A new game for pc and console

I don’t know, but i have feeling that wow will become low priority low effort game for developers, as time goes by.
I might be wrong tho

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‘Unannounced Survival Game’ sounds cool as a name. I would keep it.


Maybe life support status would finally allow them to balance what is there instead of constantly working on the next major content patch/expansion that they can sell on hype and promises.

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I dont like survival games so not a game for me


That’s a big fat pass from me, hate survival games, would be nice to see them deliver on D4 and OW2 before diverting more resources.


Sadly they can not make ARPG, TPS or TBS games. Survivals are meh for me.


World of Diablo or World of Starcraft!


This is the genius of Blizzard’s game development, if I may fanboy a bit.

They always take the genres that are underappreciated and ripe with potential, and then they improve on the formula and attract a lot of players to their game, and by proxy the genre as a whole.

If you asked players what they thought about MMORPGs in the early 2000s, then most people considered it a niche genre for the basement dwellers who had no life.
So Blizzard made WoW and suddenly the genre was for everyone.

Trading card games? Besides that failed Pokémon TCG on the Gameboy, then who ever bothered with that?
Blizzard makes Hearthstone and it’s super successful and the genre just explodes.

FPS games are super intimidating to a lot of players, because it’s such an established scene with a lot of tried-and-true that’s hard to catch up on as a newcomer.
Well here’s Overwatch, and you get ultimates that make you feel powerful, and the characters are unique and it’s different from war games.
And suddenly you have people who never played FPS games devote themselves to Overwatch and cosplay D.VA.

And anyone’s who keeping tabs on Diablo Immortal can attest to the fact that it looks like lightning in a bottle, i.e. it’s mobile gaming taken to the next level.

So Blizzard are really good at this.
Their approach is never to go into an established genre and squabble over market share that other developers have already safely secured.
They pick the smaller and more obscure genres that have potential for more.
And they usually pick well.

But from pre-announcement as this is to actual announcement and to release…Notify me again in 10 years, lol! :joy:
Blizzard are slow, so anything is too early to say and too early to hype or dismiss. :yum:


I think you are in an echo chamber, blizzard games are not for everyone, a lot really didnt like hearthstone or overwatch certainly not for everyone. They dont redefine genre they just have their version and some play it some stay some dont.

The are failing to deliver many projects, what makes anyone think this will suddenly will be sucessful seems more like a hype distraction at the moment.

They should have taken more risk and tried to do something really different.

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My point is that Blizzard’s design approach is to make their games appealing to as many as possible, whereas the games in the genres they explore tend to appeal to a niche audience (like TCGs before Hearthstone, or MMOs before WoW).

That doesn’t mean that everyone in the world loves Blizzard’s games. But it means that Blizzard’s design approach is to go into a genre that has potential for market expansion, and then expand it…a lot.

And they’ve historically been very good at that.

Or they certainly don’t redefine. I think the phrase people tend to use about Blizzard is that they don’t innovate, they evolve.
They take a framework that already exists (EverQuest, Team Fortress 2, etc.), and then they make tweaks and changes here and there, so that their version of the same (WoW, Overwatch) becomes more popular and appealing to a wider audience.

Blizzard have historically always scrapped a lot of their projects. I think it’s been said that they scrap something like 20 internal game projects before 1 gets into the hands of players. And that’s been the case since Blizzard’s beginning.

That’s not what Blizzard does. Indie developers are good for the risky and crazy game ideas. Big companies like Blizzard with hundreds of millions of dollars invested in each game project are naturally less prone to risk. The same holds true for all other triple A developers.


Successful or not it doesn’t matter if they reassign work force from wow to that new game. Cross platform games are more interesting games for MS from pure business perspective.

To be completely honest, I see this game already failing big sells, since Survival Games are usually not that much of a “market breaker”. Considering Blizzards current status in the gaming industry, alongside with Microsoft taking charge of them in 2023, I assume this game will release in a mediocre state and also will just generate mediocre income.

If someone reads this in the future after release, feel free to prove me right/wrong.

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Testify!..not to mention there are a truckload of games that get announced, but never actually make it over the line to launch.

I also suspect that there are niches, that are niche, for a very good reason.
Survival games being one of them, since by their very nature, they are grindier than a very grindy thing, having an exceptionally long grind, in Grindycity.

To weld something more interesting and with broad popular appeal to a Survival genre, one pretty much has to lessen the grind considerably and add a lot more MMORPG.

This in Blizz’s case presents something of a problem, since they already have a game like that…it’s called WoW… and the really grindy version of WoW… ie Classic, has been proven to have only limited novelty appeal to modern gamers.

So, Blizz either has to compete with themselves… or BDO, which means P2W.

Many of the fans of this announcement, already play BDO or a Survival franchise and just want WoW on F2P Lifesupport, so that someone else pays for their WoW gaming until they have completed absolutely everything currently in the game.

At which point, having finally ‘beaten’ the game… they will start demanding new WoW content paid for by the very same microtransactions they currently can’t abide (except in BDO and all those other games they play).

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Never liked surival games, most likely never will.


Based on their announcement, it sounds more like they’re opting to hire new developers externally and not poach from their existing internal teams.

I mean, hence so far as I understand Blizzard’s organization, then they have various teams that for the most part operate independently of each other.

Team 1 is…
Team 2 is WoW.
Team 3 is Diablo.
Team 4 is Overwatch.
Team 5 is Hearthstone.

And then they have something called the incubation team. That team is responsible for making the concepts for Blizzard future games, like this survival game.

And once the incubation team have nailed the concept for a certain game, then Blizzard creates a new team for it that then takes over from the incubation team.

So for this survival game they’ll hire a lot of new developers for a new team that’ll likely be called…
Team 6.


They are looking for lead designers, which suggest “low ranks” will consist of existing employees.

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This, I would deffo find more interesting than a Survival game.

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Yes that’s why I said:

Because team 1 is originally the RTS team, or the StarCraft team turned into Heroes of the Storm team turned into Warcraft III Reforged team turned into…???

That team has kind of dissolved a bit since, and there’s been some departures (director and leads) and it’s turned into a sort of skeleton crew that wanders aimlessly around the halls of Blizzard with no purpose.

That team is – though I have no way of knowing – probably moved onto work on this new survival game. That would be logical at least. So they make up the foundation for this team and Blizzard are hiring to fill out the blanks.


Survival games sound terrible, it’s taking the lone wolf idea much too far. The idea reminds me of the early Tomb Raider games.

I don’t mind a solo game were you interact with other NPCs, a futuristic example is Cyberpunk 2077 (still buggy but just about ok in 1.31) but being alone and just surviving sounds uninteresting to me.

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Would that be a bad thing? If we’ve seen the future then I’d rather they pull the plug and go into maintenance mode than keep scamming people out of their money.

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