(A) Old Fart on Ravencrest

Lf a social or mature players guild. Tired of solo play, looking for a guild who are genuinely sociable and care more about the fun within the game. So I’m a returnee came back March last year after 7yr break. Looking for players who will genuinely try to involve others in their groups. Care more about the challenge and fun of playing than getting through content at 200mph. I love pve, dng, raids (but seldom good enough to get into raid teams). Battlegrounds can be fun. I have enjoyed some mythic+ runs and would like to do more. Main is an unholy dk but really enjoying prot paladin I’ve just levelled. If you think you have a guild which meets my needs drop me a line.

Hey there, we are a guild that does content together not just another version of /2! You would be more than welcome as a social.