A Kids Feedback?!?! 🤨

I’m the same. I don’t give a toss either way.

But what I have discovered over the past month or so that through threads like this and the “gay nelf” one (if anyone took the time to actually read the text which is brought up several times in the thread it’s extremely clear they’re not nelf unless nelf now come from a planet called Fyzandi) that a reasonably sized section of the playerbase seems to believe SJWs run the world and they seem to believe in sinister cabals and contrived plots to explain such changes (without any evidence except “you know” “come on it’s obvious” or other generalising remarks) as opposed to accepting more mundane explanations like “maybe they’re just gay”.

Where I come from a principle of logic is “do not posit multiplicities beyond necessity, all things being equal”, which means if we have no proof, it’s sensible to assume whatever assumes the least beyond that. Yet here we have people explaining such changes through complex involvement of “SJW” bodies they can’t specifically name or identify, nor to point to specifics of their applied pressure towards blizzard or how this was done, nor anything else that gives their claim a shred of integrity beyond a “you just know /wink” and somehow those in the other camp are the emotional unreasonable ones? It really has opened my eyes.

For example in this case:
The claim/tweet: “it was changed because it was out of place.”
The evidence: Garrosh does not use the word anywhere else at anyone else. Such language in its used form (directed insult at a woman) is not used anywhere else (other uses are of the SoaB which is different usage, and again is rare, coming up perhaps a dozen times in the games universe of over 15 years)
Also, the guy making the change said this.
Assumptions: the guy tells the truth.
Conclusion: it seems a sensible explanation.

Claim: it was removed because of pandering from “snowflake groups”/child sensitive groups.
Evidence: a child is mentioned in passing in the tweet, but is not mentioned to be the reason why.
Nobody seems to be able to bring up which specific groups or such have piled on blizzard to make the change.
Nobody seems able to explain why the groups acted now rather than earlier.
Assumptions: the guy posting the tweet lies
There are groups who have pressuring blizzard but we don’t know who they are
They decided to act now and not a year or two ago because of some arbitrary reason
They targeted language only and not violence which seems bizarre for puritan groups.
Conclusion: I’m having to assume way too much which I can’t substantiate in order for this to make sense. So whilst it may be possible, it is not the most reasonable explanation without more proof.

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It’s not old though the b word is just another word for a female dog.

The nebulous “SJWs” term getting thrown around is just another case of fascism being mainstreamed. Sometimes they use “cultural marxism” instead, which is a highly antisemitic conspiracy theory, sometimes they let the mask slip even more be adding an E in the middle. Useful idiots love to repeat it, though.

So really, when you hear about an all powerful cabal of SJWs that run the world and control the media and everything, and maybe that sounds familiar, you’re on the right track to identify the real purpose behind this conspiracy theory.

Such a wall of text for what could be described in 3 sentences. Oh well, whatever works for you.

Have my Ockham on this case: Don’t instantly blame Illuminati conspiracies when you have a creepy fanboy right under your nose.

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They didnt have problem with the b. for like 20+ years, strangely now they do (20+ years meant for wc3 where sylvanas calls arthas a son of a b. )

And kids also played that game (like me).

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Odd, not old. Also, let’s not be intentionally obtuse by pretending that Garrosh meant a female dog in his part of the dialogue.


From Google search:
Steve Danuser, also known as Moorgard, is a senior game designer and lead narrative designer for World of Warcraft. He is also the author of two World of Warcraft stories.

Which are:

  • World of Warcraft: Windrunner - Three sisters.
  • World of Warcraft: Dark Mirror.

Two books about his favorite character.


"Agreed. Garrosh’s point of view comes across just fine after the edit. I make no apologies for removing the word. Everyone, of course, is entitled to their own opinion. But we felt it was time for it to go, and it’s not coming back,” noted Danuser:

Here is the question:
If the character called “the oldest profession in the world” would had been:

  • Jaina
  • Tyrande
  • Aleria
  • Vereesa
  • Valeera
  • Garona
  • Lilian Voss

Do you honestly think this guy would care ?

Edit: source material.



