A letter to Blizzard - Twinking

That’s false. I speak from experience saying that I can beat twink warriors on a non-twink druid, mage or hunter.

I’m not sure how that’s relevant.

It’s not, but let’s agree to disagree.

Everyone was complaining about Stat Templates.

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I knew before I clicked on this it’ would be made by a rogue.

I wasn’t I was telling people to git gud.

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Twinks shouldnt be in normal bgs. And they werent for the longest time.

Actually, bgs mechanics were good before Legion pre patch, bc the templates also didnt work for several reasons, one being that it was still possible to twink over ilvl.

No, it is not a good idea to add another form of templates again. Just return everything to pre Legion and we are fine.
And twinks arent in that. They never were, bc lets face, there are plenty of new ppl in bgs; in the 10-19 bracket with some 400 hp, while twinks run about with over 5 times that, doing 10 times the damage. They actually one shot those players. How is that fair or fun?

That was not the case pre Legion; bc twinks werent in and any other decent geared player could not one shot those. There were complaints about it, but they only seemed so. Ive tested a number of classes in different years and reported all that here on forum, numbers included. (tested so called op classes, but also non op > disc priest, rogues, hunters, mages, pala’s, etc)

Sometimes it seemed that ppl were one shot but they werent paying attention to their hb. My sub rogues for instance do nothing but watch for ppl that are triggered and get to half health, and then they can finish them off in a second. To those players it seemed as if that rogue one shot them, but this was never the case)

Personally, I think twinking was annoying ever since it became a thing in wow. It’s the reason I stopped doing BG’s at lower levels, which used to be part of leveling for me. I could not imagine why people would want to do that, other that to just feel better by ganking common levelers over and over - but to each their own.

I’m not surprised that now with the XPoff queues, they basically get their own BGs and start complaining, because there’s actually competition now. Stomping levelers in BG’s is the same as lowbie ganking to me: only fun for one person… and that’s not how MMO’s should work.


Whew, that’s quite a leap.

Look, I’m terribly sorry you no longer have the ability to completely ruin the levelling experience of literally anybody who decides PvP might be a fun activity while levelling up, but believe me when I say that it’s for the greater good.


Every new player that tries wow will try bgs because they are the first group content that is available to play. And what do they get? Not beeing able to do anything, just getting destroyed be a “god like” player. That really gives them the will to continue this already boring path to 120… I think this is a good change. Twinking is fun because it doesn’t require any skill, just gear, otherwise you wouldn’t be affected by this change.


I never really understood why you would want to twink. I mean no offence but to me it’s like you cant win vs equally geared/skilled people so you try to get an advantage. To me it shows your weakness. Anyhow I wont judge and if twinking is what you like then I feel sorry for you Blizzard makes it hard on you. Just know it’s not you, they mess us all over on some points;)

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Good riddance TBH.

Twinking has always been about steamrolling the ‘noobs’. You want a level playing field? Play in your own bracket, on equal terms. EOS


Look, I’m terribly sorry you no longer have the ability to completely ruin the levelling experience of literally anybody who decides PvP might be a fun activity while levelling up, but believe me when I say that it’s for the greater good.

You can have your PvP experience ruined the same way at 120. I don’t understand the issue? All it takes for a leveler to stand up against other twinks is to use the knowledge that we use: enchants. But since this game appeals to a casual audience, professions have been long forgotten, so they don’t know that enchants like Elemental Force, Crusader, or Hidden Satyr exist. Just a couple enchants on looms and you’ll be doing fine. You will not be as strong as a twink, but you will be close.

Does not happen post-29 unless you’re literally running around naked.

Vanilla - Tbc - Wotlk - Cata - MoP - Separated in WoD(?) - Back together in Legion - together in BfA until now.

They were together for the longest time. Get your facts straight.

…Unless you never noticed us before in which case this entire thing is not as big of an issue as you are trying to make it out to be.

Maybe don’t do PvP on a character with 400 health? What do you expect, the game to hold your hand? You’d get shredded by anyone in heirlooms all the same.

Also, twinks don’t have 5 times 400 = 2000+ health (at lv19) and also do not deal “10 times” the damage. five times maybe and that’s not even because twinks are so strong but because you have no damage output in grey/green quality gear. That is not the fault of the person that’s using the gear.

This argument is just ridiculous. Five times the health?

My warrior has 6k health at lv60. A leveler has 4k. What math do you use to come to the conclusion that I have 5 times their health pool?

They crit me for 800-900. I crit them for double that (with cooldowns up) so at best I’d be twice as strong. Many other twinks are weaker than I am, so the numbers go further down if you want to get an accurate example of the over-all bracket.

Stop inflating numbers to suit your agenda.

hahaahha what? Twinks vs Levelers in tbc were much worse than they are now. I’ve got screenshots of my 19 hunter having 125 kills, 0 deaths because I kept one-shotting everyone. Nothing even REMOTELY close happens these days.

