A proposal to raise ones voice


There have been a lot of negative call-outs, unfriendly attitude, name-shaming, and other unhealthy behaviour within our community forums. In many ways, it has shunned people, novices and veterans alike, away whom would otherwise have been good companions in our endeavour to engage with our pass-time activity and hobbies. While I do realise, in retrospect, that this thread can be seen as a form of name-calling and shaming, and in many ways am opposed to the idea of calling specific people out, staying silent and ignorant is perhaps a worse crime. A lot of harm in our worlds could have been averted if only the brave few stood up. However, a singular voice can not stand up alone. People need to recognise the voice, listen, and rise up among them.

I know this topic won’t do much in the grand scheme of things. More enjoyable topics will appear and trend actively with the player base that still visit the forums, and that is fine. The almost singular purpose to this thread is to simply raise the bar of having fun, and not to do so the expense of other people. And that is the issue I wish to raise awareness to, to stand up against, and hope that my voice is heard, and acknowledged. And thus, I delve into the topic of this thread.

I wish to decrease the amount of fun created at the expense of others, and raise the communal fun that we can have together. Already, there are plenty of initiatives on the forums and in-game that attempt to bring fun and enjoyment to people.

The Lakeshire Town Council sounds like it has amazing potential, and could do incredibly well if it remains on course.
The Slithering of Soggoth appears to me to be a well fleshed out, thoughtful community event.
The Tavern of the Mist Tavernship is a commendable initiative that brings fresh colour to an otherwise forgotten continent.
The AD Communities thread made by Gizlek proves that there are many groups eager to have new people join, and all in a well packaged topic.

There exists already many great undertakings that can blossom into fun, enjoyable, and importantly memorable days to come. And all of this comes at the expense of no one’s fun. (Or, I hope that is the case! Would be terrible for my argument if it did.)

However, I believe that we can do more. And thus, I bring the question to the forums, to the communities, discord servers, guilds, and the people. What can we do to make Argent Dawn a fun, enjoyable experience that doesn’t come at the expense of another person? I do acknowledge that, to many, the obvious reply would be to “Remove X from Y”, “Disband G”, or “Ignore A and H”. Or at least some variation on that topic. To preemptively answer these statements, the goal of this topic is not to remove people from what they have fun, but to engage with yourself in what you find fun. And if those three answers are the only viable ones, then I implore you to explore yourself deeper, and further analyse why or how you could further increase your own fun.

To close this up, I only wish that for myself, and others, to have fun. I don’t specifically want things to get better or worse, as I’ve found those terms to be far more subjective than the simple question of “Are you having fun?” And if the answer is no, then please, make it public or keep it private, explore what would make WoW RP more enjoyable.

Please, share your thoughts should you have braved the long-winded text, but it is a subject that I’m invested in changing into a more enjoyable experience, and I will actively continue to try and make the Forums, In-Game, and Communities a better, enjoyable place to have fun in.

Thank you for reading. This went on for a log longer than I thought it would.


stopping erp is a good start


The best start.

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This topic ultimately does much in the grand scheme of things, Cilestine. It’s always good to have somebody willing to say something positive when everyone else is too tired to do so. Obviously, this whole goblingate affair will just become another horsegate, i.e. something that is barely remembered, but it’s still nice of you to take the time to try and be positive. Rather than the content it’s the intention that matters.


I raise my voice about RP… i Resign Peacefully.


Exterminate child rp


I think this sums up the thread as a whole.

More serious answer though, some serious :poop: needs to be done about things like public ERP, the Goldshire infestation, child (E)RP, etcetera. They are blights on the community.
As long as these glaring issues are there, they are and always will be crushing peoples’ enjoyment of the game and the RP scene.


If you’re wanting to bring back more of the creativity and the fun that comes with it, one of the problems that arise every other month or sometimes twice in the same one is the drama surrounding any in-game situation. This can be ranging from some OOC powerplay that you didn’t like, targeted harassment, trolling ones even or ERP.

I feel like a lot of these can be sorted through in-game communication with one another or opening up a ticket so that a GM can be made aware of it and deal with it in an appropriate manner rather than bringing it into the forums.

It just tends to clutter up the forums for a bit, distracting others from what could some great guilds, events, campaigns or some form of roleplay that deserves the attention more so a lot of the times. Things like these have gradually strayed some people away from the forums too, it’s pretty much a life cycle of its own at this point in the sense; its posted, its ridiculed for a while until hardly remembered, its reported and eventually deleted. It’d be easier to just report what you see and move along.

