A Kids Feedback?!?! đŸ€š

Damn i just hate marketing so much xD


Not to mention the torture quest in Borean Tundra :roll_eyes:


Don’t know about you, but I grew up without swearing on TV :face_with_raised_eyebrow: and neither did I hear too much swearing outside either.

It’s a PG-13 game, not wanting to have swearing in it is a pretty good reason to remove the word, it’s not the real reason but it’s a good reason nonetheless.


For me 12 year olds are kids, sure not little kids but still kids.

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Or dk starting zone. Killing incocents for lolz, using chemical warfare , torturing for information with hot iron stakes.
The dk starting zone is basicly full of what would be crimes of war.

Or goblin starting zone race sold/Forced into slavery to/by their racial leader


Thing is
 they aren’t removing swearwords from other parts of the game.


the are more swears?

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Untill he plays that game as well with his kid.

There used to be a time where Blizzard didn’t mind or shy away from heavier use of language.
But American hypocrites and their so called christian values or insert any other reason and you get this.

Even the slightest mistread on this forum and some trigger happy also slaps you with a long and nice silence.


I dont think its a good reason.
Pg 13/ Or rated T for Teen means swearing is allowed and if parent sisue with that for their kid its their fault. its liike wanting to remove the bood and violence from grand theft auto or something.

And Swearing on tv its defenitly a thing as for movies. Or for curse words betetr the kid never hears of paprents having a fight or argument either. he might hear a bad word!!!

Maiev saying the male equivalent of the word (oopsie, why did I leave that in?) - nowadays considered a swearword by many, many parents is one example. I’m very sure other characters have said that word too.

Warcraft 3 does not get rid of Sylvanas calling Arthas the b word that got removed in WoW
 or maybe it’s thought that it isn’t as popular to be worthy of notice.


personally i dont think basterd is a swear, it more rude to say it like calling someone a peni$, which also isnt a swear.

WC3 is a game completly seperate from WoW though.

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I’m Undead, I Cannibalize my fallen enemies. You’re worried about the b word?


My parents taught me that it is a swear word. To me, this b word is not a swear though, since it is a term for female dogs (like cows vs bulls).

Why did Blizzard not take me into consideration?

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It was a tough choice to removed it i imagine, the word itself can be intepreted with diff meanings around the world, but it honestly did feel out of place in the game(real world swear in a fantasy setting)(it was cool though)

edit: Thing is, im more focused on the feedback, Why a team mate and his kid get recognition and not thousands of players on different matters.

The last harry potter movie dropped the Big B I remember.

How many children were irreparably damaged by this trauma I wonder?


Sylvannas used in wc3 to arthas, it wasnt out of place.
And it fits just garrosh and just made that moment al the better and more memorabe


Imagine being upset over one whole curse word as an adult, when I daily hear kids as young as 4 yell worse curse words at eachother.
God damn sensitive americans, bc lets be real its only americans that get upset over stuff like this :roll_eyes:


I’m happy with the change–it did feel jarring and I think removing it is good for immersion. Modern-day slang in World of Warcraft looks odd (edit: unless the goblins are involved, I guess–for them it definitely fits!), not to mention it’s just
 lazy? I mean, you can have so many more creative insults, settling for the b-word is just low effort.

Yep, they grow up protected by swear words, then when they are older kill peoples with their AR15 :blush:


Not just swear words also other, more important subjects get sheltered or very briefly covered. Unless it is AMERICA IS BEST!!! then the education really lacks.

Source: My American friends :^)