This is actually the case in many of these situations. People just need to get better at PvP and keep their eye on their health and spend their cds better.

This is a l2p issue, not a twink issue in many cases.

Even though there have been twinks since the very beginning.

Definitely not what Twinking is about these days. Anyone who claims it is has no idea what they’re talking about.

Show me the numbers to support that it’s actually better? Because I assure you that people in grey/green gear will still get shredded by semi-twinks using enchanted heirlooms on OP classes. This change does nothing except for changing whoever it is that allegedly “steam rolls” levelers.

Regular levelers in bad gear will always get steamrolled no matter what you do. You can not stop this from happening unless you put thém in a different bracket all of their own (which would also be a bad change in itself).

If I were to start playing any game I have never played before and enter PvP, I will expect to get steam rolled. This has nothing to do with the players that have played PvP in those early brackets for years – It has to do with me not being good enough at the game.

Point being: Do not PvP if you are new to a game. You will get steamrolled.

Everyone here is trying to make this issue about “Twinks versus Levelers” while this is not at all our issue.

Our problem with this change is that we can not enter battlegrounds because of this system due to battlegrounds never popping. there is no queue timer.

Your highest rating is 2200. Most of the twinks I play with all run around with Gladiator enchants and tabard transmogs. They’re all 2400-2600+ rated at endgame.

Wrong again. The goal in twinking is more of a personal goal to obtain the best possible gear for your level, to make your character as strong as possible on your chosen level.

People that run around in grey and green gear dying fast is a side effect of it. One that should be expected in their gear.

…This is still supposed to be an MMORPG, right?


Every new player that tries wow will try bgs because they are the first group content that is available to play. And what do they get? Not beeing able to do anything, just getting destroyed be a “god like” player. That really gives them the will to continue this already boring path to 120… I think this is a good change. Twinking is fun because it doesn’t require any skill, just gear, otherwise you wouldn’t be affected by this change.

Yes, they will be destroyed, but do you really expect new players to be able to win outright? Do you really want handholding in an RPG? It should be aspiring in an RPG to be completely dominated, because it creates interest, and a thirst for knowledge. There were a LOT of levelers and newbies that PMed me to ask me how I was doing so good, and it was a lot of fun teaching and supplying these people.

“Twinking is fun because it doesn’t require any skill, just gear” is so BS. Any bracket above lvl29 is no longer gear carry. Even tho rogue is one of the better classes for twinking right now, I had problems with levelers too who knew what they were doing. General knowledge about their class, using enchants, fakecasting, etc.

In the beginning, twinks were rare - not as plentiful as now.

And don’t lie to yourself. Of course it’s about stomping levelers, why else would there be complaining about it? You can still twink, just without being a nuisance to the rest.

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I mean no offence but to me it’s like you cant win vs equally geared/skilled people so you try to get an advantage. To me it shows your weakness.

The exact same happens on 120. I’m sorry but I can’t take that seriously.

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Is that why I farmed 60+ exalted reputations on a lv60 character? Because it helps me gank levelers?

Get out of here mate. Have you ever even really spent time making a twink?

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Your highest rating is 2200. Most of the twinks I play with all run around with Gladiator enchants and tabard transmogs. They’re all 2400-2600+ rated at endgame.

Anything wrong with that? I mean all twinks I’ve ever met solely won over me because they had better gear. Or at least it looked like that from my perspective. Ah well, I already gave my opinion.

The difference at 120 is that you know you gonna fight people with better gear and you’re there for a chance in obtaining better gear.

If you twink you know you’re gonna out gear people and bash people more easily. What do you mean you cant take it seriously?

And that, to me, shows me your weakness. You’re unable to recognize what’s really going on here it would seem.

Your opinion is welcome. I just wish you at least took the effort to educate yourself on the issue that you are trying to give your opinion on.

Try doing so next time. The other side of the discussion will appreciate it.

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You can always decide to get more gear. Nothing in this game is preventing you from obtaining better gear so you have a bigger chance to compete with those who have spent years developing their characters.

Again, Progression is what an MMORPG is all about.

This change only punishes those that play an MMORPG as an MMORPG is supposed to be played: By progressing their characters.

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Lol what do you mean educate myself. I am free to reply on everything I wish. I’m not claiming to be anything. I’ve been playing this game since vanilla and have met twinks over and over.

I don’t understand, you come across a little harsh to me even when I tried to keep it positive. I’ll shut up and not make this topic go a different way then it should

You are but don’t expect to be taken seriously when you’re clearly oblivious as to what’s really going on.

So have I and I have been on both sides of the coin. Facing a twink does not mean you know what’s really happening if you have never played a twink.

There are many factors that you aren’t aware about, such as that class design matters in these cases which you’ve already failed to even bring up.

You, and everyone else here is just summing it up in to “Twinks are OP”, which is leaving out 99% of the details of the real issues and causes of levelers getting destroyed are.

I am sorry that you feel that way, but I’m just stating things as they are. Facts are facts and I prefer to not dance around them.