A new low for the alliance in AV


alliance played for 29mins, and got 0 honor by trying to turtle. You can see from the alliance with 8 deaths ect this is not a team /afking out then new players coming in. They played for the full 29 mins opposing us while failing to kill a single elite even. Don’t think i’ve ever seen this before


Lmao alliance are rly that bad

This reminds me of some russian premades I have seen.

you playing it for short time probably.
8 death does not mean he isnt afk, you never seen guys autorun there?

Ye think i posted a screenshot earlier against russians where they lost in 8 mins , got like 5 hks and 1k honor

i can guarantee the alliance earned not a single point of bonus honor in that entire 29 minute match. lots of us on horde side were commenting in the BG chat about the fact they’d still earned nothing. in the last 2 mins they made an attempt on galv, and we put some effort into wiping them to deny them it.

Nah, most Alliance pugs these days are just filled with twinks and stuff and after they reach their exalted status at stormspike (which is only possible by zerging and turtleing and handing in mats) they never do AV again. You probably just faced a really bad Alliance pug that couldn’t even pass middle field.

i’m aware, and i’ve vs’d many terrible alliance pugs of late. Just managing to earn 0 honor in a game that long is a new exceptional low from them that i’ve not witnessed before

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Most Alliance PuG’s I’ve encountered these last few day’s don’t even try to get Galvangar anymore.
They try to kill a Lt. or two, then halfheartedly zerg the area around SH GY until Horde get tired of farming them (mostly due to DR) and proceed north and win.

There’s also about 10 AFK (0 deaths, 0 HK) in every Alliance-raid, so I can’t blame them for not trying anymore. I feel kinda bad for them, shafted as they are by both the opposing faction and their own.

Have you witnessed the “xxx has left” about every minute during an AV? Alliance is constantly outnumbered even if noone would be afk. Those who are forced to replace these leavers are even less motivated to win an already running sh*tty bg.

[To save people the copy paste]

Yikes, nearly half an hour and no honour?
That’s not even funny, that’s just sad.


Yep my main AV games have become like this:
Rush balinda and pull all elite’s to her with half the raid.
Let the rest deny them a kill on galv.
Push north get all binkers down and keep on denying them any honor at all.
Good times.

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Horde have to wait nearly half an hour of getting 0 honor to get into a bg. How is that any different than this? Also losing to prem in 7 mins after 30 min wait must be fun. Imagine not getting a single hk in a bg after over 1h of /played

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you posted same picture?
why sad, you are horde, whats make you sad about it?

Haha some people here are pretty damn pathetic.

Difference is that we get to enjoy the feeling of winning and get to do other stuff like farming gold while we wait for our queues to pop.
I’ll take long queues with people who actually have a reason to win over short queues with people who don’t give a crap about winning any day.

You keep saying this yet I have yet to run into or even see people complain about these seemingly incredible premades that farm us for hours on end.
Only premades I’ve seen are ones that give up when their zerg fails, so I guess i’ll keep on looking out for those amazing premades you keep talking about.

Yes, OP can’t post links or pictures so i’m doing it for his sake/ease of access for everyone else.

I’m allowed to feel sympathy aren’t I?


bohanat, why question again?

Sorry what’s the point here? Just because it’s a premade doesn’t make them good. A group of random people that join a BG at the same time doesn’t mean they will all of a sudden work together and be coordinated.

This is nothing more than naming and shaming players of lower skill.

Just a noob trying to make himself feel beter by showing someone idling at the graveyard that pressed few buttons before dieing to pass time.

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Google maitoz twitch or monkeynews or tierra to see 100s of hours every week of <10min av wins