A new horde council

Just take up some facts for the start. The current horde leadership is utter trash. So I had some thoughts and went some ways to make the Horde leadership viable again comapred to the idiots who are currently running the show. I will make one for each race so that all races are covered with a new Character who can actually stand its ground against the super hero demigods from the alliance.

Alright. With that being clear, let’s start:

Orcs: All the AU warlords
Trolls: Jindo the Breaker
Tauren: Magatha Grimtotem.
Blood elves: Kael’thas
Goblins: Gallywix
Undead: Sylvanas
Pandaren: Chen Stormstout
Nightborne: Grand Magistrix Elisande
Zandalari: Rastakhan
Maghar: Same as Orcs
Highmountain Tauren: That drogbar king.

with that out of the way the Horde will finally have leaders who are not just a bunch of nobodies and mere mortals with no powers to do anything against a possible alliance attack. A true cast of leadership i can be proud of instead of the alliance loving push overs we have now.

I know it’s pointless to answer, but here we go:



Lucky to be alive after what she pulled.


propably hiding under Sylvanas’ cape




Same as Orcs

Swore allegiance to the Chief of the Highmountain Tauren, is not the leader himself.

I think the current leadership can hold it’s own against a bunch of corpses.


These corpses actually have power on their own and don’t run away the minute the alliance goes after them. The actual horde council are pathetic alliance loving pushovers who are a disgrace to the race’s they are supposed to represent. I spit on all of them. Down with the fake council, Up with the new council.

deal with it, troll

IDK if OP is simply too much far into his own Villain roleplay.

Or if we genuinely need more factions than the two current ones since we can not agree about what the “One Horde” have to be. Too much inner tension.

So to fix this, let’s just disband completely the 2 factions from the game already.


Or invent a third faction where all the people go who want to hurt the alliance as much as I do. Peace with alliance dogs should never be an option. I hate them all.

I don’t have to deal with anything. I will keep complaining until I get what I want.

I agree with the current horde council being a bunch of beta pushovers. I dont like em. But I cant think of anyone else who can effectively lead the horde and not be a pansy. All the good options are dead. Garrosh was a beast if he didnt get so power hungry. Sylvanas was literally ripping the allliance a new one , but her main goal was never to strengthen the horde but to save the undead race, which is why she joined the jailer im assuming. I feel like Voljin woulda been good if he was still alive, not warmongering but i dont see him being a pushover either. But like as of now I cant choose any good leader, so i say this council stays holding things together until someone pops up who has the spine and guts to make the horde great again


You and me my friend. You and me.

Erm, let me see if I understood this clearly: Ye are basically asking for the Horde to be led by a bunch of villains of which most had either been exiled or killed? Blimey lad, do ye -want- the Horde to keep getting beaten even more?

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Wasn’t there a thread exactly like this?

These characters are powerful af and can hold their ground against the super heroes of the alliance. This is about fairness and parity. The Current council of the Horde is a bunch of weaklings not worth the effort.

And how, if I may inquire, would ye justify them even joining the Horde, let alone taking over the leadership of their respective races? And that’s if we presently ignore the fact that most of them are no longer even alive.

We brought back dead characters before. This is not a big deal.

Ye still haven’t answered my question, lad.

I don’t think the current leadership is utter trash.

I’m fine with Lor’themar, Gazlowe, Rokhan, Voss, Mayla and Kiro. I’m apathetic towards Thalyssra, Ji and Geya’rah. Thrall and Baine, I would like to see gone.

Really, though, I just want Cairne back :frowning:

But they are exactly that.

I am not. I will fight to get them all replaced.

Betrayed us for Calia.

trash tier Vol’jin

Just a guy with a Bow. Not a worthy replacement for Kael.

Gallywix embodied what it means to be a Goblin much better.

Has the hots for Baine. Pathetic.

Literally a nobody who didn’t exist pre bfa.

She fall to disgrace when she started simping for jaina’s flying boat.

Let’s replace him with Chen.

The only leader with alot of potential.

Alliance loving peacemongerers. We would be better off without them.

I can sign this without problem. Poor Cairne.

Save Garrosh from shadowland, and your work is done.

There will be no justice until the Horde council is overthrown and replaced with a better leadership.

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