Neutral change to me, but I laugh at that feedback. Era of internet. Everyone swears from time to time. I bet some of those parents smoke / drink alcohol. One bad word in whole game and it’s destroying child’s psychic xDDD Some people shouldn’t reproduce seriously.

I’m pretty sure I’ve run across a word “Hoe”, but I can’t remember where. Guess it was directed towards Sylvanas as well


Agreed, the point of change comes across just fine now. Thus I make no apologies when I call Danuser a rabid fanboy, enforcing his Sylvanas’ boot-licking vision on everyone else. I feel it is time for him to go, and not come back.

For those who wish to know what happens when you let a fanboy of one character/faction write official lore of universe where are many, many characters and factions, here you go https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Matthew_Ward
Warning: contains crude humour and somewhat crass language. And that bastard deserved far worse. Like a certain B-witch.


https://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1RBasXZTxK1Rjy0Fgq6yovpXa1.jpg you mean this?

No, I mean a female that provides certain services for material goods.

Are you surprised he or many others at blizzard being hypocritical?

I mean if you would check all the conversations in WoW then he, based on his own flawed logic, would have to redo a very big part of the game. Garrosh calling Sylvanas a you know what is in the lower areas in that regard. We even have NPCs calling others simply put respectable professionals of the nights street work (and even that is harmless)

https:// nsa40. casimages. com/img/2020/08/31/200831015329912134.png


Well that works too, but I mean the VERY EXACT word “Who’re”

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Put a link between two ` symbols (below Esc, left of 1) and you don’t have to mangle it with spaces or something.


There are other examples that are make it more than obvious what they meant.


Inigo’s Copper Coin flavour text being based on a sentence that you can imagine ends with what particular phrase.

Rhonin using the bword in Night of the Dragon.

Varian calling Garona the same in the comics.

The list goes on.

Samwise from the Sons of the Storm using the infamous bword as well (even if not in the game keep in mind its a group that was in league with blizzard and also metzen was part of it)


One thing it definitely wasn’t is “out-of-place”, and as others have pointed out. The Cleansing has been applied in other places.

It was directly IN-place. Remember, this was the pre-crazy Garrosh, the Garrosh of “YOU ARE DISMISSED” in Stonetalon.

The mild breech of taboo was a perfect reflection of Garrosh’s instinctive revulsion and shock at the line Sylvanas had crossed. Here’s Stephen Pinker on the subject of instinctive swearing

The swear words that you speak advertise to a real or sometimes virtual audience that you are currently in the throes of some extremely unpleasant emotion. And in that regard, swearing overlaps with other exclamations in the language, like “burrrr” if you’re cold, or “ah ha” or “mhmm” or “yuck”, which also have no syntax – you just blurt them out as individual words – but they still convey a particular emotion.

As a heuristic principle, you need to consider all possible explanations, especially those most observed. I’ll see your Occam and raise you Zebras.

In decades of development, one of the most common and most destructive patterns I have observed is the desire of people given charge of work they did not build to change it to assert their new dominance. There are endless stories of how this can go wrong when a lesser programmer took over a project and didn’t understand why certain structures were necessary to make it work. We see it in writing, too, as in Dorothy Parker’s definition of an editor as an animal that doesn’t like the taste until he has peed in it.

The simplest explanation, the one that requires fewest assumptions and is empirically consistent with the behaviour we commonly see is that this is a new writer marking the territory he was given. The bright virtue-signal follow-up of " It was just people–real, honest to goodness human beings–trying to make the game a little better for future generations" certainly supports that conclusion for me.


It works extremely well for me, thanks for asking. How’s your “lol long post” calling-out working for you?

Irrespective I agree, Danny boys fandom is another far more sensible explanation without reference to shadowy groups.

So, the b-word is not allowed but everything in this sentance is fine then?


Or wait, hmmm maybe its ok because its not about Sylvanas hmmmmm


never said he did, I am fully aware that it’s an insult, but so? Garrosh was a pretty bad guy, brings a sort of realism to the game, imho, they are adults, adults do generally swear. :man_shrugging: