A Kids Feedback?!?! 🤨

I’m reading through this thread and little is focused on the feedback and most are so fixated on the word being removed.

I mean the feedback is already hypocritical to begin with given all the stuff that we have in the game or lore in general.


Still killing, murdering, violence=ok, one singular word meaning female caninge=not ok. makes me doubt someone’s parenting skills or lack of common education. Perhaps instead banning and cancel culture - a parent should explain the word, context and what is good-bad in it.

… while also explaining what is genocide and why Sylvanas character is evil and what she does is not ok and then teach them something about actual history too.

had to change wording because some moderator may not have liked the too direct reference to Sylvanas actions and certain era in Europe…


This reminds me a lot of Assassin’s Creed. When they first released AC1 the CEO’s child played AC1 and said that the game was completed too quick. Back then there were no side missions whatsoever. It was all about the main story. And because of that the CEO got the developers to implement side quests and collection achievements overnight before release.

I mean side stuff isnt bad in itself if its optional. AC1 was just generally boring if compared to AC2 and onwards.

I suppose it depends on how you look at it, but as someone who has done these quests I still remember doing this particular one without knowing about the language beforehand and when I first heard the line I was like “wait, what?” and I had to look at the dialogue to confirm what he just said. Nothing else in the game has ever surprised me like that.

Like I said, I really don’t care either way. I think most people who make a big fuss about this are driving their own political agenda, that’s what it feels like to me. After all, this is a very insignificant change. It’s one word. No matter how you look at it, it’s not a big deal. I didn’t think it was a big deal when they had in the game either. The language was just out-of-character for the game if that makes sense. That’s why this in particular stuck out in my mind. I will say that that gave it extra shock value, which was good for what they were going for originally.

“Ward does this too, but the difference is that he can write the official fluff and therefore gets to declare that his interpretation of said army is the “correct” one through the books he writes. Those heroes you may have liked before now seem like entirely new people, and the armies you liked before now seem to be an entirely different force you never wanted to play as.”

Many Horde players lately have felt quite the same.


Do i really have to link you all the books, comics, and even quests that are related to the game and have this word in? You cant say “the word is out of character” dam it its Garrosh how can you say its out of his character he say this word many times in the novels you have just no idea of what you are talking about

And if you react like “wait what” do this then i must tell you welcome in warcraft


We complain about blizzard being hypocritical. Or well this particular staff guy since his dear waifu got insulted. The phrase that this word seemed out of touch while the very same word has been used frequently or even worse words (npcs in wotlk literally calling someone else a very cheap night time profession worker. Thats merely one example of many) and not only by Garrosh but other prominent characters such as Varian and Rhonin

The reasoning behind the removal is flawed on every level and thats what we complain about.


About kids its just excuse. Mostly thinks its a new AB politics smooth out all sharp corners.

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Yes, but how many times does he use the word in game?

Blizzard do not design WoW expecting people to have read all the novels to understand characterisation, and for good reason.

Fact is if it were a core of his character he’d say it as much in game, but he doesn’t.

Besides they said it felt “out of place in the game” not “out of place in the entire Warcraft combined novellas, graphic novels and game universe” and the fact remains Garrosh does not use language like that anywhere else in game whatsoever. It IS out of place for him. In every other instance he intimidates people with direct threats or goads to combat, yet her he calls Sylvanas names. It’s stupid.

There is still the thing where we have phrases in the game that are worse than someone using the b-word.


Agreed, the language across the game isn’t consistent, my interpretation of the tweet (which may be me taking liberties) is that it didn’t fit how Garrosh was portrayed across the game (which is true, it doesn’t) as opposed to “this language isn’t consistent with the rest of the game”.

Swearing does take place in WoW, there’s plenty of british swearing terms thrown around and where they are they’re reasonbly common and used by the people that use them with some regularity. However Garrosh never swears in game in any manner whatsoever except this once instance.

As said as well, I don’t think it fits him (this may the VA). He’s a brash brute who typically threatens people with violence or the threat of death. The way the VA portrayed the comment came across to me like a snivvely child throwing a curse word onto the end of a sentence in order to appear menacing. It was just too…forced?

Now if he had screamed it in her face, or was holding her by the neck when yelling it at her, that would be totally different. Either way i’m not particularly fussed whether it’s there or not, but I don’t think the VA made it as impactful for me as it seemed to for others.

Soooo…Garrosh in a nutshell?


Fair comment, haha.


It’s quite hilarious how triggered people are over such a trivial thing. You know, the same kind of people who always accuse others of being triggered, hypocrites or “stop being offended all the time”. Get over it.

It’s hilarious how people defend a decision with no consistency.

If they are removing Garrosh speech to Sylvanas, because it’s too much for a kid.

Have the decency to retcon the entire Teldrassil event.

Night Elves players, didn’t like their city to be destroyed and their civilians to burned alive.
I didn’t like the Horde being villain batted again because they thought it was “cool”, “shocking”.

After all there’s nothing more exciting than to make kids watch people screaming while being burned alive right ?



Dramaqueen much? You do realize that none of that is real right? I know how hard some of you like it to be though, comparing it to real life and what not. Perhabs seek profesional help if you can’t distinguish between the two.

Same can be said to you white Knight.

A fictional character insulting another fictional character isn’t real.



Oh no, the good old white knight “insult”. I guess I’m gonna call you a triggered snowflake from now on then.

Since you’re not that smart it seems, let me help you. It’s not about a fictional character insulting a fictional character, it’s the language used that stood out from the rest of the game. Imagine being so triggered because they removed a curse word. I’m sure you’ve lost many hours of sleep over it.

Fake outrage as usual, looking forward to what you guys will be “upset” about next week.
