A moment of silence for PvP players

It could be easily resolved by adding an NPC with reforge kinda option where you can adjust your secondaries in PvP. Or a tab in UI where you can do it before the match but instead we got this lootfiesta that we have since BFA.

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Yes they are vocal about and no, it hasn’t got anything to do with wanting higher ilvl to stomp undergeared players. That is you making stuff up. But please continue with your lies if that makes you feel better though.

Then why this toxic gearing system ruining PvP ladders is continued when it’s unhealthy for the game, when it creates more gray area for boosts than ever, when braindead players are getting high ratings doing everything wrong because their spec is lucky to have broken PvE items that work with it. Why is it the case?

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You are the reason I even responded to this thread in the first place!

Visible confusion

Gah, forums trolls man, I swear…

You’re the only troll in this topic and magician. You make achievments disappear.

I didn’t make them disappear

Finally you admitted you never got them.

Care to point-out where I said that?

My problems are your flat out lies about me just like this one.

What lies. Check your achievments? You don’t PvP besides casually playing a random bg from time to time… What lies? You have 3000 honorable kills and even your bg achievments are poor. How am I lying you are a casual - that’s it. It’s nothing wrong being a casual but don’t pretend to be PvP player when you clearly aren’t.

Ah yes, the achievements again. I see absolutely no flaw in judging someone using the achievements!

Keep pretending that’s not the case.

Why do you want gear? To get stronger. To do more damage. To take more hits.

But if everyone has equal gear, gear doesn’t matter. So why do PvPers want gear?

To smash people who don’t have gear.

If we get PvP stat so it’s the best for PvP it can be even 50 ilvl less than PvE I don’t care.

With ladder you don’t play against people without gear if you have gear unless you are complete garbage and you can’t pass 1550 with full gear. Also we want our gear progression in PvP because as someone said it’s an MMORPG game right?

That is not PvP, that is ganking.

All people are asking for is an easy to obtain honor set.
I see no harm in giving different stats on different pieces to tinker with. Lots of specs can have different builds depending on the type of content, just like PvE. People weren’t mad at Legion for the equal playing field, they were annoyed at the lack of stat control.
We won’t outgear the “noobs” for long if they just make pvp sets as attainable as they used to be.

And just like PvE, if you don’t put the effort in, you don’t deserve the gear. I’m not gonna walk into a raid in greens and expect to do anything meaningful, why do you expect it to be any different for PvP?

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Linking some relevant videos about the topic because I think it’s really important.

We just want WoW, with no BS | Shadowlands PvP Summit with Savix, Venruki, and Stoopzz

Shadowlands PvP Ideas | Summary of AllCraft PvP Summit with Asmon, Rich, Savix & Stoopz

Bad Change to PvP Gear and Honor Vendor in Shadowlands - How It Works

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Keep pretending you know anything regarding pvp gearing and what pvp players want. You should just stick to roleplaying.

Difference is, with PvE you can start from the ground up if you want. You can go into the tier of content that matches your gear.

That doesn’t happen in PvP. There are no gear brackets. Oh this bracket for ilevel 100-110, this one for 111-120 etc. Nope. You get thrown in with the tigers who have the good gear.

I already pointed out that if you don’t have gear to match, you’re a dead weight and are likely to make your team lose.

What PvP ends up being is like going from fresh max level ding and trying the latest Mythic raid and getting some gear every 20 wipes.

There is no ‘effort’ in starting out. It’s just accepting the fact that no matter how good of a player you are, you will be of zero contribution to the team until you get gear.

PvE has it’s gear progression. Heroic Dungeons to gear up then Mythic+ or raiding depending on your preference. PvP has…die a lot and slowly build up a gear set. There is no ‘low level gear, medium level gear, high level gear’ bracket for PvP.

Where did you take it from? Your imagination?

Its only noticeable right now because there is only PvE gear available. And not everyone wants to do mythics/heroic on their freshly dinged alts so near to the end of BfA, they’d rather chill in BGs. But they can’t because there is no catch up system available for casual PvPers. I remember in WoD, last patch before Legion, all my freshly dinged alts had honor sets in maybe a few days or so? I was on an equal footing with PvPers who had been playing the game for months.

And in terms of progression, there would be, if Blizzard would implement good PvP gear again. You start with casual BGs and skrims, then step foot in the arena, and rbgs.

You see such a disparity now because people know their gonna get stomped on their low geared characters so they stick to playing the one or two that’s got all the mythic 15+ gear.