I think if it was only the threads contributing to the roleplay productivity on the servers and the creativity in general. It’ll help push towards a state where people can just relax and enjoy themselves more so, without the fuss of having things like these on their mind.

I’ve always been of the mind set of wanting to see roleplay related threads at the top or just something that shines down some positive light on the server.


It is in these times that the community should feel responsible to do what nobody wants to do for the better of the community: Create a goblin priesthood to absolve the Horde of its sins and lead it into a morally white tomorrow.

Or a trading company that keeps opening shop at the most unlikely locations, selling guns, mines, flamethrowers, barbecue grills and fine leather jackets.

Would prefer seeing more goblin priests and shamans though. Especially priests.


I hope you enjoyed writing this, because I didn’t enjoy reading it. Consider the fact that ultimately, the time you have in life is finite, and you just spent some of it writing this, whilst I did, reading it. I just hope it was worth it for you.


In all seriousness- the realm changes itself, it’s attitude etc… stop being the one whom attempts to enforce “happiness “ on us with your boring doctrine.


no valrswrn u dn’ot understand we need to tell everyone else how to be happy because only our perspective of fun is true fun.

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Choose 1

I kid, of course, but there’s a chip of truth in the jestering too.

If you feel like you can’t find RP or the RP setting around you is being splintered or you have a negative view of the community, rather than looking at others and asking them to change (you can’t control them), why not look inward and see what can you do for yourself, and thus, for others?

Create events. Initiatives. Push through the negativity and criticism, evaluate it, learn from it, keep going until you’re satisfied and happy. That’s all you can do, and that (in my view) is the only thing you should do.

I mean, look at Perroy for example. Think what you will of him, but the truth is the guy has created RP around the server, without conforming to what some people think is appropriate or ok or how things should be ran and what you should be able to do etc: He wanted to see more central Horde RP? He created the HoC. He wanted to see his vision of elf rp? Highblood myrmidons.

He didn’t go crazily around the server trying to make others accept the way he likes things ran etc or trying to change the way how people do things. Instead, he focused on his own actions and own concepts, realized them, and through them, the server has changed in a view that he has wanted. Positively or negatively, that’s up to everyone to decide, but I think that he’s certainly had a lot better time and fun running his serverwide campaigns, events and guilds than most people moaning over why are their coalitions not working and if other people would just condone to this or that, people’d change.

If you find that you can’t find RP or other people aren’t at your wavelength or feel that everyone is out to get you and select few are your only friends, chances are that maybe you are just garbage yourself.

Not aimed at you as a personal attack btw, I’m just speaking in general about the issue.

Agreed. I’m strongly in favor of outing these people and calling them out for what they’ve done. Asking them to change won’t do a thing, therefore shunning them away from the communities and RP circles is the only way to either force them away or to change into what is appropriate in a 12+ game.


While I agree, I also know that will never be accomplished, unfortunately.

Unfortunately when you’re part of such a wide and varied community of people, with over hundreds of different voices, different opinions, all scrambling to get heard - drama and incidents happen. There’s ways we can minimalise the damage, but you can never truly prevent it or get rid of it fully. All we can do is hope that the forum moderators will perhaps get better at acknowledging the topics that stir the pot, so to speak.

Contribute positively to the community with ideas, engagement and good RP. Be considerate towards other players. Exchange ideas, promote healthy discussions, try to understand the other person’s views. Don’t be an RP elitist. No one likes elitists.

Just a few ideas.


But that’s hard and requires effort.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? “True fun?” Is there some level of classification of what kind of fun there is? Am I missing something here?

I would like to thank everyone who has posted so-far, for both keeping the thread largely on topic, and providing valuable feedback.

I would be lying if I said that some posts here didn’t have an affect on me as several posters here raised compelling points and arguments. Keeping them in mind, I am rather uncertain on how I should best accomplish the goals and desires I have set before me. Often times, I feel as if my efforts fall on deaf ears and unwilling hearts, but that is a topic not really worthy of a forum reply.

I do hope that this thread won’t become an echo-chamber of repeated ideas and mission goals that ultimately end up in nothing. I know that I will take the advice given here and attempt to put them to a test. Future plans and initiatives that may do good to our community.

At any rate, I am rambling. Thank you all again for largely positive feedback and pointers.

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I’d like to give a shoutout to the Wun Dynasty Guild and their “Boralus Tavern Nights”, while they’re temporarely inactive in Boralus I appreciate that they have made an ongoing RP Hub within the current content and multiple events like the festive one they did in Stormsong Valley.

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