit for his age.

Mass murder, torture, chemical warfare , genocide and the implication of rape are all fine but a devs kid hearing a bad word is the real evil


Let’s try to be rational for a moment. The game’s instances of dropping insults such as this one can be counted one hand. I personally only know/remember this one.

It actually makes more sense for it to be removed, but I also agree with the post saying it was a missed opportunity replacing it with “witch”, but I suppose that would’ve meant more work.


Yeah wow Rated for Teens and up + it has a mature language filter.
If that devs dint want hsi kid to hear a curse word in wow the filter is for a reason And if its under 12 then its theit fault aswell as the kid shoudnt even be playing the game yet.

And if a single curse word is so bad then kid shouldnt be allwoed to go otuside or watch tv or use internet either as are much more outhere and much worse things

And if a curse word is so bad then what about this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5RGXlvoxGg

Scholomance is fine, but A curse word is nto aperently

Give us back Chris Metzen! /shakefist


This is something that always makes me smile when we see complaints about wow about any aspect, it’s not the violence or the killing that is upsetting it’s that there is a bad word, or a gay character etc.


It’s marketing.
You, as team member of Blizzard, give the impression that you and your family play the game together; the game is a family investment, a moment were they bound and enjoy.
You give the impression you’re sensible to controversial and that the team is working to ‘make the game better’.

You listen to the most little and insignificant feedback, even if that feedback comes from a kid.

Therefore the product should be family-friendly and others that feel identified by those values will play the game as well with their kids.


Scholomance, Genocide of nigth elves, Freaking all of Nazmir, racism, bilogical warfare, slavery etc etc all fine.

But a single word? now thats a real issue


But WoW is Rated Teen
 aka not for little kids


It was used in Warcraft 3 too. By Sylvanas.
That is, apparently, fine.