Still recruiting DPS.
Still-still recruiting DPS!
Hey, I was a member of raidplay back in legion during EN and NH. Would definitely consider joining back up for 9.1.
Damn times really have changed
We’re still recruiting - DPS and a backup healer/DPS.
What about faction? Is it Ally only? If so, any plans to start a Horde team?
We have concluded our last raid for the patch, and are now taking a 2 week break until our first 9.1 raid on the 13th. We’re still open for DPS friends to join us for that.
We are alliance only, with no plans to do anything Horde side. I’m sure there are raid groups not too different from ours that you can join up with over there, though I’m afraid I don’t keep up with the raid guilds on the other side.
We’re happily diving into Sanctum of Domination, advancing through the bosses. Still looking for more DPS to join us on our adventure.
As ever, we’re recruiting another DPS or two for the weekly raid. Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran, you’re welcome.
We continue to enjoy the new raid, and each other’s weekly company. The amount of groan-worthy “jokes” has successfully been lowered 15% since Castle Nathria, and with that improvement in work environment, we feel we can offer a good place for some new DPS of any sort.
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